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PORTA ft Ts Imari eee eo SS — NCE i! L eek k The first printed image of the Sefirot, the ten emanat he Kabbal- ah through which God (Ain Soph) reveals himself. From: Joseph ben Abraham Gikatilla, Portae lucis. Augsburg 1516 Kabbalistic Tarot 5781 CREATED BY EUGENE VINITSKI Copyright © 2020 by Eugene Vinitski. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re- produced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other elec- tronic or mechanical methods, without the prior apublisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the address below. Ordering Information: Quantity sales. Special discounts are available on quantity pur- chases. For details, contact the publisher at the address above. Contents Introduction Pictures card meanings The Tree of Life The Hebrew Alphabet Postscript Another Tarot decks of Eugene Vinitski Io 15 55 102 104 OCKGS POSCURHW Introduction The Tree of the Sephiroth is the skeleton on which this body of truths built. The juxtaposition and proportion of its parts should be fully studied. Practice alone will enable the student to deter- mine how far an analogy may be followed out. Again, some analogies may escape a superficial study. The Beetle is only connected with the sign Pisces through the Tarot Trump “The Moon”. The Camel is only connected with the High Priestess through the letter Gimel. Since all things whatso- ever (including no thing) may be placed upon the Tree of Life, the Table could never be complete. Aleister Crowley Considering the Tarot’s symbolism, one cannot avoid esoteric teaching, which for centuries have been closely associ- ated and intertwined with the Tarot. We are talking about Kabbalah. The earliest Kabbalah book Sepher Yet- zirah or Book of Formation provides some information on the Tree of Sephiroth and twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet with their mystical correspon- dences in astrology, calendar and human anatomy. OC*HSPOdc¥HHW The book opens with a discussion of the 32 Mysterious Paths of Wisdom, paths de- rived from the 10 Sephiroth and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. These 10 Sephiroth are connected by 22 lines or pathways, intersections that allow for a total of 32 Levels of Consciousness, 32 Levels of Intellect, 32 Paths of Wisdom. Sepher Yetzirah has had a huge influence on the Western magic and Tarot cards. It draws attention to an essential feature of Hebrew, the indissoluble and indispens- able connection between numbers and letters. Court de Gébelin and his co-author com- te de Mellet were the first to connect He- brew letters and Arcana of the Tarot in the 18th century. These ideas were elab- orated in detail by Eliphas Lévi and are now usually associated primarily with his name. Not only the Hebrew letters were correlated with the Arcana, but also the paths of the Tree of Life corre- sponding to these letters. Since then, the system of correspondences between the Tarot Arcana and Kabbalah has caused many controversies and discussions. The 5 OC KFS POSUQHW Tree of Life published in the 17th c. by the Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher 6 OCKFSOOSURHYW importance of this cannot be overstated. The influence of the Golden Dawn brings us to the present, since it is the system of the Golden Dawn, somewhat modified by members of that Order such as Aleister Crowley and Arthur Edward Waite who disseminated it throughout the world, that is predominant in mod- ern Western esotericism. In my deck, I used these mystical corre- spondences of 10 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life and 22 letters of the Hebrew al- phabet proceeding from Sepher Yetzirah. In this booklet the cards are presented in the sequence they arise from the 10 Sephiroth and 22 letters of the alphabet according to 32 Paths of Wisdom instead of the conventional order or precedence of Major and Minor Arcana. The deck has a conventional structure of 22 Major Arcana and 56 cards of Mi- nor Arcana. The archetypal nature of the trumps is expressed by the Golden Dawn elemental and astrological corre- spondences that are attached to them. The fundamental distinction between the Major and Minor Arcana in the deck 7 OC*KGSQOSHRHW lies in their reference to different ele- ments of the Tree of Sephiroth. Engravings from Beatus Azoth 1613 The 22 Major Arcana Tarot correspond to 22 Hebrew letters, 22 Paths of the Tree of Life and are associated with transi- tions from one Sephirah to another. The Hebrew letters themselves are also attributed to certain mystical properties, images, and symbols; each has its own numerical value and name. 6 OCxXGYSPOc¥XRHW The Minor Arcana, on the other hand, are tied to the immovable Sephirah and therefore are static. The binarity of any minor Arcana is determined by what element is manifested in it or, speaking in the language of Kabbalah, to which of the four worlds it belongs. The synthesis of any Major Arcana is a synthesis of two Sephirah, the synthesis of any Minor Arcana is a synthesis of number and element. Minor Arcana classification by suits is also traditional and is represented by Wands, Cups, Swords and Coins. The design of the cards is based on the images from three uncut printers sheets in the Rosenwald Collection and the missing ones have been reconstructed. Here, when speaking about the Tree of Life, the Paths of the Tree of Life, and Tarot Card attributions, I am referring to the Golden Dawn attributions. OC*XYSPOSUQHNW Pictures Card Meanings MAJOR ARCANA i The position of — The Hebrew letter The position of the first corresponding the second Sephirah this card Sephirah The astro symbol The image of corresponding the card this card OC*SS POCURHW COURT CARDS , Two Hebrew letters Sephirah of combination the card i corresponding this card Digital designation (*) of hebraic letter Hei according to Gematria The symbols of two basic elements of The image of Nature corresponding the card this card OCxGYSPOcyHHw MINOR ARCANA The part of Hebrew Name of the Sephirah Sephirah corresponding this card The image £ of the card | The name et \ The astrological one of the Four symbols corresponding Worlds (Olamot) this card OC*GS QOOSCURHNW The Four Worlds (Olamot) Atziluth World of Emanation In this level the light of the Ayin Sof radiates and is united with its source. Divine Chokmah, the limitless flash of wisdom Beri’ah World of Creation In this level, is the first creation ex nihilo, where the souls and angels have self-awareness, but without form. Divine Binah, the intellectual understanding, predominates. Yetzirah World of Formation On this level, creation is related to form. The Divine emotional sefirot of Chesed to Yesod Rredominate Asiyah Material World On this level creation is relegated to its physical aspect, the only physical realm and the lowest World, this realm with all its creatures. The Divine Kingship of Malkuth predominates, the purpose of Creation. 1S OC*YS PSTCHOHW Tree of Life and Tarot cards ANVHdOUSIH SHL ANNLYOS 40 T3SHM LOIYVHO SHL NVI G39NVH SHL 14 The Tree of Life DONA YY OCxX$8PSecXHHMW WD Kether Hebrew meaning: Crown The Tree of Life: 1* Plane, Middle Pillar The First Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Admirable or Hidden Intelligence The Elements and Senses: Spirit, Hearing Attribution of Pentagram: Topmost Point Kether is the highest and purest ofall the Sephiroth. It is closest to God and the source of all creation. Aces are the purest form of energy for each of the suits. They represent the potential, symbolize new beginnings, news, and positive emerging trends. They represent hope, a possibili- ty, an action to take, a future that you can create. OCKSF§S POCHURHW ACE OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: The Root of the Powers of Fire The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Meaning: Strength. Power. Resoluteness. Vigor. Activity. Profit. ACE OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: The Root of the Powers of Water The Elements and Senses: Water, Taste S Attribution of Pentagram: A Right Upper Point CY Meaning: Profusion. Fertility. Productivity. Beauty. Pleasure. Happiness. Opulence. OCKXSYSPOSYHHW ACE OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: The Root of the Powers of Air The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Meaning: Force invoked to create good and evil. Centrifugal force. Force through hardships. Assertion of justice. Profound determination. ACE OF COINS Titles and Attributions: The Root of the Powers of Earth The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Meaning: Materiality in both the good and the bad senses and in a way — de- lusiveness of perception. Perfec- tion. Strength. Material benefit. Labour. Wealth. Achievement. 16 OC*SHS POSYRMW NIN Chokmah General Attribution of Tarot: THE 4 TWOS - KING “Hebrew meaning: Wisdom The Tree of Life: 2"4 Plane, Right Pillar The Second Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Illuminating Intelligence The four Twos in the Minor Arcana indi- cate duality, a pause between two choices or an attempt do two thing at once. They generally refer to decisions being made, need to be made, or have already been made. The Kings deal with questions of au- thority, expertise, and leadership. That is they focus upon tangible results and usually apply self-discipline to their gov- erning element to achieve it. OCXGYSPSCYRHW TWO OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: The Lord of Dominion The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Chokmah in Atziluth. Mars in the Aires. Meaning: Strength. Authority. Harmoni- ous governing. Justice. Bravery. Courage. Impudence. Revenge. Anxiety. TWO OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: The Lord of Love The Elements and Senses: © Water, Taste ( Attribution of Pentagram: > Right Upper Point Chokmah in Beri’ah. Venus in Cancer. Meaning: Harmony. Pleasure. Fun. Love. Friendship. Passion. 