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Alice in Wonderland LEWIS CARROLL Level 2 Retold by Mary Tomalin Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter Eseecht En snd Aue Conn ew Te prght© Pin ns a 4 ety Gopi a og ‘sth este CX Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 6 Chapter Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Activities Contents Down the Rabbit-hole Alice’ Tears ARace “The White Rabbits House ‘The Caterpillar ‘The Duchess and the Cheshire Cat ATea Party Inside the Garden Who Took the Tart ‘The End of the ial Page 10 1B 16 en ey 31 a8 2” Introduction This time the Cheshire Ca vanished quite slowly. Fist its body went, the its legs The all fit wished, and thee was only is smile “There ane a lt af cate without «sie, bur a smile without a cat! [Now that’: very sang!” Alice said ‘One hot summer day, Alice and her sister are sitting under a tee. Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it The rabbit goes down a ul Alice follows it. Down the rabbit-hole, everything is different. Alice is in ‘Wonderland’. Her size changes all che time. Caterpillars can talk and rabbits have watches. The Queen wants to cut off everybodys head, When the Queen sees the Cheshire Cat, she vant to cut off the Cats head too, But there’ a problem. The Cheshire Cat hasn't got a body... What strange things happen to Alice, Wonderland? And how will she get back home again? rbit-hole hares Dodgson was born in 1838, He went to Oxfon University al then he was a teacher there, He was a quiet man and did not talk to people easly. He wrote Alice in Wonderland in 1865. For him, Alice in Hinderand was not an important book, s0 he dd not use his name for the book. He used the name Lewis Carroll But the book sold very well and it was quickly very famous. At that time, children’, books always tried to teach something. Lewis Caroll did not ery to teach anything, He only wanted to tell a wonderfl story Carroll wrote a second story about Alice in 1871. He died in 1898. Today, Alle in Winderlond is one of the most famous children’ stories inthe world. Ac of dubs Knave of hans Queen of hearts Thee of diamond King of diamonds Seven of spades Chapter 1 Down the Rabbit-hole Alice and her big sister sit under a tree one sunny dy Alice’ sister had a book, but Alice had nothing with her. She looked at, het sister’ book. There were no pictures or conversations init Why is she reading a book without pictures or conversations?" she thought. “Tm bored. | know! Tl look for some flowets? Then she thought, No, its too hot for that and L feel sleepy! Suddenly, a white rabbit ran past her. Ie cook a watch from its jacket and looked tit." Oh! Oh! Fm going to be late!" ie said. That’ strange! A rabbit with a watch!” aid Alice She jumped up and ran afer the animal. [eran down a large rabbit-hole,so Alice went down the hole too. She didn’t stop and ask," How am [ going to get out again? Alice fell down and down, But she fll very slowly and didn’ feel afraid, What's going She looked round. There were cupboard in the walls of the 10 happen next?” she wondered rabbit-hole. Some of the cupboards were open, and there were books in thei. Sometimes she saw pictures. She looked down, but she couldn't see any light Down, down, down, ‘When will the hole end?” she ‘wondered. “Pethaps I'm going to come out in Australia! PU have to ask the name of the country." Please, madam, is this Australia cor New Zealand She thou they remember her milk tonight? Oh, Dinah! Why aren't you hhere with me? Perhaps there’ a mouse here and you can eat it! No, cant do that. They'll think I'm stupid he about her cat, Dinah.’ What's Dinah doing? Wall "That bole was 0 on the table bere dough Ale Suddenly, Alice was at the bottom of the hole. “That didn’t Inurt? she said and sat up quickly. She could see the White Rabbit and she ran after him again, They were in a different ‘abbit-hole now. 1-miy cars and nose!” the White Rabbi cried. "Ie getting He ran faster and vanished through another hole. Alice followed him through the hole, Now she was in a very long, room, She looked round for the White Rabbit, but she coul see him anywhere, ‘There were four doors in the room, but Alice couldn't open them, Ako, she couldn't see the hole anywhere." How am I going to get out?” she wondered ‘Then she saw a ltde tale. Ie had a very small key on it Perhaps it will open one of the door, she thought. She took the key and wed to open each door with it. But it was no good. “The key was too small. “This key has to open something’ she thought. Then she siw a very small door about 40 centimetres high The litle key opened it, She put her head down and looked through the door into a beautifil garden. She tried co walk through it, bur she was to0 big. Sadly: she shut the door again and put the key back on the tble ‘Why cant I get smaller?" chought Alie. This sa very strange place —so pethaps Fc She looked atthe table, There was a litte bottle on it, “That boule was nor thought Alice. ‘The bottle had "DRINK ME” on i in lange letters. Alice Looket ly “Ist allright to drink?" she wondered, “TI drink a lite? she thought. She had some and it was very So she had some mor the table bet “This feels strange? std Alic.'I'm getting smaller and small!” After a short time, she was only 25 centimetres high. “Now I can go through that door’ she thought. She went to the door, but could not open it. The key was on the table. She went back to the table, But Alice was too short and she couldn't age the key. She tried to climb the table legs, but it was (0 dificult: The litle gel sat down and cried. ‘Alice! Alice!” she sad after some minutes."Don' ery Ie isnt 10 help you, Stop now! ‘Then she saw a litle box under the table. She opened it-There ‘was a cake inside, On ishe saw the words," EAT ME" ‘Ys, I will eat it Alice said.