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AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING BOARD REVIEW MATERIALS AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY and MECHANIZATION Prepared by Dr. Reynaldo M. Lantin Professor Agricultural Machinery Division Institute of Agricultural Engineering College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology University of the Philippines Los Bafios College, Laguna May 2008 (Reproduction with Permission Only) PSAE Region 1V gricultural Engineering Board Review Materials Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization Dr. Reynaldo I. Lantin Professor Agricultural Machinery Division Institute of Agricultural Engineering College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology University of the Philippines Los Bafios College, Laguna I. Definition of terms and concepts in the context of agricultural mechanization and machinery 1. 4. Conditions n Agricultural mechanization is a system of production of food and fiber that embraces the use of tools, implement and machines for agricultural land development, production, harvesting, and on-farm processing. It includes three main power sources: human, animal and mechanical. Natural power (solar, water, and wind) are included in mechanical power because 2 mechanical device is needed to transfer this power into useful work. AS a discipline, agricultural mechanization covers the manufacture, distribution, and utilization of toots, implements, and machines. — FAO definition Agricultural mechanization is the application of animal and machine power to multiply man’s ability to perform production operations. Mechanization permits man to multiply his production by the use of animal or fuel power. Mechanization allows the performance of tasks effidently. - Loyd Johnson, 1964. Levels of agricultural mechanization: a. Hand too! technology ~ simplest and most basic level; use pf tools and simple implements powered by human muscle. Even where sophisticated levels of mechanization are commonly used, hand tool technology retains Importance in agricultural operations. b. Draft animal technology — implements and machines utilizing animat muscle as ‘the power source. ©. Mechanical power technology - most sophisticated level; agricultural machinery powered by mechanical or non-animate sources. sary for mechanization: Mechanization must result in more production at lower cost than the traditional method — to justify the equipment cost, divert displaced labor to more productive operations Mechanization must assist labor to overcome peak energy requirements which are in excess of manpower available Mechanization must replace time and energy efficiently — should be less than those required with the use of hand tools. 5. Changes necessary for agricultural mechanization: a. In farm size and layout — present paddy size is most efficient for animal and man farming operations but not for mechanized operations; energy available has limited such size; that’s why large landawnership resulted in tenant system Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 4 EE EE eee b. Jn farm practices and crops grown — mechanization overcomes petik eneruy requirements to permit a second crop or next crop immediately following thn: previous crop, hence increasing cropping intensity ¢. In social systems ~ mechanization is based solely on cash exchange which is true in ‘any industry that makes use of power. 1. Bayanihan system is limited because time and favors are exchanged; exchange of labor is now getting rare. 2. Cooperatives have been suggested and tried many times but with little or no success because members must have self-discipline and equality. 3. Contractor-cash system — works in nearly all micro to macro service enters like milling and threshing, transportation, private schools, hospitals, constructic... Thus, custom service operation appears to be a viable strategy for promoting mechanization because it is based on direct client-provider relationship where under formal market forces, the client has power over the provider and can demand quality and value or the next provider gets the contract. Here the poor farmer is in control ‘over the essential services provided. 4. — Government-implemented mechanization systems have not been succesful ii tit Philippines and anywhere else in the world, The main reason is that services are not direct but pass through policymakers and the bureaucracy and nobociy Is held accountable. (Ref. Deverajan, S. and R. Reinikka. Making Services worl: for poor people. Finance and Development, September 2003. An IMF publication), 5. In paradigm = a shift from thinking marginal farming that has been brining about worsening poverty to smallholders’ families because of lack of resources (except the ‘small landholding) to large-scale farming by grouping and consolidating resources cr selling out to agribusiness investors and instead pursue the education of children that they will not become yet smaller landholders. In the meanwhile, the pres small landholders may continue their present work until retirement bul. can io forward to a brighter future for his children during the next 5 — 10 years compzrad to hopelessness at present. This vision may be attended by land for educatior swapping with the investor who will guarantee funds for such education. 6. In paradigm — a shift from the thinking of adapting a small but inefficient machine for small field plots to make the plots bigger to be able to utilize efficient laige machines through custom operation service providers. ~ In paradigm — a shift from inefficient and low-capacity small machines to efficient and high-capacity large machines; this would need land forming, consiruction of field roads roads, and imigation and drainage facilities for efficient operations of the service provider that will mean less cost to the farmer. 