20 OCKGSPOSYURHW TWO OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: The Lord of Peace Restored The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Chokmah in Yetzirah. Moon in Libra. Meaning: Strength though suffering. Joy after pain. Balanced strength. Contradictory features in a single individual. Troubles and material losses. Compromise. TWO OF COINS Titles and Attributions: The Root of the Powers of Earth The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Chokmah in Asiyah. Jupiter in Capricorn. Meaning: Harmonious changes. Alternation of profits and losses, weakness and strength. Changing occu- pation continuously. Discontent with the existing state of things. 21 OC*HYSPOTARHW THE KINGS The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point KING OF WANDS Fire of Fire Lightning - swift violence of onset. Titles and Attributions: The Lord of the Flame and the Lightning. The King of the Spirits of Fire. Meaning: Energetic. Generous. Impulsive. Boisterous. Active. KING OF CUPS Fire of Water Rain, Springs, etc. - swift passionate attack. oS Titles and Attributions: (©) The Lord of the a\ Waves and the Waters. The King of the Hosts of the Sea. Meaning: Graceful. Poetic. Having the nature of Venus. Sluggish. 22 OC*xG8POoc¥Rnw KING OF SWORDS Fire of Air Wind - swift onset (note idea of balance as in trade winds). Titles and Attributions: The Lord of the Winds and the Breezes. The King of the Spirits of Air. Meaning: Activity. Intelligent. Graceful. Boisterous. Exquisite. Brave. Skilful. Apt to dominate. KING OF COINS Fire of Earth Mountains - violent pressure (due to gravitation). Titles and Attributions: The Lord of the Wide and Fertile Land. The King of the Spirits of Earth. Meaning: Heaviness. Heavy mind. Materi- ality. Industriousness. 25 OC*KGYSPOSUHHW J? I Binah General Attribution of Tarot: ‘THE 4 THREES - QUEENS Hebrew meaning: Understanding The Tree of Life: 2"4 Plane, Left Pillar The Third Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Sanctifying Intelligence The Threes in Tarot signify a unifying force. Three related to creation, growth and development, they provide the nec- essary energy to facilitate manifestation. Threes are about using that knowledge to take the first step or get the first results. The Queens represent our feelings and emotions, aiming to give energy and sen- timents to situations. They are flexible, and dynamic. They combine compe- tence with awareness of the world around them. Queens represent someone who has a deeper understanding or herself and others. 24 OC*H8S COS¥RHW THREE OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: Established Strength [Virtue] The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Binah in Atziluth. Sun in Aries Meaning: Well-established strength. Power. Discernment. Realization of hopes. Completion. Success. Generousness. Wealth. Authority. THREE OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: Abundance cw The Elements and Senses: a\ Water, Taste XY Attribution of Pentagram: Right Upper Point Binah in Beri’ah. Mercury in Cancer. Meaning: Abundance. Success. Pleasure. Healing. Problem solving. Good luck. Sensuality. Luckiness. Love. Joy. Kindness. Copiousness. 25 OC*KFS POSHRMW THREE OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: Sorrow The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Binah in Yetzirah. Saturn in Libra. Meaning: Failure. Obstruction. Disunion. Absence. Quarrels. Beginning of a discord. Opposition. Misfor- tune. Suffering. Tears. Destruc- tive pleasures. Boast. THREE OF COINS Titles and Attributions: Material Works [Works] The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Binah in Asiyah. Mars in Capricorn. Meaning: Active and constructive force. Great skillfulness in commerce or work. Constrcution. Creation. Making. Achievement. Financial benefit. Success in commercial operations. 26 OCxGYS POcUHMW THE QUEENS The Elements and Senses: Water, Taste Attribution of Pentagram: Right Upper Point QUEEN OF WANDS Water of Fire Rainbow - fading spiritualized reflection of the Image. Titles and Attributions: The Queen of the Thrones of Flame. Meaning: Adaptability. Insistent vigor. Calm authoritativeness. Great attractiveness. Power of submission. Allure. QUEEN OF CUPS Water of Water & ) Pool - stagnant spiritualized gr reflection of Images. Titles and Attributions: The Queen of the Thrones of the Waters. Meaning: Exuberant imagination. Poetry. Kindness. Coquetry. 27 OC*KFYSPOTHRNW QUEEN OF SWORDS Water of Air Vibrations - bulk unmoved, spiritualized to reflect Ruach (mind). Titles and Attributions: The Queen of the Thrones of Air. Meaning: Penetrating eye, refinement. Swiftness. Self-confidence. Perseverance. QUEEN OF COINS Water of Earth Fields - quiet, spiritualized to bear vegetable and animal life. Titles and Attributions: The Queen of the Thrones of the Earth. Meaning: Impetuosity. Kindness. Shyness. Enchantment. Large heartedness. Intelligence. Melancholy. 26 OCKYSPOSYURHW TOM Chesed General Attribution of Tarot: | THE 4 FOURS | Hebrew meaning: Mercy The Tree of Life: 3" Plane, Right Pillar The Fourth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Measuring Cohesive or Receptacular Intelligence The Fours generally refer to stability, security, consolidation and order. In the Fours we see how structure and bound- aries can be welcome respites, helpful homes, or stagnant stops along our jour- neys of life. 29 OC*KGYSQPOcC¥RHW FOUR OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: Perfected Work [Completion] The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Chesed in Atziluth. Venus in Aries. Meaning: Perfection. Rest after work. Completion. Discernment. Intelligence. Beauty. Romanti- cism. Fun. Success. FOUR OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: Blended Pleasure [Luxury] The Elements and Senses: 8 Water, Taste t Attribution of Pentagram: ¢\ Right Upper Point Chesed in Beri’ah. Moon in Cancer. Meaning: Success or enjoyment coming to an end. Good mixed with bad. A period of stagnation in happi- ness. Precipitance. Chasing. Pur- suit. Rivalry. Injustice. 50 OC*KS$S POS¥RHW FOUR OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: Rest from Strife [Truce] The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Chesed in Yetzirah. Jupiter in Libra. Meaning: Rest from discord and sadness. Respite. Peace after war. Wealth. Rest from worries. Relief. FOUR OF COINS Titles and Attributions: Earthly Power [Power] The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Chesed in Asiyah. Sun in Capricorn. Meaning: Financial benefit. Success. High standing. Love of material things. Absolute might has been obtained but it leads nowhere. Greed. Suspiciousness. Alertness and discretion. Dissatisfaction. Sl OC*GSIPOTYRNW Vad Geburah THE 4 FIVES Hebrew meaning: Strength The Tree of Life: 34 Plane, Left Pillar The Fifth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Radical Intelligence The Fives are all about conflict; the mo- ments when we are first put to the test and are forced to struggle with what’s before us. Fives in the Minor Arcana rep- resent change and the need for change. Five is the number of severity and fear but also strength. 52 OC*KXGSPOSYRHW FIVE OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: Strife The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Geburah in Atziluth. Saturn in Leo. Meaning: Discord. Protest. Struggle. Con- flict. Bravery. Inconsideration. Cruelty. Violence. FIVE OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: Loss in Pleasure [Disappointment] The Elements and Senses: G Water, Taste AR Attribution of Pentagram: wy Right Upper Point Geburah in Beri’ah. Mars in Scorpio. Meaning: Death or end of enjoyment. Par- tial loss. Disappointment. Regret. Treachery. Sadness. Deceit. Ma- levolence. Slander. 55 OCKXYSPOCURHW FIVE OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: Defeat The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Geburah in Yetzirah. Venus in Aquarius. Meaning: failure. Defeat. Weakness. Anx- iety. Trouble. Poverty. Avarice. Grieving. Intellect weakened by sentiment. Unreliable. Cruel. Thankless. Cowardly. FIVE OF COINS Titles and Attributions: Material Trouble [Worry] The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Geburah in Asiyah. Mercury in Taurus. Meaning: Loss of money or standing. Trou- bles with the material worlds. Hard work. Efforts. Agronomy. Construction. Good at everyday issues. Poverty. Rudeness. Severity. 54 OC*KHYSPSSANHW FIVE OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: Strife The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Geburah in Atziluth. Saturn in Leo. Meaning: Discord. Protest. Struggle. Con- flict. Bravery. Inconsideration. Cruelty. Violence. FIVE OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: Loss in Pleasure [Disappointment] oS The Elements and Senses: ©) Water, Taste aR Attribution of Pentagram: = 4 Right Upper Point Geburah in Beri’ah. Mars in Scorpio. Meaning: Death or end of enjoyment. Par- tial loss. Disappointment. Regret. Treachery. Sadness. Deceit. Ma- levolence. Slander. 