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A very good morning to the wonderful gathering present here,

Myself Lakshana from Bangalore International Public School

Standing before you to brief the significance of independence
day of India and specially the Diamond jublee celebration
AZADHI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV.Today we are glorifying the
victory of India over despotism, celebration of triumph over
oppression and its freedom from the centuries old colonial
rule on 15th August 1947.

The fight to gain our independence was long,difficult and cost

many brave lives.Therefore,the whole country observes
Independence day to celebrate the freedom we enjoy in our
country and also to acknowledge the long struggle and
sacrifice of millions that preceded it.

Janani janmabhumishcha swargadapi is a sanskrit shloka from

Ramayana which means the mother and motherland are
superior than heavens.

India is a treasure trove of knowledge,wisdom and heritage

from ancient India.From kings to kingdoms, town planning to
artistry , scholars to astronomers,philosophers to
astrologers,gurus to shishyas,warriors to strong women
characters,the list of India’s rich past goes on and on.
Archaeologyical proofs dating back to thousands of years and
literature from that period corroborate the fact.

Yes dear friends, having theme of this diamond jublee of

independence,”NATION FIRST ALWAYS FIRST”we,Indians
proudly realize and value that our mother land is always first
for us .Every soldier guarding the borders of India or every
civilian residing in India ,aspires for Bharat jodo…UNITE INDIA

Lets all then get together, forget our differences work unitidly
to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of our freedom fighters
and make our nation a shining light which leads the world.

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