“ Perhaps I'l get bigger and then [ 1 get the key, Or perhaps Wl get sialler. Then I ean get under the door into the garden, She ate some cake \Will I go up or down?” she wondered, She el the top of her head with her hand, But nothing happened she stayed the same size, So she finished the cake oi Chapter 2 Alice’s Tears ‘Ob! Whats happening?” cried Alice. ‘I'm getting taller and taller!” She looked down. “Goodbye, feet! Who will put your shoes on for you now? ean'e do i! I'll give you some new shoes for Christmas. ' have to send them to you! shor time, Alice was more than three metres high ‘want to go into that ganden!” she thought. She took the litte key from the table. Then she went to the door and opened it But she was too big and couldn't go through ie She sit down and began to ery again, Because she was very y big too, In big, her tears were ver “Alice, stop it this minute! Don't ery!” she sid a [But she couldnt stop the big tears and after a time there was water everywh She heard the sound of smal feet. She looked down and there was the White Rabbit again, Hee had his best clothes on, and in cone hand he had a white hat. *Oh,the Duchess, the Duchess!” he said.Shell be angry with sme because Pm late! Alice wanted to ask him for help." Please, Sir ~ she said very politely ‘The White Rabbit jumped. He ran out of the wom and his that fel fron his hands, Alice took the hat, ‘Am I different?” she wondered. “I was Alice yesterday, but 1 today. Pethaps Fmt noe me now: So who arn 1? Thats the question She began to think about her friends, “Peshaps I'm one of them she thought.‘I'm not Ada because her hair is diffe mine. [ don’t want to be my friend Mabel, because she doesn't know very much. know mote than she does? Then she thought, “Do Tknow more? Let me see, Whats four and four? Bight. Eight and eight is sisteen, Sixteen and sisteen is ... Oh! [can't remember!"And she started to ery everything is lifer But ehis time her tears were small tears ~ she was small again! Why?” she wondered, Then she understood, She bad the White Rabbit hatin her hand. “Lm smaller because I've got the hat in my hand!” she thought. She pur the hat on, fe was the right size for her head, ‘Am I smaller than the table now?" she wondered, She went to ler than the table. getting smaller ll the time!” she cried."I'm going to vanish!” She sickly took the hat off the table and stood next to it She wus s “Now Les nd she started she fll into nd but she {20 into the garden!” thought Alice to run to the little door. Buc before she gor the some water. She tried eo put her feet on the gro ‘couldn't She had to swim. 'm in the sea!” she thought. Bue it wasnt the sea. The water was her tears, Something was in the water ~ Alice could hear it.*erhaps i a big fish or sa animal; she thought, She looked round. There, very near her, was a mouse TIL speak 0 it) thoughe Alice. “Everything is strange here Perhaps it can speak and underscand me? “Oh Mouse! she sii, “Do you know the way out of this room?" The Mouse didn’t answer. Perhaps it doesn't understand English, Pethaps its a French ‘mouse’ Alice thought. She remembered some words fom her schoolbook, so she spoke to the mouse in French. ‘Where is my eat?"she asked, The Mouse moved quickly way from her ‘Oh, I'm sorry? said Alice. “I forgot. You're a mouse, so you don’t ike eas Don't like eas! cried the mouse."T'm a mouse. OF course I like eats! “No! Alice said, No. But [ think you will ike Dinah. She is a dear thing, She’ very quiet and good, She catches a mouse every dy ~ Oh! You'e angry again! We won't talk about Dinah any more ~ “ Hel’ eried the Mouse.“1 never speak about cats! Our family hhaes cats! I don’t want to heat a “No, no! sul Alice quickly." Perhaps — perhaps you like dogs? ‘There’.a very nice like dog near our house. Te ikes playing with childgen but i€ works too, 1 kill all he m ~ Ob! Pm sorry! dos note about them 6 “The Mouse looked angrily at her and swam quickly away, “Dear Mouse!” said Alice sofly. ‘Come back again and we ‘won't talk about cats or dogs! When the Mouse heard this, c turned round, It swam slowly back, “Al righ it sad. TH talk to you, but lees ger out of the ‘They climbed out and Alice looked round. There were a lot of animals and birds in the water. When they saw her, ehey got ‘ut ofthe water too, Chapter 3. A Race Alice and the binds and an spoke to Alice. ‘Good afternoon! it said loudly. Lam the Dodo? “What is a Dodo?" thought Alice, but she smiled police Hello, Dodo, Fm Alice’ she sii “Lave an idea, sid the Dodo,‘ We all want to get warm. So nals fle cold and wee.The largest bird let's have a race ~ a Caueus race “What isa Caucus race?” Alice asked. ean tell you. said the Dodo,’ but I won't. show you! That will be easier ‘He pt the animals and bieds in different places in the room Ina race, somebody usually sys," One, ovo, three, go!” But the oslo didn’t do that. Everybody started to run at differ and stopped at different times too. After half an hour, the Dodo cried, Everybody stop!” All the birds and animals stopped. Then they all came to the Dodo and stood round it." Who was frst? Who wa frst?” they shouted. ‘The Dodo had to think about it. He sit for a long time with his finger in his mouth, Then he said, “Everybody was frst. So everybody ean have a chocolate” What i. Canes re? Alice asked. “But who will give us the chocolates?" the Mouse asked * She will! the Dodo sid and looked at Alice. The birds and animals came and stood rounkl Alice ‘Chocolates, chocolates!" they cried. ‘What am 1 going to do?” thought Alice.“I haven't got any chocolates! Bue then she siw a box of chocolates near he fet. F ‘chocolate for each bird and animal ‘we ate! she sid, and opened the box. There was one But Alice has eo have something, you know’ sid the Mouse ‘OF course! the Dodo answered. He turned to Alice.