55 OCKSYSPOSYRHW ANON Tiphareth General Attribution of Tarot: ‘THE 4 SIXES - KNIGHTS "Hebrew meaning: Beauty The Tree of Life: 4% Plane, Middle Pillar The Sixth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Intelligence of the Mediating Influence The Sixes reflect themes of balance, peace, and sentimentality, the journey toward har- mony. Sixes are cards that remind us to live in the present as we move through the tran- sition. They represent stability and security or the potential or opportunity to find it. The Knights are about forward motion, high spirit, determination and almost wreck less demand for compliance. They represent exuberance, the first taste of power and real freedom. Knights reflect change, movement and action. They are constantly on the move, looking for the next big opportunity. 35 OC*XY3SPOSYRHW SIX OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: Earned Success [Science] The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Tiphareth in Yetzirah. Mercury in Aquarius. Meaning: Success after worries and trou- bles. Beauty. Vain but occasion- ally humble. Authority. Work. Travelling. SIX OF COINS Titles and Attributions: Material Success [Success] The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Tiphareth in Asiyah. Moon in Taurus Meaning: Succes and good luck in financial affairs. Strength. Influence. High standing. Generousness. People management. Good luck. Prosper- ity. Justice and free thinking. 37 OCXFSPOTYRHW THE KNIGHTS The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point KNIGHT OF WANDS Air of Fire Sun - steady force of energy. Titles and Attributions: The Prince of the Chariot of Fire. Meaning: Quick. Strong. Vehement. Bois- terous. Fair and generous. Honor- able and despising meanness. KNIGHT OF CUPS Air of Water & Sea - steady force of aK putrefaction. NY Titles and Attributions: The Prince of the Chariot of the Waters. Meaning: Exquisite, fierce, skilful and artis- tic character. Boisterous nature and tranquil look. Succeeding in both good and evil but leaning to- wards evil having apparent Force as an ally or Wisdom. 36 OCKYSPOSHRHW KNIGHT OF SWORDS Air of Air Clouds - steady conveyors of water. Titles and Attributions: The Prince of the Chariot of Air. Meaning: Variety of ideas and plans. Mis- trust. Suspiciousness. Firmness in friendship and hostility. Dis- cretion. Power of observation. Sluggishness. KNIGHT OF COINS Air of Earth Titles and Attributions: The Prince of the Chariot of Earth. Meaning: Gain of matter. Increasing good or evil. Strengthening, *imple- menting plans. Stable. Reliable. 39 OC*KGSPCSCHUHRHW TX) Netzach General Attribution of Tarot: THE 4 SEVENS © : Hebrew meaning: Victory The Tree of Life: 5 Plane, Right Pillar The Seventh Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Occult or Hidden Intelligence The Sevens illustrates the necessary shakeups that takes us out of our com- fort zone and towards the next level. The Sevens require that you take control in a tough situation, manage your respon- sibilities, and find a way to succeed. Any challenges or obstacles will have to be carefully dealt with and navigated around because mistakes made now may cause serious set backs. 40 OC*FS OOTC¥RNW SEVEN OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: Valour The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Netzach in Atziluth. Mars in Leo. Meaning: Victory. Valour. Win. Success. Crushed resistance. SEVEN OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: Illusionary Success [Debauch] © The Elements and Senses: Cp Water, Taste ¢\\ Attribution of Pentagram: ‘CY Right Upper Point Netzach in Beri’ah. Venus in Scorpio. Meaning: Work of imagination. Wishful thinking. Deceit at the moment of assumed victory. Subducted victory. Illusion of success. Lies. Unredeemed promises. Al OCKYSPOSYURHW SEVEN OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: Unstable Effort [Futility] The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Netzach in Yetzirah. Moon in Aquarius. Meaning: Partial success. Love for abun- dance. Fascination. Propensity for compliments. SEVEN OF COINS Titles and Attributions: Success Unfulfilled [Failure] The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Netzach in Asiyah. Saturn in Taurus. Meaning: Wasted chance. Ruined hopes. Success in business is temporary. Disappointment. Adversities. Hard work. Need. Ignobility. 42 OCHS8SQOTURNYY TWh Hod General Attribution of Tarot: THE 4 EIGHT Hebrew meaning: Splendour The Tree of Life: 5* Plane, Left Pillar The Eighth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Absolute or Perfect Intelligence The Eights represent the various ap- proaches with the cyclical and dual idea of building and destroying, suffering and success. Eights are about moving beyond the structure, but still working within its rules. They describes boundaries, limitations and situations that are inher- ently intractable. They are about cycles, revolutions, and progress gained on the invisible level. Decisions are being made about what to keep and what to release. 45 OC*YSPOCH¥RMW EIGHT OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: Swiftness The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Hod in Atziluth. Mercury in Sagittarius. Meaning: Excess of strength. Impetuous dash. Violence. Swiftness. Cour- age. Audacity. Independence, An- imosity. Violence. Love for open spaces. Sports. Large heartedness. EIGHT OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: Abandoned Success [Indolence] The Elements and Senses: Water, Taste (©) Attribution of Pentagram: A Right Upper Point SY Hod in Beri’ah. Saturn in Pisces. Meaning: Temporary success. Things put away as soon as they are obtained. ~ No eternal values. Laziness in achieving success. Treasure hunt- ing. Unsteadiness. 44 OC*$SPSC¥XRNW EIGHT OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: Shortened Force [Interference] The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Hod in Yetzirah. Jupiter in Gemini Meaning: Unrestrained force wasted on tri- fles. Malevolence. Small-minded- ness. Tyranny. Impetuosity. Likes both giving and receiving pres- ents. Generous. Intelligent. Harsh. EIGHT OF COINS Titles and Attributions: Prudence The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Hod in Asiyah. Sun in Virgo. Meaning: Too cautious in minor things but takes risks in more important mat- ters. Penny-wise and pound-fool- ish. Receiving small amounts of cash. Education. 45 OCXYSLOSARHW 110” Yesod ibution of Tarot: Gen é Hebrew meaning: Fou dation The Tree of Life: 6" Plane, Middle Pillar The Ninth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Pure or Clear Intelligence The four Nines represent the final stage of action, reflection, thoughts and deeds. The Nines are cards where we return to ourselves, as only we, ourselves, have more to teach us. Everything that’s been learned or accomplished is integrated, and we can see it all as one, as the truth. They tell us that we have done all we can in this situation, and for better or worse, - we must now make ready to move into a whole new cycle. 46 OC*SYSPOSYURHW NINE OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: Great Strength [Strength] The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Yesod in Atziluth. Moon in Sagittarius. Meaning: Colossal power. Unbreakable strength. Immense might. Huge success. Active struggle. Victory after doubts and concerns. Health. Quick convalescence. Obstinacy. NINE OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: Material Happiness [Happiness] © The Elements and Senses: ty) Water, Taste AN Attribution of Pentagram: 7 Right Upper Point Yesod in Beri’ah. Jupiter in Pisces. Meaning: Attaining absolute joy and hap- piness. Self-glorification. Vanity. Self-importance. Generousness. Not satisfied with small and humble plans. 47 OC KGS POCURHW NINE OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: Despair and Cruelty [Cruelty] The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Yesod in Yetzirah. Mars in Gemini. Meaning: Despair. Cruelty. Ruthlessness. Suffering. Need. Failure. Loss. Misfortune. Burden. Pressure. Labour. Skillfulness and dexteri- ty. Lies. Deceit. Slander. NINE OF COINS Titles and Attributions: Material Gain [Gain] The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Yesod in Asiyah. Venus in Virgo. Meaning: Obtaining the greatest financial benefit. Achievement. Inheri- tance. Greed. Storage of treasure. 46 OCKFSPSSCYURHW mid THE 4 TENS - PAGES Hebrew meaning: Kingdom The Tree of Life: 7" Plane, Middle Pillar The Tenth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Resplendent Intelligence The Tens signify the conclusion of a cycle, event, or undertaking. Because of this they represent both an end as well as the early stages of a new beginning. We close the door on a cycle of life while simultaneous- ly opening the door on a new one. Wheth- er the sceneis positive or challenging, tran- sition and movement are inevitable. The Pages represent themes of youth, vitality, fascination, learning, and focus. Pages look forward to the opportunity of learning and practicing new skills. Pages refer to our instinctual interests, our abil- ity to see magic in the world around us, new areas of study and learning, as well as emerging news and information. 