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The origin of sushi

Sushi traces its origins back for millennia, to the rice fields of Asia – China, to be specific.
This may be shocking to you, as most people assume that sushi was first created in Japan,
also the sushi traces its original back to a Chinese dish called narezushi. This dish consisted
of fermented rice and salted fish. The dish´s earliest known origin was in the 2nd century BC
– so it predates refrigerators by nearly 2,000 years. Because of this, narezushi was a very
practical dish. The rice was fermented to preserve it, and the fish was also salted heavily to
prevent the growth of bacteria and microorganisms – keeping it fresh longer, even when
stored without any kind or refrigeration. And, interestingly, the rice was typically thrown
out when eating the fish. It was used only to wrap and preserve the fish.

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