‘ What ‘can you have?" he asked, Tean have the box: sid Alice sadly. Give it to me; sid the Dodo and Alice gave it to him, They all stood round Alice again, and the Dodo gave her the bos, Please take this beautifal box he si This is very stupid thought Alice and she wanted «0 laugh But she didn’ She took the box and smiled poicel The animals and binds ate their chocolates noisily, Some of thei cried. The big animals and birds wanted more, But the chocolates, were too big for che sinall birds, and they had to eat them very slowly: When they finished their chocolates, they sit and looked at Alice ‘Oh, where is Dinah said Alice."T want her sth me And who is Dinah?" the Dodo asked Alice loved to talk about her cat."Dinah our cat, She’ very nie. And very clever and fast. She can catch a mouse in the ‘morning for her breakfist and a lite bird in the evening for her dinner ~ Oh! I'm sorry! Te was too late. The birds al animals started leaving. One old bird said,'T really have to go home, It gets so cold at night! Another bied called to her children,’ Come away, my dears! Ie time for bed!" ‘They all spoke politely to Alice and let the room. ‘Oh, why did alk about Dinah?" cried Alice.” Nobody likes Dinah down here, but she’ the best eatin the world. Pehaps TL never see her again!” She sat down and started to cry again. Afer a time, she heard the sound of small fet and looked up. Perhaps its the Mouse, she though. Chapter 4 The White Rabbit’s House Te was not the Mouse. It was the White Rabbit. He came slowly “Oh, my ears and nose! he sad quietly “The Duchess! The Duchess! She'll be angry! They'll cutoff my head, I know! Ob, where is it2 Where did it fll? “He looking for his hat thought Alice. She wanted to help him, but she couldn't see he bat anywhere, She looked round, Everything was different now. She wasn't in the long room any more, and eh She was outside agin, ay: The White Rabbit sw her. ‘What are you doing out her, Mary Ann?" he asked angrily“ Rum home this minute and bring, hat. Quiek, now! e was no table or Alice did't sy"T'm not Naty Ann’ She fle 00 affid. She ran fist and afier a short time, she came to a pretty litle house. Above the the word" w. RaBUTT",She went in and ran door we ip the stairs This is very strange’ she thought."I hope I don't meet Mary Ann, Why am 1 bringing a rabbic his hae? Perhaps when T get ww home, ll do things for Dinah. Perhaps Ul watch mouse-holes, for hee!” ‘She went into a small oom. There, on a table, was a hat and a lite bottle. Alice took the hat and looked at the bottle. It didn’t have the words ‘DRINK ME" on it, but she drank from i “L know something interesting will happen. she thought ‘When [eat or drink something here, it always docs. hope I get bigger ths time. I don't ike being small ‘She drank half ehe bottle. "Ob, I'm getting much taller!” she cried.’Oh!" Her head hit the top of the house and she put che tle down quickly. ‘Oh no!” she thought."l hope I don't get eller! She sat down, But afer a very short time she was too big for the room. She had to put one arm our of the window and one foot in the fireplace, can’t do any more’she thought.’ What will happen t0 ‘She waited for some time, but she didn’t get big ‘Well, chars good she thought. But th and coulda’. She di Tm never going to get out of he nicer at home. Firs ge ‘Oh, why did { go down the rabbit-hole? Bur i¢ i interesting here. Perhaps somebody will write a book about this place ~ and about me! Pethaps Twill, when Um bigger? ‘Then she remembered."But I'm big She heard somebouly outside. Mary Ann, Mary Ann! Where are you? Bring me my hat!" The words came from the garden, outside the window: It was the White Rabbit. n she tried to move n't feel well and she was very unhappy he thought. Te was much ot lange, then I get salle, then larger ne inside and fan up the sais to the room. He tried to ‘open the door. But he couldn’ because Alice’ back was next 1 climb in through the window’ the Rabbie sid. “Oh no, you won't thought Alice. She waited and listened ‘One of her arms was outside the window: When she could hear the Rabbit outside the window, she moved her arm up and dow There was a litle ery at, Pat, where are you? Come here!"shouted the Rabbit *Coming, Sin! somebody’ ~ oF something ~ answered. What’ that in the asked the Rabbit. lesan “Don't be stupid! How can it be an “eis very big, but ies an arm ‘Well, what’ it doing up ther nary. ‘Alice moved her arm 3 Everything was quiet for a short time, ¢h her arm, “That hure!" said Alice. Something came through the window and fll on the floor Alice looked down, Ie was a litle cake, “Aca ‘Then she thought,’ ea it and perhaps Il get smaller aga I ca’ get bigger!” So she ate the cake and two oF three minutes later she was small again. She ran oe of the house as quickly as indow? 1m, Sir? Pat answered Is t00 big! away! aid the Rabbit in. Now there were «wo litle cries, n something hard hit thy di they throw a cake?” she wondered. she could. "The White Rabbit sw h fie for him. Afer some time, she came (© a wood. She was tired because she was very small now: have to get bigger again’ said Alc ‘or drink something, but the q ‘That snis the question, She looked all round her, but she couldn't see anything with "EAT ME’ of "DRINK ME! on it. There ‘were some mushrooms near her. Some were white and some ‘were brown, He ran after her but Alice ran too But how? | have to eat stion is — what?” “1 eat mushrooms for dinner’ she thought. "Til eat some mushrooms and perhaps I'l get bigger again’ ‘One white mushroom was as big as Alice. She stood up tall and looked over the top. There, on top of the mushroom, was a large green nerpilla Chapter 5 The Caterpillar ‘The Caterpillar looked at Alice for some time before it spoke ‘Then it said slowly, “Who are you?” Ie was a dificule question. "I ... 1 don't really know, Sir? Alice said, Twas Alice when 1 got up this morning. Bue then 1 changed — and then I changed again ~ and again! "What do you mean?” the Caterpillar asked. I don't know Alice answered," You see, I'm not me now’ “Ldo erpille Tl try and tell you, sid Alice." You see, I change all the ime es very dificult for me “Why? I ean change very easily! “Well, perhaps its not difficult for you, but itis for me ssid Alice. “For yow? Who are you?" said the Caterpillar and laughed. Alice fele angry. “It asked me that question before’ she thought. She stood very tll and sad," will tell you, but first, you tell me. Who ate you?" "Why do I have co tell you?” asked the Caterpillar This was another difficult question and Alice could not “This caterpillar isn't very ft walked aay: "understand! said the C idly’ she thought. So. she The Caterpillar oobed at Alc or some tne bere spoke “Come back!" the Caterpilla calle. something important’ Alice turned and can Don’t get angry! said the Caterpillar “Is that ll? "Alice asked. She fle vo angry with the Caterpillar “No! sti the Caterpillar Ik did not speak for some minutes, ehen it said, ‘So you're diferent, are you?” “Yes, Lam, Sir nav and my size changes all the time. Sometimes I get bigger and then I get smaller ain? “So you can't remember things’ said the Caterpillar." Try this Repeat, Alice pus her hands behind her back and repeated: want to tell you back again id Alice" can't remember Vw ane od, Father William,’ she young mua sad “And your iris now very whites ‘So hyo you oie stand om your head — a yo sink at your age tis right ?