49 OC*YSPOS4¥HHW TEN OF WANDS Titles and Attributions: Oppression The Elements and Senses: Fire, Sight Attribution of Pentagram: Right Lower Point Malkuth in Atziluth. Saturn in Sagittarius. Meaning: Cruel and authoritative power. Excessive pressure. Selfishness and earthly goals. TEN OF CUPS Titles and Attributions: Perfected Success [Satiety] The Elements and Senses: a Water, Taste Sp Attribution of Pentagram: €)) Right Upper Point Malkuth in Beri’ah. Mars in Pisces. Meaning: Steady success. Home. Generosity. Kindness. Happiness, sent from above. Pleasure. 50 OCxXFYSPOc¥RHW TEN OF SWORDS Titles and Attributions: Ruin The Elements and Senses: Air, Smell Attribution of Pentagram: Left Upper Point Malkuth in Yetzirah. Sun in Gemini. Meaning: Complete failure. Insubordinate force. Collapse of all plans and projects. Contempt. Impudence and audacity causing pleasure. Destroying other people’s happi- ness. Verbiage. TEN OF COINS Titles and Attributions: Wealth The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point Malkuth in Asiyah. Mercury in Virgo. Meaning: Obtaining material benefits. Pin- nacle of success. Prosperity. SI OCKGYS POSYRHW THE PAGES/PRINCESSES The Elements and Senses: Earth, Touch Attribution of Pentagram: Left Lower Point PAGE OF WANDS Earth of Fire Titles and Attributions: The Princess of the Shining Flame. The Rose of the Palace of Fire. Meaning: Brilliance. Bravery. Beauty. Strength. Suddenness in anger and love. Craving for power. En- thusiasm. Revenge. PRINCESS OF CUPS Earth of Water Q Titles and Attributions: (p The Princess of the Waters. {\ The Rose of the Palace of the Floods. Meaning: Charm. Poetry. Tenderness and kindness. Good imagination. Dreaminess. Indolence. 52 OC*YSPSOSYNHW PAGE OF SWORDS Earth of Air Titles and Attributions: The Princess of the Rushing Winds. The Lotus of the Palace of Air. Meaning: Wisdom. Might. Acuteness. Re- finement in material affairs. Grace and dexterity. PRINCESS OF COINS Earth of Earth Titles and Attributions: The Princess of the Echoing Hills. The Lotus of the Palace of the Earth. Meaning: Generosity. Kindness. Diligence. Benevolence. Care. Bravery. Per- sistence. Compassion. 53 OC*SSPOSURHW For He shewed the combination of these letters, each with the other; Aleph with all, and all with Aleph; Beth with all, and all with Beth. Thus in combining all together in pairs are produced the two hundred and thirty-one gates of knowledge. Sepher Yetzirah 54 The Hebrew Alphabet Vay MADIN OC*KYSPOCYURMW Aleph General Attribution of on Faron _ THE FOO Lo Hebrew meaning: Ox The Tree of Life: Path 11 The Eleventh Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Scintillating Intelligence The Eleventh Path is the Scintillating Intelligence, because it is the essence of that curtain which is placed close to the order of the disposition, and this is a special dignity given to it that it may be able to stand before the Face of the Cause of Causes. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Spirit of Ether Kabbalistic Correspondence The first path of the Tree of Life, the Aleph path. On the Tree of Life, Aleph’s path goes from the Sephirah Kether to the Sephirah Chokmah - this is the first message, the first push. In Tarot, the Fool card corresponds to this principle. The 56 OC*x*$SC@Odc¥Rnnw Universe does not yet exist, and there- fore Aleph is only the Fool, zero, nothing, absolute emptiness that anyone can be- come, and the absolute freedom of this becoming: The nothing contains every- thing in potential. The Fool is pure poten- tiality. The Fool is the one who expresses their wisdom in the most meaningful and simplified form. Like the Aleph path, the Fool is the primordial impulse that shapes everything else, abstract and universal. Astrological Correspondence In the book Sepher Yetzirah, Aleph re- fers to Air. The Fool is zero, which con- tains everything, but it is itself nothing. He is as free as air. Air is considered a symbol of freedom, spirit, and flight of thought. The Fool, as an ideal represen- tative of Air, is characterized by curiosi- ty and cognitive need, artistic thinking, mental activity, but at the same time he can be frivolous, unreliable, and prone to hovering in the clouds. Meaning: Thought. Ideas. Spirituality. Idealism. Foolishness. Eccentricity. Insanity S7 OC*KFY8S POCURHW Beth General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: House The Tree of Life: Path 12 The Twelfth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Intelligence of Transparency The Twelfth Path is the Intelligence of Transpar- ency, because it is that species of Magnificence called Chazchazit, the place whence issues the vision of those seeing in apparitions. (That is the prophecies by seers in a vision.) Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Magus of Power Kabbalistic Correspondence The Magician is one. The beginning of creation. The first manifestation, first impulse, first life. The Magician card is the first Tarot card: Any path begins with self-awareness and_ self-determination. The Magician card is associated with the letter Beth; its meaning is “home.” There- 56 OC*KSY8SCOcyXnuw fore, itsymbolizes the organization of space and the wisdom that can organize it, build- ing the house of the universe. The Beth letter, which corresponds to the Magician, is very complex. It is especially important in Kabbalah - this is the first letter of the word Bereshit — at the beginning, the first word of the Bible. It is with this letter that the Torah begins. Second in the alphabet, it is also first. If Aleph and the Fool is what came before the beginning, then Beth and the Magician is exactly the beginning. Astrological Correspondence In ancient mythology, Mercury was always associated with speed and agility. He was young, handsome and fast as the wind, because he had wings on his feet. Similar to Mercury in astrology, the Magician card symbolizes communication, commerce, and anything that requires skill and ability. In his negative manifestation, Mercury is the patron saint of thieves and fraudsters because of his cunning and love of tricks. Meaning: Proficiency. Wisdom. Adaptation. Skillfulness. Cunning. 59 OCx*XGY8POdcYURHW Gimel General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Camel The Tree of Life: Path 13 The Thirteenth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Uniting Intelligence The Thirteenth Path is named the Uniting Intelli- gence, and is so called because it is itself the Essence of Glory. It is the Consummation of the Truth of individual spiritual things. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Priestess of the Silver Star Kabbalistic Correspondence High Priestess is the last, third path of the Tree of Life, which is directly related to the Sephirot Kether. Gimel, the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the as- tral letter corresponding to the Moon. The word Gimel itself means “camel.” The camel is able to cross the desert, and 60 OC*GSPOTYRNW Gimel, linking Tiphareth and Kether, goes through the abyss. The idea of crossing the Abyss, or overcoming the duality of consciousness, is key to under- standing the second Arcana. The Gimel path is a path over an Abyss, a path that leads to being outside of time. It is a state, in which time is no longer dominant and is associated with High Priestess. Astrological Correspondence Like the Moon in astrology, this card embodies receptivity, sensitivity, and strong imagination. She reigns at night and rules the world of the unconscious and the irrational, as well as the world of dreams. The High Priestess does not in- terfere in other people’s affairs; she only observes what is happening. The High Priestess and the Moon talk about the importance of the intuitive mind and the inner complexity of human beings. They both listen to the more sensitive and sub- tle language of emotion. Meaning: Changes. Transformations. Gain and loss. Variation. ol OCXFSPOSHRHW Daleth General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Door The Tree of Life: Path 14 The Fourteenth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Illuminating Intelligence The Fourteenth Path is the Illuminating Intelli- gence and is so called because it is that Chashmal which is the founder of the concealed and funda- mental ideas of holiness and of their stages of prepa- ration. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Daughter of the Mighty Ones Kabbalistic Correspondence In the Tree of Life, the Empress is associ- ated with the Daleth path, which connects the two Sephirot, Chokmah and Binah. Daleth means the door, the gate, and also the mother’s womb, the “door” from which life comes out. The Empress commands 62 OC*SSPOTURHW the creation process by opening or closing the door to the world for an invisible idea. The Empress personifies the idea of cre- ation, growth and attraction. She gives and receives love with boundless joy, as indicat- ed by the dominion of Venus attributed to this card. She personifies beauty, pleasure and fertility, the serene life of Nature. Her pregnancy symbolizes the transition of the divine principle from an infinite state to a finite state in the process of world creation. Astrological Correspondence In astrology, the Empress is associated with the planet Venus. The duality of Ve- nus is manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, it is a sensual planet, and on the other, it is tightly connected with the ma- terial aspects of existence. Venus is a sym- bol of fruitfulness and productive ability, just as the Empress is a symbol of fertility and generosity. The Empress is a symbol of femininity, love, beauty, creativity and comfort. The Empress wants you to be suc- cessful in all new creations. Meaning: Beauty. Happiness. Success. Enjoyment. Luxury. 