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In order to connect to Team Viewer, the following generic accounts will be used: or

The password for both accounts is:


This will need to be completed for each agent, and for each of the 2 accounts available.

I suggest spreading the agents, and have couple agents on account #1 and others on account #2

2. At the first login, each user will need to enroll his device into the Team viewer management. In order to do
that, the Team Leader will need to approve the login for each agent (and for himself) at the first login.
3. First, the TL’s will need to login to COTE mailbox in OWA, and add the 2 shared mailboxes to their account:
a. Log in to with your COTE account:

b. Add the 2 shared mailboxes by right clicking the Folders , and select Add shared folder:

c. Here you will add the first email address - - and click Add.
d. You will repeat steps b and c for the also, so you will have both shares available:

4. After this, the agent will login to Team Viewer (locally on web-based portal), and if it’s the first time he logged
on his machine to one of the two accounts, the following message will be received:

5. At this step, the TL will need to check the shared mailbox correspondent to the account used by agent, SCC –
OOH 1 for and SCC – OOH 2 for , and you will need to
allow the device of the agent to be recognised by Team Viewer, by clicking “Add to trusted devices”
6. And Select “Trust”, making sure that “Yes, this device is selected”

7. The final confirmation will be received:

8. After this, the agent can login again with the same account he used the first time.

This will need to be completed for each agent, and for each of the 2 accounts available.

I suggest spreading the agents, and have couple agents on account #1 and others on account #2

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