* Vow are ol, Father Willian, dhe young man said, ‘Yow are old aad rely quite a: ut you jump op and dw and ts rowed aed rnd, [Now wha isthe answer to that?” That isnot right, said the Caterpillar. “L know. Some of the word ate diffe fiom beginning to end said the Caterpillar. It was ‘quiet for atime. Then i asked," What size would you like o be?” “Tike to be taller suid Alice. Seven centimetres i 00 small. “Seven centimetres is a very good size? said the Caterpillar It stood up very el Ik a good size for you, but not for me! sid Alice. And she ‘thought, Why does ic get angry all the time?” 15 The Caterpillar was qu down ehe musheoom, “Eat fom my mushroom and you'll get, bigger. Eat from that brown mushroom there and you'll get smaller it said. Ie sarted to move away. minute later, it vanished behind a flower and Alice never sw i again, et for some minutes. Then it climbed + Alice looked at the two mushrooms and thought for a minute Then she went ¢0 the Caterpillt’ some of it with her right hand, She went to the brown tmshmoom and did the same wih her left hand, mushroom and broke off She ate some of the brown wshroom, Suddenly, her head hie her foot. “Oh! she eried, “Vm really small! She quickly ate a litle from the white mushroom in her let hhand. She started to get bigger. She ate some mote, and got very tallThen she ate some fiom one hand and some from the other. Ina short time, she was her right size again, She fle quite strange." What shall I do now? she wondered.“ know 'ook for thae beauifal girden: She began to walk through the wood. Aer some time, she ‘ame to alittle house. Ie was about one metre high, le mn 100 big’ Alice thought. "The people in the house will be afaid of me, know! I'L et some of the brown, Ve go insi snwshroom.) ‘When she was 18 centimetres high ‘She opened the door and wens in 1 she walked t0 the house Chapter 6 ‘The Duchess and the Cheshire Cat Inside, lange, ugly woman sat with a baby in hee arms. There was 2 cook by the fire and there was food on the table, Neat the fre, 16 there was a large cat witha big smile, This smile went from eat car on its face. I think tha woman is the Duchess? thought Alice.*Can gis speak to Duchesses?* she wondered. But the Duchess did not say anything (0 her, so Alice asked, Please, why is your eat sm “Because its a Cheshire Pat thats why! said che Duchess *So Cheshire Cats can smile. didn't know that said Alice. You don't know misch, sid the Duchess “That not very polit’ thought Alice. She started to say something. Suddenly, the cook dhrew a plate ut the Duchess. The Duchess didn't move.The cook threw more things — plates, cups, spoons. Some of them hit the Duchess and the baby. The Duchess did nothing, but the baby started tory. “Oh, don't throw things at the baby!” eried Alice.“ You'll hit its preaty nose! ‘You be quiet, it ist’ your baby!" the Duchess shouted. She began to sing to it These were the wonds ofthe song: Be amery with your He boy And it io we he ries: Ht has to know that he acl, He's rally nor your ‘The cook sang the song too, When they finished, they sang it agin. The Diaches started to throw the baby up and down. At the end ofthe song, she threw the baby to Alice. “Here, you ean have it now she sad. "T have to get ready. mi going to sve the Queen, “The cook threw another phate at the bout she left the room quickly. hess It didn't hit her, Alice looked atthe baby: It was a strange litte thing and not ve pretty. She took it outside. ‘Tl have to take this child away from haere, or they'll kill il” she thought. The baby made a stange Title sound and she looked at it again. us nose i changing!” she cried. She looked at it very carefily. "Ts fice is changing, everything is changing! Ob! Its not a baby any more, ita pig! le was ty strange, but the baby was now a pig, What am 1 going to do with it? Alice thought. The pig in ‘male another, louder sound. Alice put the litte animal dow it an happily away into the wood. “Ie wasn't a prety baby, but its quite a precy pig’ thought Alice ‘She looked round her and jumped. The Cheshire Cat was up in fone of the trees. Phe Cat smiled at Alice It Jooks kind, but perhaps it will ot angry: They all get angry in this place’ thought Alice. So she spoke to it very politely. “Cheshire Cat, dear! she si. The Cats smile got bigger. Please, can you help me? I want to go somewhere nev! ssl Alice Where do you wi g0?" asked the Cat “Somewhere different’ Alice sid “Somewhere different; repeated the Cat. It thought for a ‘minute or two.Then it said,’ Walk thar way and you'll come to a house. A man lives there, Hle makes hats and he's very strange. We call him the” Mad Hatter “Bue I don't wan to met astra TThe cat didn't answer her. Ie said," Walk this way and you'll find the March Hare. He’ stange to: “Buc [told you, don’t want to meet strange animals xe man said Alice. Is “Oh, you can't help that mn strange. You'e strange “How do you know U'm strange?" asked Alice the Cat sid. “Everybodys strange here. Pen very strange. laugh when I'm sad, and Tery when T'm happy. Thats strange. Are you going to see the Queen today ?She' quite “Ti like to see the Quee ssid the cat. We're all srange here. “OF course you ar Alice said “but I haven't got an “You'll see me in the Queens garden; said the Cheshire Cat, and vanished, “That strange, but not vy strange! thought Alice. She waited for two minutes, and the Cat came back again, “What happened eo the baby?" asked, “Ie changed into a pig’ Alice said “Lknew ie!" stid the Cat and vanished again, Alice stayed under the tee for a shot ti he thought, But it didn’. “Think I'll go and visit the March Hare said Alice. She stated to walk to his home. After some minutes, she heard a sound. She looked up, and there was the Cheshire Cat in a tree ~ a diferent tee. ethaps ic will come back again 2 asked the Tat Yes! Alice answered. Then she stid, “Cheshire Cat, one there again. 