63 OCXSG8SVOSYURHY Hei General Attribution of i Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Window The Tree of Life: Path 15 The Fifteenth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Constituting Intelligence The Fifteenth Path is the Constituting Intelligence, so called because it constitutes the substance of creation in pure darkness, and men have spoken of these contemplations; it is that darkness spoken of in Scripture, Job xxxviii. 9, “and thick darkness a swaddling band for it.” Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Son of the Morning, chief among the Mighty Kabbalistic Correspondence Hei means “window” in Hebrew. In those days, when other sources of light had not yet appeared in the house, the window re- mained the main one. The windows them- selves do not generate light, but only let the 64 OCKYSPOSUHHW sun’s rays through. The relationship with power, symbolized by the letter Hei, is passive from one point of view; on the other hand, they are active, in the same way as a window performs both passive and active functions. The Emperor as the personification of the highest earthly power and as a representa- tive of power ofan even higher order directly correlates with the functions of the Hei path described above. The Emperor is the highest of earthly rulers, surpassing all kings and subordinate to God alone. Astrological Correspondence Aries and the Emperor are a manifestation of the most powerful willpower. It is not only the energy of the beginning, which sets everything in motion, but also the will necessary to change the course of things, to achieve the desired result. The Emperor is daring, but not reckless. He combines not only the desire for order, a sober mind, dis- cipline, a sense of responsibility and prag- matism, but also their extremes — inertia, the desire to “improve” everything to infin- ity, a thirst for power and despotism. Meaning: War. Rivalry. Struggle. Victory. 65 OCKFSPOS¥RNW Vau General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Nail The Tree of Life: Path 16 The Sixteenth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Triumphal or Eternal Intelligence The Sixteenth Path is the Triumphal or Eternal Intelligence, so called because it is the pleasure of the Glory, beyond which is no other Glory like to it, and it is called also the Paradise prepared for the Righteous. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Magus of the Eternal Kabbalistic Correspondence Vau means “nail,” something that con- nects parts together and, therefore, is able to unite. This path is connected with the highest levels of the Tree, but brings these energies down to the plane accessible to human consciousness. In Tarot, the path of Vau corresponds to the Hierophant Arcana. 66 OC*KYS POSURHW In a broader sense, the Hierophant is one who connects the higher with the lower, the spiritual with the material. Through his mediation, the forces of the higher levels influence the world of everyday experience. Astrological Correspondence In astrology, the Hierophant matches Tau- rus. As a manifestation of Taurus, the Hi- erophant is a very reliable and constant card; he keeps his promises even if it is not beneficial for him. Caution and a certain prudence are inherent in him — the same qualities can be found in the sign of Taurus. Taurus amazes with its hard work and per- severance. It does not have the changeabili- ty that the representatives of other signs of the zodiac have. It doesn’t like change. It is inclined to observe, preserve and maintain traditions. Taurus strives for independence, loves to achieve everything on its own, does not expect luck and gifts of fate. It is charac- terized by nobility and impressive strength of character, which help it to solve problems and difficulties that arise on the path of life. Meaning: Heavenly wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching. Occult wisdom. 67 OC*GSPOSERHW Zain General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Sword The Tree of Life: Path 17 The Seventeenth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Disposing Intelligence The Seventeenth Path is the Disposing Intelligence, which provides Faith to the Righteous, and they are clothed with the Holy Spirit by it, and it is called the Foundation of Excellence in the state of higher things. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Children of the Voice: the Oracle of the Mighty Gods Kabbalistic Correspondence In the Tarot system, the Zain path corre- sponds to the Lovers Arcana. The path of Zain is the archetype of dualism as such. The sword is the symbol of this path. The sword symbolizes the division of the one, 66 OC*YS PSSYURHW the Lovers represent the positive side of this division. Separation appears not as a depar- ture from perfection, but as an opportunity for interaction and networking. First of all, this card symbolizes the union of opposites. To cross the Abyss that lies on the path to the One, a person must balance and recon- cile the opposites contained in themselves. Astrological Correspondence Gemini and the Lovers represent the mo- ment in our personal history when we need to make a choice. We can see many paths in front of us, but we cannot follow all of them at the same time. This means that we will somehow have to make a choice, decisively and irrevocably, leaving no loopholes for ourselves. This is why the Lovers is a card of commitment to an idea or a path that can be uncomfortable. Gemini is a zodiac sign, characterized by ambiguousness and duality. They quickly change their range of interests and attitude. Gemini are quite sen- sitive and often worry about non-existent problems. Meaning: Inspiration. Motivation. Active power. 69 OC*XYSIPSSYHHW Cheth General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Fence The Tree of Life: Path 18 The Eighteenth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Intelligence of the House of Influence The Eighteenth Path is called the Intelligence or House of Influence (by the greatness of whose abundance the influx of good things upon created beings is increased), and from its midst the arcana and hidden senses are drawn forth, which dwell in its shade and which cling to it, from the Cause of all causes. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Child of the Powers of the Waters: the Lord of the Triumph of Light Kabbalistic Correspondence The Cheth path leads from Geburah to Binah. The letter Cheth means “fence,” the field and the enclosure around it. “Fence” means fencing, protection, defense, a certain 70 OC*KFS COSURHW location, an area of land that has been set aside for cultivation. It also includes cover, protection, shelter, security. The Chariot Ar- canais associated with this path. The Chariot has two states: the first is immobility, the sec- ond is rapid movement. Cheth is associated with the immobile state of the Chariot. Astrological Correspondence The zodiac sign of Cancer complements this symbolism with one more circum- stance. Of all the animals known in the Middle Ages, cancer best of all symbolized the combination of restraint and strength that defined the Cheth path. Cancer is covered with a tough shell, but it is able to move fast enough, and its claws are suitable for fierce attacks. Like a knight in armor, it draws strength from his own firmness. Can- cer represents emotionality, sensitivity, per- ceptivity, strong attachment to everything that is close and dear. Cancers are weak on the offensive, but strong on the defensive; their strong attachment to everything that has become dear to them helps to keep and protect it. . Meaning: Triumph. Victory. Health. Success. 71 OC*YSPOC¥UHHW Teth General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Serpent The Tree of Life: Path 19 The Nineteenth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Intelligence of all the Activities of the Spiritual Being The Nineteenth Path is the Intelligence of the Se- cret of all the activities of the spiritual beings, and is so called because of the influence diffused by it from the most high and exalted sublime glory. Se- pher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Daughter of the Flaming Sword Kabbalistic Correspondence The Teth path is the second of the hor- izontal paths in the Tree system. Teth is the first channel that is no longer directly associated with the higher Sephirah. It di- rectly connects the two central Sephirot of 72 OCKYSPOTHOHW the side pillars. The letter Teth means “ser- pent.” The serpent is a universal symbol found in almost all mythological systems and spiritual teachings. The serpent is of- ten a symbol of energy in its purest form, but it also has another meaning. The ser- pent also symbolizes mystery, subtlety and wisdom. Teth also implies an appeal to one’s original existence, which gives a per- son knowledge of the secrets of their future life. The Strength Arcana corresponds to this path. This Arcana symbolizes the tam- ing of instincts in order to wisely use the energy released as a result. Astrological Correspondence Both Leo and Strength speak of the power of Love as the greatest power. It is through Love that many disagreements are over- come. On the one hand, Leo is a self-aware, powerful and strong figure, and on the other, he is ready to cooperate and interact. Both the sign and the card remind us that mercy works miracles, and that we must remember this power if we want to over- come obstacles. Meaning: Courage. Strength. Power. Obstinacy. 