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British Army Character Profile

FULL NAME: Marley Churchill

DATE OF BIRTH: 27/05/1927
PLACE OF BIRTH: Ashington (Northumberland), United Kingdom
RANK: Sergeant
- Turned down the position of Major for what he saw as a more
“honourable” progression through the ranks.
- No next of kin, only contact for family is his father.

Born to a working class family in the North East, Marley spent his
early life with little privilege and barely enough food. With this
shortage of bare necessities, Marley learned to be agile and quick
with his hands. By thirteen he had stolen from half of the farmers and
a third of all the shops in his area. In his teen years he witnessed
the horrors of WW2. During the evacuation of Dunkirk he and his
brother, David Churchill (17) took a small fishing boat to the beaches
to take as many men as they could and bring them all home. The two
managed to rescue around 17 men in total with their two trips to
France. His mother was killed shortly after this during a bombing
raid. Enraged by her death he began to do anything he could to help
the army. At age 15, Marley lied to a recruitment Officer and found
himself in Basic Training for the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers.
After the war ended, he had reached the rank of Sergeant and had done
as little as he could to progress from there. Marley was happy with
his level of control as it was, he believed his balance of giving
minor tasks and being ordered to do some himself was in a proportion
he was fond of. He watched slowly as the tensions in the post-reich
world grew, especially that of America and the USSR. He did not favour
either countries’ political views but kept it to himself. Marley
believed in a more Authoritarian Government but nonetheless he could
do nothing and so left any dreams he had behind in place of serving
the British Empire as a soldier. When the United Kingdom became
involved with the Korean War, Marley rushed to his Officer and
requested deployment. Marley is known by his peers to openly state
“the anxiety and adrenaline of conflict is addictive and I’m hooked”.
His comrades know him as a joker at times but in the field his
obedience mirrors that of a creature who knows nothing but to serve.He
takes great pride in his work, often spending hours of time practicing
Rifle Drill, Drill and Turnout, Firing commands, polishing his boots,
ironing creases into his uniform, shaping his beret and polishing his
cap badge. You name something a soldier does, Marley has practiced it
for an almost concerning amount of time.

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