1 “Did you say pi mute you vanish and the next minute you! don't like it | know’ said the cat.And this time ie vanished quite slowly. Fire its body went, then its legs-Then all oft vanished, and there was oly its smile, "There area lot of cats without a smile, but a smile without 3 cat! Now thats very strange!” Alice said. 1” “Wee all samge here. Pm strange owe sane Slowly, the Cheshire Cat’ smile vanished too, and Alice began to walk again. She saw the March Hare’ house through the trees. 1 was bigger than the Duchess house. Alice ate some of the white mushrooms. She got bigger again, Ina short time she was about 60 centimetres high, She el afraid, but walked to the house. hope the March Hare isn't oo strange’ she though Chapter 7 A Tea Party ‘There was a te in front of the house, Under the toe was a big table with a Jot of chairs round it, But chere were only the table: the Mad Hatter, the March Har ‘mouse.'The Mouse sat between the Mad Hatter and the March and 4 large brown Hare. Ie was asleep, so they talked over its head, ‘When they saw Alice, they cried," No, no, you can’ sit here! ‘There isn'ta place for you! “There ae a lot of places? Alice said. She sat down in a chaie at cena of the table Have some wine’ the Mad Hatter suid politely Alice looked round the table but there was only te, “Ldon'c see any wine, she answered, ist any! said the March Hare n why did you say, "Have some win polite of you’ Alice said angrily We didnt invite you to tea, but you came, That wasn’ very polite of you’ said the March Hare No, it wasn't, Cut your hair!" sid the Mad Hatter. ‘Oh, be quiet’ sid Alice ‘The Mad Hatter opened his eyes very wide, but he stid nothing. Then he took out his wateh atd looked at it" What day is it?" he asked 1 wasn’t very Alice thought for a litle." Wednesday, I think; she sid My watch says Monday’ the Mad Hatter said." You see, I was right. Butter isn't good for a watch’ He looked angrily at the March Hare “Blut it was the best butter” answered the March Hire “Yes, but you put it in with the bread knife. Pethaps some bread gor in! ‘The March Hare took the watch from the Mad Hatter and looked at it sadly. Then he put it in his tea. He took it out and, looked at it again." was the best butter, you know he repeated Alice looked at the watch."ItS a strange watch! she said. "Te tells you the day, but it doesnt tell you the time? "So? Does your watch tell you the year?" asked the Mad Hat No Alice answered, "but it the sme year fora very Jong time? “And my watch doesnt tell the time because its always “Have some win the Maud Hatter said politely. Alice thought about tha. I don't really understand you, she sid politely. She looked round the table. There were a lot of teacups on the table "We move from place to place’ sad the Mad Hatter. “Don't you wash the cups?” asked Alice “No, we don't have time’ said the Mad Hatter. “Why not?” asked Alice sa long story’ sid the Mad Hatter. “Time was my fiend, you see. But he and I aren’ friends now, So he doesn anything for me, And I don’t havetime for anything” “1 see} said Alice and smiled politely. But she didn't really understand. “Ob, look! The Mouse is aslep again’ said the Mad Hatter. He took his teacup and put a lite hot tea on the Mouse’ nose, It ‘woke up and sarted to sing ‘Be quiet!" the Mad Hatter sid very loudly, and the Mouse stopped singing. Have some more tea the March Hare said to Alice “Thank you, bu I haven't gor any tea.So how can Ihave some * You ca have more, the Mad Hater said. You can have more than nothing? “don't think ~ "Alice began. "Then don’ speak’ the Mad Hatter said Alice got up angrily and walked away from the table into the woods, “Perhaps they'll call me back; she thought. “And then they'l bbe nice to me and give me some tea and bread-and-butter’ But they didn’t say anything. ‘When she looked back, the Mouse was asleep with its head on its plate. “TI never go. there again; Alice said. “That was a stupid tea pay!” She looked round and saw a door in one of the tees.“A door in a tree? That’ strange!” she thought. And she opened the door and ‘went inside ‘Oh, good!” she cried. She was back in the long rom, near the litle able! 'm small now I can get through the little door into the garden ‘The key was on the table. She took it and opened the litle door. Then she ate some of the brown mushroom, She started t0 _gct smaller. When she was abou 30 centimettes high, she walked through the door into the garden, Chapter 8 Inside the Garden Near Alice was a small ree with flowers on it, There were thre sgrcdeners by the te. “Be carefil, Five! "one of them sad “1m aos careful, Seven answered Five Alice went to them." What are you doing?" she asked "We're making the flowers red’ one of the gardens sai. ‘That’ strange!” thought Alice." Why she asked. ‘The three men looked unhappy, ‘You tell her, Seven, Five said “No! sad Seven, You tell her, Two! “Well, Mis, the Queen wanted trees with red flowers on them, But this tee’ got white flowers! We don want the Queen to sce it. She'll be very angry and cut off our heads, So we're raking the flowers red before she ses them, “Oh no!” Five shouted suddenly. The Queen! The Que 24 ‘Tom always care, Seven, answered Five The dee ganleners fell to the ground, with their faces down. Alice heard the sound of many feet and turned round. ‘Oh good !'she thought.