73 OC*YSOSSYURHW Yod General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Hand The Tree of Life: Path 20 The Twentieth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Intelligence of Will The Twentieth Path is the Intelligence of Will, and is so called because it is the means of preparation of all and each created being, and by this intelligence the existence of the Primordial Wisdom becomes known. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Prophet of the Eternal, the Magus of the Voice of Power Kabbalistic Correspondence Yod means “human hand.” Yod indicates strength in the meaning of directional movement, skill, dexterity. But the simple shape of the letter is associated with only one finger, and therefore Yod symboliz- es the pointing finger of God, which re- 74 OCKSSPOSHYRHW minds people on Earth so that they do not forget about their heavenly destiny. The path of Yod corresponds to the Hermit Ar- cana. The Hermit is the embodiment and bearer of the sacred. Although Yod refers to the twelve “simple” letters, it is one of the most important letters. The meaning of this letter is “the beginning of every- thing,” for it is from Yod and by means of Yod that all other letters were created. Astrological Correspondence The letter Yod corresponds to Virgo, a purely earthly sign. Virgo is a sign of a sci- entist, a man of mental work, and this is fully consistent with the image of the Her- mit. Virgo is the organization of the inner world with all its diversity and complexity. This is the time when we turn our gaze in- ward, trying to understand ourselves and the world around us. The Hermit is a fan of system and order. By ordering his own thoughts and analyzing what is happen- ing, including the actions of people, he almost always achieves success in solving the task. Meaning: Wisdom. Active divine inspiration. 78 OCxSG8P@OcURHW Kaph General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Palm The Tree of Life: Path 21 The Twenty-first Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Intelligence of Conciliation The Twenty-first Path is the Intelligence of Concil- iation and Reward, and is so called because it re- ceives the divine influence which flows into it from its benediction upon all and each existence. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Lord of the Forces of Life Kabbalistic Correspondence The letter Kaph means “palm.” From a physical point of view, the human hand is one of the most amazing creations of na- ture, capable of influencing the material world in a variety of ways. If the Hermit symbolizes only one finger, albeit in some 76 OCxG8S POcynnw way the main one, capable of indicating what to do, then the next stage of the path is putting together the fingers of the hand, which is capable of functioning. In Tarot, this path corresponds to the Wheel of Fortune Arcana. Kaph, like the Wheel of Fortune, combines the ideas of move- ment and rest, statics and dynamics, prog- ress and tradition. Astrological Correspondence The Wheel of Fortune is ruled by Jupiter - the planet of unexpected luck and success. Inastrology, Jupiter is responsible for abun- dance, development and expansion. It is re- sponsible for a person's social connections and their self-affirmation in society. It gives a person a feeling of the fullness of being, the desire for expansion, and increase of their capabilities. Both the Wheel of For- tune and Jupiter emphasize that there is something more than ourselves that turns the tide. Just like the Wheel of Fortune, Jupiter, if used correctly, gives a person the right path on which good luck awaits them. Meaning: Happiness and good luck. Exhilaration of success. 77 OCKFS POSYURHW Lamed General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Ox Goad The Tree of Life: Path 22 The Twenty-second Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Faithful Intelligence The Twenty-second Path is the Faithful Intelli- gence, and is so called because by it spiritual virtues are increased, and all dwellers on earth are nearly under its shadow. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Daughter of the Lords of Truth. The Ruler of the Balance Kabbalistic Correspondence The path of Justice runs between Tiphareth and Geburah. The function of this path is to constantly compensate for imbalance. The letter of this path is Lamed, which means “ox goad.” Nowadays, this tool is practically not used anymore, but in those days when livestock was the main draft force, the goad 78 OCKGS POSURHW was used everywhere. The ox goad is a sym- bol of balance in several ways; it is a com- promise between the needs of the person and the stubbornness of the oxen, in which each side adapts to the needs and limita- tions of the other, and it is a way to keep the oxen moving in the right direction. Justice, it stands for active management by law. It also suggests balance, certainty, precision, impartiality, equality, and the like. Astrological Correspondence The Justice card is associated with the zodi- acal constellation of Libra, which is clearly indicated by the symbol of the constellation held in the hands of the Goddess of Justice. Both this card and the energy of Libra are designed to balance the outside world. It is about finding harmony and stepping on a new stable ground. However, for this to hap- pen, it is necessary that the bad be punished and the good rewarded equally. Justice, like Libra, sees its goal in achieving the Highest Harmony, but can achieve it by harsh and even cruel methods. Meaning: Eternal justice. Balance. Rational power. Judicial Proceedings. 79 OCKSSPOSCHARMUW Mem General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Water The Tree of Life: Path 23 The Twenty-third Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Stable Intelligence The Twenty-third Path is the Stable Intelligence, and it is so called because it has the virtue of con- sistency among all numerations. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Spirit of the Mighty Waters Kabbalistic Correspondence The Mem path is the first of two paths leading to Geburath. The name of the letter Mem means “water,” and its shape, according to traditional interpretations, symbolizes the waves of the sea. Water, an element represented by Mem, is also the very first mirror. Water reflects images upside down, and this idea is embodied 60 OCHS ISSA in the symbolism and the name of the Hanged Man Arcana. Everything that was previously purely external to him is now clearly reflected in the mirror of his mind and fills the emptiness of the inner world. Death is viewed not only and not so much as a physical phenomenon, but as a transi- tion, the beginning of transformation. Astrological Correspondence The card is associated with the element of Water, which has always acted as the per- sonification, on the one hand, of fluidity and impermanence, and on the other, eter- nity and preservation. Water is energy: la- tent, mysterious, fluid, malleable, feminine and passive. Water nourishes plants helping them grow and develop, and a tsunami can roll in and wash away everything in its path. Things that are very unpleasant for us can be found in our subconscious, but we must not only identify them, but also learn to in- teract with them. The Hanged Man allows you to look into your subconscious, interact with it, and enter into a dialogue. Meaning: Forced sacrifice. Punishment. Loss. Coercion. Suffering. 81 OCKFSPOSYURNW Nun General Attribution of Tarot: pean Hebrew meaning: Fish The Tree of Life: Path 24 The Twenty-fourth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Imaginative Intelligence The Twenty-fourth Path is the Imaginative Intelli- gence, and it is so called because it gives a likeness to all the similitudes which are created in like man- ner similar to its harmonious elegancies. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Child of the Great Transformers. The Lord of the Gate of Death Kabbalistic Correspondence The fourteenth letter of the alphabet is Nun, which means “fish.” In ancient times, fish was perceived as both a food source and a symbol. For the reason that 62 OC*XSSPOSYRHW it feels great in an environment that is destructive for humans, the fish has be- come a symbol of the afterlife, a symbol of the mysteries of the posthumous state. The Tarot Arcana corresponding to this path is called Death. In this case, death acts as a transition point between two worlds — physical and astral. Fish is a symbol of eternal life. Life, drawing its energy from death, conquers death. Astrological Correspondence In astrology, the Death card corresponds to the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is a sign of internal changes, overcoming of weak- ness, fighting to the bitter end. Scorpio reminds of the short lifespan of things when we lose control over them. This means the end of some things, but it is not the end of the journey itself. This is just the end of one cycle and the begin- ning of a new one, filled with completely different problems and conditions. Meaning: Time. Long term. Unintended changes. Seldom - death. 65 OC*FSPSCAHHW Samekh Hebrew meaning: Prop The Tree of Life: Path 25 The Twenty-fifth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Intelligence of Probation or Tentative One The Twenty-fifth Path is the Intelligence of Proba- tion, or Temptation, and is so called because it is the primary temptation, by which the Creator trieth all righteous persons. