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The Trojan Horse

The Greeks and the trojans had been at war for ten years, they
faced towards the middle of century XIII a. C. for the control of
the trade routes that led to the Black Sea

The exausted greek army was camped outside the city Troy,
when the Greek King Odusseus suddenly had a good idea. The
Greek King Odysseus knew that horses were sacred aimals to
the Trojans, so he decided to build a huge, holloww wooden
horse on wheels. A horse big enough for some of his soldiers ho
hide inside.

The horse was built and some of the soldiers climbed inside, the
others soldier set fire to the camp ad pretended they were gonin
to sal back home to Greece, defeated. In fact they hid nearby.
The Trojans, delighted that the Greeks had left, immediately
cameo ut of the city gates and found the horse. They werevery
curious Aspart of the plan, the Greeks had left behing one
soldier hinding near the horse. The Trojans son found him and
asked him about the horse. He said it was an offering to the
goddess Athena.

The Trojans tried to pull th huge horse into the city. However ,
it was so big that they had to tear down part of the city Wall to
get it in. They took it to temple of Athena, and had a big party
to celebrate victory over the Greeks and the end of the war.

Finally, everione was exhausted from all the party and they fell
asleep.Now the Greek soldiers crep out of the horse, they killed
all the guards on the walls and then signalled to the greeks on
the other side to attack Troy.
There was a bloody battle and the Greeks won easily. All the
Trojan men were killed, and the woman and children were
taken back to Greece as slaves.

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