*Now I'l see the Queen! First, ten men with clubs in their hands came into the ganten, Next came the King’s men. here were ten of them, and they had ted diamonds on their clothes. The children of the King and ‘Queen came next all with red hears. Afier them there were a lot more people. Most of them were Kings and Queens. The White Rabbit was there, but he didn't see Alice. The Knave of Hears, came next Last of all were the King and Queen of Hearts When these people saw Alice, they all stopped. The Queen said to the Knave of Hears," Who is this?” The Knive of Hearts didn’t know. So he smiled and said nothing. *Seupid man!” shouted the Queen. She turned to Alice and ssid,’ Whats your name, child?” * My name is Alice, Madam Alice answered. She didn't fel very aftaid of the Queen, "They'ee only cand) she thought “The Queen looked atthe gardeners. They were on the ground nd she couldn't see their faces." Who are these men?” she asked. Don’t ask me! I don’t know answered Alice, not very politely ‘The Queen's fice got redder and redder. She looked at Alice and shouted,’ Cut off her head! Cut “Oh, be quiet!” said Alice. ‘The Queen stopped shouting. The King put his hand on her arm, He ssid quietly Don't be angry, my dear. She’ only a child ‘The Queen turned away from hima angrily.“Turn those men ‘overl'she stid to the Knave of Hearts The Knave did this very carfally, with o “Get up!” the Queen shouted, © foot 6 ‘She looked at Alice and shouted ut off her heal!” The three gardeners jumped up. The Queen turned co the lite tree and looked at it carefilly. Whats wrong with these flowers?’ she asked the gardeners. "Well, you see, M.— M_— Madam, said Two." They were white, and — and ‘The Queen looked from the flowers to che men. I see’ she ssid.“ Cutoff their heads!” Everybody sarted walk “Help us!" they cried. Alice put them beh “Don't be afraid? she said. “They'te not going t0 your heads The King’ men looked for the gardeners bat couldn’ find them, “Are their heads off?" shouted the Queen. “Yes, Madan, shouted the Kin “Goo! shouted the Queen. again, The gardeners ran to Alice J some tees oft Everybody stared walking again and Alice walked with them, “es a very fine day’ somebody said. Aice turned round and there was the White Rabbit next to her. Very! sid Alice," Where the Duchess?” “ Quice!’ said the Rabbit and looked all round him, Then he put his mouth near to Alic head!” he said. Why ?*asked Alice “Did you s “No, I didn’t. sid." “She hie the Queen’ the Rabie sid, Alice started to laugh. Quiet!’ said the Rabbit again. “The Queen will hear you. she hears everything. You see, the Duchess came late, When she arrived, the Queen said Suddenly, the Queen shouted very loud" Cut off their heads Who's going to lose their head now?" Alice wondered. She cat." They'te going to cut off her ced che White Rabbit, ey began to feel afiaid. “The Queen isn't angry with me now! she thouight."But it will happen. [ould like to speak to somebody abou it She looked round. The White Rabbit wasn't there. She looked ‘up. There was something above her head, ‘What isi?" she wondered, She watched for a minute oF wo, Ie was a smile! “Tes the Cheshire Cat! she ehought.‘Now Lean talk co somebody! “How are you? the Cheshire Cat asked Alice waited, She thought," won't speak to it before it has its ‘ears ~ oF perhaps one ext In another minute, she could see its ears and eyes, “Do you like the Queen?” the Cat asked, 1 don't sacl Alice. But then she aw the Queen. She was very ssid Alice. The Queen smiled and moved away. But the King siw the Cats head and came to Alice ‘Who are you taking to?" he asked. Is. friend ~ a Cheshire Cat! answered Alice ‘The King looked careflly atthe Cat.*T don't lke it! sid che near Alice. She’ wonderful Well, dont like you? sid the Cat “Thats not polite; sid the King and got behind Alice. Alice sid,*A cat can look at a King. U read that in a book, 1 think Wel, this cat has (0 go) sid the King, He called to the Queen," My dear, I dont like this ex The Queen had only one 1. Cut offs head” she shouted loudly. She didnt look at the Cat, The King smiled nswer to probe api: After a short time, there were a lot of people round the Cat. There was the King and Queen, and a man with a very long, kite in his hand, “How cat I cut off is head?” asked the man with the knife." cane do it and ‘m not going to! “Oh yes you are’ said the King “Its gor a head, so you can cut ie oft “Do something now, oF ll cutoff everybody's head!” sad the Queen angrily “What do you think?” the King asked Alice. Alice thought for a minute,"Then she said, Its the Duchesss Cat, Ask her about i “Bring the Duchess here’ the Queen sid ‘Then the Cheshire Cats c hack with the Duchess. Buc now chere was nothing above head started to vanish. Somebody Alice’ head — not an eye of an ear of a smile, The King looked for the Cat for some time, but he couldn find i anywhere Come for a walk, you dear thingy the Duchess said 10 Alice She put her arm through Alice's and they walked through the warden, “She's very fiendly t© me’ thought Alice.“Perhaps when the cook isnt there, she nice, When J'n a Duchess, Pm goi kind to my children: “Are you thinkin ime, you know “AL right! said Alice, She could hear the Queen at the other end of the garden, ‘Cut off her head! Cut off his head!” she shouted, ever g to be asked the Duchess. “You have to tak t0 ‘ovo oF three minutes ‘Will they cut off your head?" Alice asked the Duchs “Oh no, they never cut off anybody's head The Queen likes saying it, but she never does i¢ Alice wanted to ask more questions but they heard a cry: “The til is beginning!” What tril is it?" Alice asked. The Duchess didn’t answer and started to un, Her arm was in Alice so Alice ran too. Chapter 9 Who Took the Tarts? Alice and the Duches followed everybody into a house with one. very large room. The King and Queen were there. They sat on big chairs above all the animals and birds All the cards were there too, Near the King was the White Rabbit. He had a paper in his, hand and looked very important. The Knave of Hearts stood i font of the King and Queen. He stood berwee his head was down, Ie was his tral In the middle ofthe room was, cable with a large plate of tats om it. Alice found a place and sat down, She looked round. 