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Daughter of the Reconcilers, the Bringer-Forth of Life Kabbalistic Correspondence Samekh means “prop” or “support”. This is what strengthens the tent and thus corre- sponds to what the foundation of the house personifies today. Thus, it is a representa- tion of what is the basis or support of our life. In the Tarot, the path of Samekh cor- 84 OC*HS POS¥HHW responds to the Temperance Arcana. This Arcana seems to say that life is supported by the combination of energies and the union of opposite tendencies, and human behay- ior should be balanced and harmonious — that is, moderate. Astrological Correspondence In astrology, the card corresponds to the constellation of Sagittarius — the sign most inclined to philosophy and paying attention to universal problems. Things come into balance, just like in Temper- ance, but there is an inner balance here. Feelings and conditions that were extreme will probably be counterbalanced by the opposite energy. Being under the influ- ence of Sagittarius, a person feels the need to develop their own unique philosophy of life and develops a desire to transfer knowledge and ideas. This is the moment when a person's limitations are overcome. Sagittarius is always open to new things; not afraid of changes — the changes will make everything more interesting. Meaning: Combination of Forces. Implementation. Actions in the material sphere. 85 OCKSYSPOSHURHW Ayin General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Eye The Tree of Life: Path 26 The Twenty-sixth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Renovating Intelligence The Twenty-sixth Path is called the Renewing In- telligence, because the Holy God renews by it all the changing things which are renewed by the creation of the world. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Lord of the Gates of Matter. The Child of the Forces of Time Kabbalistic Correspondence The meaning of the letter Ayin is “eye.” It de- notes what lies on the surface, the outside of things. As a visual organ, the eye is the most important “tool” in the sphere of our sensa- tions, therefore the Symbolists use it as a des- ignation for all human sensations. But we see only the external with our eyes. Thus, the eye 66 OC*F$SOSCYURMY symbolizes the limitations of the visible and the fetters of ignorance, which is to accept these visible limitations as the only thing that exists. The Devil is a challenge requiring an adequate response. The Devil puts before a person a task to distinguish between the real and the imaginary, the way itis from how you want it to be. Astrological Correspondence In astrology, it is believed that a person born under the sign of Capricorn is practical and conservative; at their best, they are great builders and guardians, and at their worst they are misers obsessed with material forms. The thirst for success and over-suc- cess does not leave Capricorn even when there are already several conquered peaks under their feet. Capricorn acts decisively; one indisputable decision may be followed by another: one mistake leads to a chain reaction, because Capricorn tends to go all the way in everything. The Devil controls people with the help of desires. He makes people strive for money, power, status and even love, but these are always nothing more than mirages and temptations. Meaning: Materiality. Material forces. Temptation. Obsession. 87 OCKYSPOS¥URHW Pe General Attribution of Tarot: ae owe Hebrew meaning: Mouth The Tree of Life: Path 27 The Twenty-seventh Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Exciting Intelligence The Twenty-seventh Path is the Active or Exciting Intelligence, and it is so called because through it every existent being receives its spirit and motion. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty Kabbalistic Correspondence The Pe path is the main pivot of the per- sonality that combines creative energy at Netzach with the center of perfect mind at Hod. On this path, the basis of a per- son's perception of reality is revealed, and the ability to distinguish between inner truth and falsehood is achieved. Pe means “mouth as an organ of speech” and thus symbolizes the power of the word. The word has tremendous energy. This image 86 OC*HSQSFUHHW evokes exactly the same sense of danger and fear that the changes associated with this path often instill in people. Any ha- bitual, well-established ideas or opinions provide protection from chaos in thoughts; but on the other hand, they block the path to correct perception. And when these ideas break under the onslaught of unfore- seen events, our usual picture of the world collapses, but at the same time, it becomes possible to create a new, more perfect pic- ture. This path corresponds to the Tower Arcana. Here the destructive force appears before us in the simplest and clearest way. Astrological Correspondence The Tower is associated with the planet Mars. Mars is will and energy that can serve both good and bad. Old rules are crum- bling, and there is a chance to turn a crisis into an opportunity. Rage, pain, physical violence — everything that corresponds to Mars as the god of War is fully manifested in the Tower. In this Arcana, Mars overthrows strong structures. The influence of Mars suggests the tremendous speed with which all this is happening, as well as the insight that we receive after all the misfortunes. Meaning: Ambitiousness. Struggle. War. Destruction. Failure. Fall. 89 OCKYSPOSYURHW Tzaddi General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Fish-hook The Tree of Life: Path 28 The Twenty-eighth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Natural Intelligence The Twenty-eighth Path is called the Natural Intel- ligence; by it is completed and perfected the nature of all that exists beneath the Sun. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Daughter of the Firmament. The Dweller between the Waters Kabbalistic Correspondence The Tzaddi path is a vehicle of inspiration and revelation, because through it the imagination penetrates the subconscious, stimulating all creative endeavors. The He- brew letter Tzaddi symbolizes a fish hook. The fish, rushing to the hook, not only swallows it along with the bait, but also turns out to be pulled into another, unusu- 90 OC*XF8POSYRNW al environment for itself. It can be painful on a physical level, but Tzaddi primarily concerns the spiritual planes. Tzaddi gives hope for the salvation of the soul; this is the main idea of the Star card. This is one of the most favorable cards of the Major Arcana in terms of influence. It opens the way toa happy and joyful new future, good luck and achievements, renewal and pros- perity, portends the fulfillment of dreams, light at the end of the tunnel, and complete recovely. Astrological Correspondence Aquarius is one of the happiest energies in the Zodiac, just like the Star, as they embody hopes for the future and faith in humanity and in ourselves. Aquarius peo- ple are always happy to come to the rescue, value friendship, and love to study the se- crets of being and human existence. The philosophical component of their nature determines their non-standard view of the world. The Star card reveals commu- nications and brings social contacts to the maximum. Meaning: Hope. Sometimes — failed hope. Faith. Unexpected help. a OCxXGYSQOCURHW S Qoph General Attribution of Tarot: BECSIES Hebrew meaning: Back of head The Tree of Life: Path 29 The Twenty-ninth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Corporeal Intelligence The Twenty-ninth Path is the Corporeal Intelli- gence, so called because it forms every body which is formed in all the worlds, and the reproduction of them. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Ruler of Flux and Reflux. The Child of the Sons of the Mighty Kabbalistic Correspondence The Qoph path is the last of the three paths that connect Malkuth to the overly- ing spheres. The letter Qoph corresponds to the back of the head, thus this Tarot card symbolizes the “underworld” of the mind and the penetration of the Kabbal- 92 OC*$S POTCURHW ist into the unknown. This meaning can be found in the Moon as well. The Moon is the mistress of the night and the depths of consciousness. This path is always a movement somewhere in an unknown direction. Here and now we know every- thing, but in the future we know nothing, there is chaos, uncertainty. The Moon card introduces us to the mysterious king- dom of Darkness and Night, to the figura- tive world of the soul, to the world of our fantasies, dreams and revelations. Astrological Correspondence Both Pisces and the Moon rule the most unconscious energies in both the Zodi- ac and the Tarot. Mystery, mysticism, intuition — this is what distinguishes the sign of Pisces. The Moon card fully reflects these values. There is a feeling that something hidden is finally coming to the surface, and that fate is happening right before our eyes. The Moon, like the sign of Pisces, makes a person dream of the impossible and remain in the world. Meaning: Dissatisfaction. Intended changes. Lies. Treachery. Deceit. 95 OCKFSPBSARHW Resh General Attribution of Tarot: Hebrew meaning: Head The Tree of Life: Path 30 The Thirtieth Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Collecting Intelligence The Thirtieth Path is the Collective Intelligence, and Astrologers deduce from it the judgment of the Stars and celestial signs, and perfect their science, according to the rules of the motions of the stars. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Lord of the Fire of the World Kabbalistic Correspondence The letter Resh means “head.” Head means the brain as the physical basis of consciousness and the sense organs lo- cated nearby. In this case, the head acts as the beginning and focus of everything that is available to people. 94 OCxGY8POcY¥RHw This letter corresponds to the Sun Ar- cana, because it is the Sun that is the source of light on Earth. The path of Resh is the path of attaining great wis- dom; it leads to the Sephirah Hod. The Sun is considered the highest aspect of the real world and the lowest aspect of the Divine world, therefore, this Arcana symbolizes the transition from the vis- ible light of matter to the invisible light of Spirit. Resh is joy and new perspec- tives of being that has opened up before a person when they have the desire and strength to directly engage in spiritual life in its entirety. Astrological Correspondence The Sun Arcana corresponds to the Sun. The Sun is the center of our system. All life on the Earth exists thanks to solar energy. Unsurprisingly, this is a card for defeating all past trials. Success, honors, the end of dark, sad and tragic times. This is amoment of joy and celebration. Meaning: Glory. Profit. Wealth. Arrogance. 95 OCKGYSISSYHHW Shin General Attribution of Tarot: ea Hebrew meaning: Tooth The Tree of Life: Path 31 The Thirty-first Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Perpetual Intelligence The Thirty-first Path is the Perpetual Intelligence; but why is it so called? Because it regulates the mo- tions of the Sun and Moon in their proper order, each in an orbit convenient for it. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Spirit of the Primal Fire Kabbalistic Correspondence The Shin path is the second of three paths leading from Malkuth, the realm of mundane material reality, to the higher spheres. Shin means “tooth,” and teeth are instruments of transfor- mation. In the Tarot, the Shin path cor- 9 OC*FYSSSSUHHW responds to the Judgment Arcana. The Judgment is the new commitments to life, regrets about lost opportunities, rebirth. The card speaks of transitory stages. In this case, change and trans- formation is a natural, logical conclu- sion of events, and not a sudden end. Astrological Correspondence In the book Sepher Yetzirah, Shin is associated with Fire. According to the traditional formulation, the Shin path is ruled by the “reflection of the sphere of Fire.” This correspondence is the key to understanding this path. Fire sym- bolizes energy and will; it expresses the power that sets everything in motion and brings about drastic change. Fire transforms everything it encounters on its way, but at the same time it always remains itself and obeys only its own laws. Meaning: Final decision. Judgement. Impartial solution to an issue. 97 OC*F8S POS¥RHW Hebrew meaning: Tau (as Egyptian) The Tree of Life: Path 32 The Thirty-second Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah: Administrative Intelligence The Thirty-second Path is the Administrative In- telligence, and it is so called because it directs and associates the motions of the seven planets, direct- ing all of them in their own proper courses. Sepher Yetzirah TITLE OF TAROT TRUMP The Great One of the Night of Time Kabbalistic Correspondence The Tau path connects Malkuth, the realm of everyday reality, with Yesod, the realm of visions, dreams, supersensible experienc- es and subtle forces operating outside the physical world. This is the path of entering the realm of the unconscious. It also rep- resents the beginning of internal explora- 98 OC*XFSPOSYHRHW tion. Tau is the last letter of the Hebrew al- phabet. It means “cross” - or, more precisely, a tau cross, a T-shaped cross, a symbol of protection, life and rebirth. In Tarot, this path corresponds to the World Arcana. The basis of the Arcana is the foundation of all being, all creativity. This card reminds of the Great Power that governs lives in the Uni- verse. It is the most powerful and greatest of all existing forces, embodying its principles in its highest development. Astrological Correspondence Saturn is the last traditionally visible plan- et known to ancient astrologers. The rest of the planets are modern, outer planets. So Saturn represents the limit, the end of a known reality, and the last object we can see clearly. Saturn is the planet of destiny. Saturn shows how a person lived their life, what they did, and what reward or punish- ment awaits them at the end of their life. Saturn reminds us of the consequences of all our actions. Saturn and the World card coincide in that they are both a kind of out- come, the final point of history. Meaning: Synthesis. World. Universe. Kingdom. 99 OC*YS POT¥RNW Hebrew letters and classical astrology The twenty-two Hebrew sounds and let- ters are the Foundation of all things. Three mothers, seven doubles and twelve simples letters. The Three Mothers are Aleph, Mem and Shin: NS Air i Water w Fire The Seven double letters, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Kaph, Pe, Resh and Tau, have each two sounds associated with them: 3 Mercury Luna Venus Jupiter Mars Sol Saturn ys st 100 OCKYSPOSUHHW The Twelve Simple Letters are Hei, Vau, Zain, Cheth, Teth, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Tzaddi and Qoph: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces ww Des oF ry 101 OC*KYS POCYUHHW Postscript We can use the Tarot as an instrument of fortune telling or as a source of sym- bolism suitable for meditation, a deck of Tarot cards contains everything you need to use it as complete and effec- tive system of ritual magic. Everything is done through the symbolism of the cards, in accord with the successful sys- tem of occult and esoteric correspon- dences developed by the Hermetic Or- der of the Golden Dawn. The Tarot is a symbolic model of the uni- verse. Nothing external to it is required. The cards act to focus and project the power of the mind. Even those who use the Tarot only for fortune telling and have no interest in practical magic could find the explana- tions for the Golden Dawn Tarot cor- respondences and their origins more illuminating than any treatment of this subject that has previously appeared. 102 Recommended Books Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation). Eliphas Levi. Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie. Aleister Crowley. Liber 777. Oswald Wirth. Le tarot des imagiers du moyen age. Manly P. Hall. The secret teachings of all ages. Paul Foster Case. The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages. Gareth Knight. A practical guide to qabalis- tic symbolism. Robert Wang. The gabalistic tarot. 105 Another Tarot decks of Eugene Vinitski OCKHYSPOTHONW The Venetian Tarot Deck 78 cards deck gold gilded in the luxury box with booklet accompanied by the Certificate of Au- thenticity numbered and signed by author. The wonderful world of Carnival in Renaissance Venice has never been illustrated and never was the subject of Tarot cards. It’s the first Tarot cards drawing by hand and inspired by ancient Vene- tian masks and costumes. Order by e-mail: 105 OC*HYSPSSYHHW The Kabbalistic Tarot Deck 79 cards deck gold framed in the luxury box with booklet for Tarot Card reading accompa- nied by the Certificate of Authenticity num- bered and signed by author. The Kabbalistic Tarot deck utilizes the concept developed in the Hermetic Order of the Gold- en Dawn. The design of the cards is based on the images from three uncut printers sheets in the Rosenwald Collection and the missing ones have been reconstructed. Order by e-mail: OCKFSPOCURHW The Money Tarot Deck Set of 78 cards gold gilded in the luxury box with booklet accompanied by the Certificate of Authenticity numbered and signed by author. For financial fortunetelling. A unique Tarot deck based on new and old currencies from around the world. Hidden secrets and power of money inspire intuitive interpretations - money brings money. Order by e-mail: 107 OC*KFS PSSTYURHW The World in Colours Tarot Deck Set of 24 cards homage to the American artist, Keith Haring, best. known for his New York graffiti visual style. The card illustrations have simplified tarot imagery drawn in apprecia- tion of his artistic style. That tarot brings co- lours in your life. Order by e-mail: THE STAR, 106 OCKYRISSUHMY Golden Venetian Lenormand in collaboration with Elsa Khapatnyukovski 54 card deck gold gilded in the luxury box, ac- companied by the Certificate of Authenticity numbered and signed by authors and book with detailed descriptions and explanations about each card, its combinations and some spreads. Order by e-mail: OC*XSGSIOSCHUHHW Tarot of Magical Correspondences 78 cards deck gold gilded and companion book in the luxury box, accompanied by the Certificate of Authenticity numbered and signed by author. This is Tarot cards deck for fortunetelling, magic and meditation based on the successful system of Kabbalistic, occult and esoteric correspondences developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Order by e-mail: OCKFSPOSHRHW ABOUT AUTHOR Eugene Vinitski is a professional illustrator, artist and tarot creator from Switzerland, who uses multiple art techniques. He has worked for many years as an illustrator and he has exhibited successfully as a painter in Europe. Some time ago he’s intrigued by the mystery world and endless possibilities of Tarot, as well as its eminently practical applications. He created a number of magical tarot decks. And now he continues to create his own vi- sionary art. m OC*XFSPOSUHHW Name of Sephira Hebrew Letter (here in English) (The Paths) e PathNumber 2S Se . 58 1st Level & GE 38a 53% 2nd Level < oz ———— .

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