1 know a lot of the animals and birds here’ she thought. She looked ungrily atthe tars. “L hope they finish the trial quickly’ she thought." Th can eat the tart Suddenly, the White Rabbit cred,’ Quiet please!” ‘The King looked round the room." Read the paper!” he The White Rabbit stood up and read flom a very long paper: The Queen of Hess, she made some tars, One lovely sunny day The Knave of Hears, he tok hose ts, He wok then all awey ‘Ct off his hex!” cried the Queen. No, no! stid the Rabbit. “We have to call people into the room, and ask them questions! “Allright then, Call the Mad Hater!” said the King 3 The White Rabbit stood up and read fom a very Tong paper The Mad Hatter came into the room, He had a teacup in one hand and some bread-and-butter in the other hand "Why did you call me? I wanted to finish my tea’ he sad When did you begin your tea?" asked the King. ‘The Mad Hatter thought for a minute. The March Hare and the Mouse were quite near him and he looked at them for ideas. ‘Then he sid,’ March the fourteenth =I think? Fifteenth? sad the March Hare “Sinteenth’ std the Mouse, “Write that down sid the King to the White Rabbit. Then hie sid to the Mad Hatter, Take off your hat? Te n't mine? sid che Mad Hater. « 1.50 you took it from somebody, you bad man’ sad the No,no! [self ats, 'm a Hatter answered the Mad Hater. He looked very afta. “Don’t be affaid oF 1 cut off your head!” said the King, “Fim not a bad man!” the Mad Hatter eried."But the Match Hare told me — “I didn't!" the March Hate suid quickly “Well, the Mouse said..." The Mad Hatter stopped and looked at the Mouse. But the Mouse didn’t sy anything, because he was asleep, “Afior that! sai the Mad Hatter," cut son Durter “bur what did the Mouse ay?" asked the King. “Lean remember, the Mad Hatter sid You have to remember! the King stid,“or Tl cut off your e more bread-and: hea “Fim good man, Sir.” the unhappy Mad Hatter began. But the King wasn 33 the sid to the Mad Hatter. "The Mad Hatter ran out of the room. “Take his head off outside!” shouted the Queen. Two men ran after him. But the Mad Hatter ran very fist and they could not catch him, Alice did not feel very well, ‘Whats wrong. with me?* she wondered. And then she understood. I'm getting bigger agai she thought he was between the Duchess and the Mouse.’ You're hurting sme the Duchess sid. *Lean’t do anything, sai Alice." 'm getting bigger ‘You can't get bigger her! said the Mouse. “Yes, can’ said Alice." You'te geting bigger too! Yes, but not 36 fst 28 you, sid the Mouse. He got up andl sat different place, *Call the nest perion "said the King, “The next person came in. Ie was the Duchess’ cook, ‘The King looked at her. ‘What do you know about thes tarts?" he asked: The cook didn’t answer “Speak! sid the King. No!” said the cook ‘Ask her some questions! the White Rabbit sid to the King, All right all ight said the King,’ What was in those tars?” Fish; sid the cook. “Don't be seupi Alice looked round." Who can it be? "she wondered. ‘The White Rabbit looked at his paper and read the next said the King.’ Call the next person! rname:*Alice!” Chapter 10. The End of the Trial "Here!" cried Alice and stood up quickly: But she was ell now, and chairs, tales and people fell here, there and everywhere. “Pat everything and everybody back!” said the King loudly. Alice put them all back in their places. Then the King asked, “What do you know about these carts?” “Nothing! answered Alice. “That's very important’ sid the King * You mean, unimportant, Sir’ said ehe White Rabbit. “Unimportant — of course! said the King. ‘Important — ‘unimportant ~ important ~ unimportant’ he repented. He looked at Alice eareflly: He took a book and read from i. ‘Alice is more than a kilometre high, So she has to leave the room!" he sid Pim not ore than 2 kilomets ssid the King, * Mote chan two kilometres high’ sid the Queen. * Well, 'm not leaving this room suid Alice ‘The King’ face we Cut off her head!” shouted the Queen. Nobody moved *You stupid woman’ sad Alice. She was very large now and she wasnt affaid of anybody *Cut off her head!” shouted the Queen. “Don't be stupid!” Alice said, ‘Who’ aftad of you? Pn noe You're only cards!” The cards ~ all fify-two of them ~ came down on top of Alice. She fet affaid and angry and started to fight chem. Then, she opened her eyes high “Alice began “You a whit She saw a tree, big old tree. She was under it next to her sister. Her sisters hand was on her hair. 35 “The cand came dour on top of Alc. ‘Wake up, Alice dear! her sister sid. "You slept for a long. “Oh! sid Alice, and then she understood. She sa up and cold her sister about the White Rabbit and the rabbit-hole. When she Finished her story, her sister laughed, Let’ go home to tea she said." Is getting late? ‘Oh yes! Td like some tea!” cried Alice. And she got up and ran home ACTIVITIES Chapters 1-2 Before you read 1 Look at the Word List atthe back of the book. The words are alin the story 12 Which five words are for animals? bb Which oer things can you eat? {© Which word do you use forthe s2e of something? 4 What do you use when you open the door to your house? 2 Read the introduction to the book. How is Wonderland sierent from our wore? White you reac Put one word into each sentence ‘9 The White Rabbit takes a from ts jacket Ace falls very ‘down the rabbit hole, © There are four inthe long room. 4. Aice sees a beautiful ‘through the small door © Alce finds a key and a on the table {The eink makes Ace 19 The cake makes Aice Fh Ina short time, Ace than three metres high F Alice gets ‘again because she has the Write Rabbit's hat in her hand, 4. Answer each question with Yes or No. 2 Is the White Rabbit afraid ofthe Duchess? Is Alice afraid ofthe White Rabbit? {© Does Ace fllinto the sea? Is the Mouse angry with Alice? {© Ne there other people inthe water? Dolce and the Mouse get out ofthe water? »” ‘After you read '5 Discuss those questions. ‘2 What do you know now about Wonderland? 1b Alice fal dovin the rabbi-hole and arived in Wonderland. How {0 you thnk she will get home again? {6 Work with two other students. Have tis conversation, ‘Student A: You are Alice. Ask the White Rabbit and the Mouse ‘questions. Than answer their questions. Student B: You ae the White Rabbit, Answer Alice's questions Then ask her questions. ‘Student C: You are the Mouse. Answer Ace's questions. Then ask her questions. Chapters 3-4 ‘Before you read 77 Look atthe picture on page 8. Whats strange about the bird with ‘ice? {8 When the animals and birds climo out ofthe water, they are cold ‘and wet, How can they get warm? Think of some ides. White you rad 9 Who oesn'thave a chocolate? wants Dinah? wants ahat? doesn't want 10 meet Mary Aan? ‘wants to gt into the smal room? ‘eats another cake? ‘can't catch Aloo? is sting on a mushroom? 0 ‘Aer you read 40 Which ofthese people and animals does Alice mest in Chapters 3 ‘and 4? Wete (7) oF) Mary Ano the White Rabbit Dina the Dodo Pat the Mouse the Duchess the Caterilar 11 What do you know about the White Rabbit's house? 12 Answer these questions. 12 What size Ace tthe end of Chapter 4? 1b Why doesn't she tke that? {© What is she going to eat now? Chapters 5: ‘Before you res 19. Work wih another student, Have this conversation. ‘Student A: You are the Catepia, You are not polite. Ask ‘ice, ‘Who are you?! When she answers, ask more questions. ‘Student B: You are Alice. Answer the Caterpila's questions, Wile you rad 414 What happens fst? Number these sentences, 1-8 “The baby changes into a pig. ‘Alice eats the mushyooms. ‘Alice goes tothe March Hare's house. The Duchess throws the baby to Alice. ‘Alice meats the Cheshire Cat ‘Alice repeats, "You are ol, Father Willa, “The Duchess and the cook sng othe baby. ‘Alice finds a ite house inthe woods. 41 ‘Alter you read 48 Aro these sentences right (7) r wrong (x? ‘2 The Caterpilar sits under a mushroom. ‘Alice gets smal after she eats the brown mushroom. “The Cheshire Cat has a very big smile. “The Duchass is going to see the Quoon. The cook throws plates, cups and spoons at Alice. {The Cheshire Cat vanishes. 16 Discuss these questions. ‘8 Doyouthink Alice tkes the people and animals in Wonderland? wny not? 1b Some very strange things happen in the Duchess's house. ‘wnat do you think isthe strangest? > a Chapters 7-8 Before you read 17 Look at the pictures on pages 22 and 26. What do you tink is happening? Why ist happening? nite you read 48 Who says these things? font see any wine ‘out your nai” “My watch says Monday.” ‘twas the best butte. ‘Have some more tea “That was a stupid toa party 19 Finish each sentence. Find the second half on page 43. "We're making the flomers rec 1b The tvee gardeners fllto the ground, ‘© The Queon turned tothe litle tree a ' “The King’s men looked forthe gardeners Everybody started walking again “The King looked forthe Gat fr some time 18 The Queen kes saying it hh Her arm was in Alice's, 1 and Alice walked with ther 2 and looked att carly 8. but he couldn't find it anywhere 4th thei faces down. 5 but she never does it 6 7 8 50 Alice ran too before she sees them. ‘ut couldn fin them ‘Alter you read 20 Discuss these questions. {lice thinks the Mad Hatter’ tea partis stupid. Why’? What do you tink? 'b Which people or animals are most fenly to Alice? Which are unfriendly? Chapters 8-10 Before you read 21 Discuss these questions. ‘8 What do you think the tral is for? ‘What do you think wil appen atthe tal? Witte you road 22 Whois the King taking to when he says these words a the tril? "Fead the paper! 1b ‘When aid you begin your tea ‘© "Write that down.” "Toke off your hat 1 ‘But what dd the Mouse say? ‘What do you know about these tarts?” Alter you reac 23. Where areal those peopl at the tril? Use these words Intront of above inthe middle of near between “The King and Queen are siting on chal. al he arial. ‘The White Rabbt i... the King. ‘The Knave of Hearts is stancng .. the King and Queen. ‘The Knave of Hears is stancing .. two men. ‘The March Hare and the Meuse are quite. the Mad Hatter. ‘Ace i... the Duchess and the Mouse ‘Tho tarts ae... the room. 24 How does Alice leave Wonderland? What happens after she leaves? What does sho do after she leaves? Discuss these questions. writing 25 We tives of four sentences about each of these animals or people The White Rabbt The Quean ‘The Cheshire Cat ‘Tho Duchess \hich chapter inthe book dd you tke best? Why? Write about i Wire a short letter from Ale toa friend about Wonderland. \Wiite about one ofthe pictures inthe book. What is happening? ‘What happened before this? Wat is going to happan? ‘Aca leaves the tea party but the Mad Hatter. the March Hare and the Mouse stay atthe table. They tak about Alice. Wrte their conversation 190 Alice and her sister go home for tea, Alice is going to tell her ‘mother about the Mad Hatters tea party, Vite her words to ner mother. {81 Which person or animal in this storys the funnest? Why’? Wrte about him, ner rit ‘82 What wil you say about Alice in Wonderiand to your fiends? Do YoU think they il enjoy if? Why (na)? Wite about the book. BoBSB WORD LIST swith exumple sentences body (n) Hle wae his ice and dyin the ver ‘caterpila (x) There are grew ctl on the Rowers ‘centimetre n) How many cents are there is a metre? duchess (n) Charles wile, Camilli the Duches of Cornwall har (a) He cavght a hate and cooked it for dinner, hole (n) There is a ffein the door. One of the boys put his foot rough kay (a) Can Ihave the key tothe font door? I cant gee into the house fan (nn British, My parents case to this before Tas ore ‘madd (a) You ean’ go om holiday without any money! Are you mu ‘mouse (i) 1 ca ni in the kitchen a night, bu L newer see the ‘mushroom (2) Would you ike malo: with your eg ig (0) We had tps, but we sold them for me. polite (a) Don take the la cake! ei rabbit (n) Las year ie ate the vegetables our garden, ace (n) Jost the nae because my le hare tart (x) Lets cue dese fit swith our ta tear (n) She cic. alta ran dow hr ice + pli tril (n) They say that he killed 4 policewoman, His iil tars nest week ‘vanish (x) She was in font of me a then she waned Wonder (1) Disneyland is chiens won. ‘What dd I do wrong? he wonder

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