6. Agricultural machinery refers to the tools, implements, and equipment manufactured and used for field operations to effect land preparation, including land clearing and land formiri, crop establishment, crop care and maintenance, and crop harvest and processing as well 2S to those for the establishment, care and maintenance of poultry, livestock, and aquaculture. Agricultural machines need energy sources or motive power equipment to operate them. 7. Land consolidation is the grouping together of small parcels of land cornprising @ Contiguous area and reforming the boundaries for the purpose of effecting sultable field Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization shapes and sizes conducive to efficient operation of agricultural machinery, bullding access roads, field irrigation and drainage canals as well as allotting spaces for crop postharvest processing structures, The initial steps in planning for land consolidation consist of topographic surveys and determining the layout of the required infrastructures (requiring an agricultural engineer's professional work). Certain mutually agreed arrangements (may require the intervention of a third party, like an NGO or government, like DAR, DA, and DECS) among the farmers involved are made in relocating boundaries, removal of existing bounds and leveling along contours, which may entail land swapping, sales (may involve outside areas to consolidate conjugal or family land properties into one area), donations, or equitable sharing of labor and benefits, especially in rice paddies. Implementation of land consolidation requirements may be facilitated by forming farmer cooperatives or groups, reselling or leasing the land to an agribusiness or agro-industrial entrepreneur or corporation, Which would demand a large farm area to effect economies of scale. It can also be facilitated by farm planning end implementing land consolidation physical infrastructures on a single or family owned area before titling and distributing the land parcels to the farmer beneficiaries of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). Land consolidation is expected to be 8 torturous endeavor that will need education and information among those directly affected and is a step towards modernizing agriculture through gradual change from unproductive, unprofitable or low-income generating marginal farming systems to efficient and profitable large-scale and modernized farming. The current small landhoider-farmers will retire and their children will te encouraged and assisted to get college education so that none of them will engage in marginal farming as an economic base. Certain safety nets may be in place to ensure food and financial security in case of economic downturns and natural and man-made calamities, Farmland clustering is the grouping together of ferms in an area (initially forming a minimum of 50-ha cluster) for synchronized farming operations from land preparation to harvesting in cooperation or contract with agricultural mechanized operations service providers for the purpose of making fiek! operations efficient and thus, effect low cost, timely, and professional or high quality services to the benefit also of the farmers forming the cluster. Within a farm or among neighboring farms, the farmers in the duster agree to remove or relocate boundaries or physical barriers (yet retaining the integrity of property lines on paper or comer markers on land or both) to effect minimum interruptions of field operaticns, like in continuous plowing, planting, and harvesting across property lines. Farmland clustering has shown success, acceptance, and benefts among farmers in corn farmland areas in Isabela and Quirino provinces through the efforts of cooperatives and private custom operation service providers and encouregement by the DA and DAR. Machinery for rice production in the Philippines a. Power tilier or hand tractor or two-wheel tractor with moldboard plow and comb- tooth harrow (suyod) as standard implements — riding type as in Nueva Ecija; pedestrian type elsewhere. ». Rotary tilfer or floating power tiller ~ hydrotiler in Laguna or turtle power tiller in Toilo and elsewhere in Visayas and Mindanao Row marker or kaladkad ~ 30-row for making gridlines. on paddy surface before transplanting; common in Laguna © Centrifugal water pump with single cylinder engine — for shallow tubewell pumping &. Axial-flow thresher— popular nationwide and in Asia with adaptive designs ‘Sst of mechanical powered field operations in the Philippines. Agpoattural Machinery and Mechanization PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 1-4 3. Land preparation - power tiller with plow, harrow; rotary tiller as in hydrotiler or turtle power tiller for wetland rice; ¢-wheel tractor with disk plow and harrow for sugar cane, com, and other upland crops b. Seeding and transplanting rice and sugarcane — manual; seeding com - tractor operated pneumatic seeder in some places in Mindanao, Isabela, Cagayan, and Quirino ¢. Harvesting rice and sugarcane — manual with sickle or palang, respectively; combine in Pangasinan through a custom operation service provider; combine in corn in parts of Isabela d. Threshing palay — axial flow thresher 11, Theoretical time per hectare is the time that would be required to finish a a fed operation at the theoretical field capacity; it is the reciprocal of theoretical field capacity. 12. Performance efficiency Is the percentage of effectiveness of performance of a machine as for example the recovery of grain in a thresher or the degree of soil inversion of a plow as expected in the design under the operating conditions, 13. Effective operating time Is the time spent for actual performance of the machine; that is, adding time spent to make up for time spent for strips of land not covered by the full width of the machine; effective operating time will be longer than the theoretical time if such is the case. 14. Fleld efficiency is the ratio of effective field capacity to theoretical field capacity, expressed as percent. It is also the ratlo of the theoretical time to the total time actually spent Including those for losses that are proportional to area and those that are not proportional to area. 15. Scouring of soil on a tillage tool is the ease of movement of the furrow slice to slide aver the moldboard, disk, chisel, cultivator, or furrawer surface with minimal adhesion of the soll to that surface on account of the soil moisture content falling within the friable phase and on account of the low coefficient of soll-metal friction, coefficient of soil-soil friction, angle of ‘approach of the tool, soil cohesion and soll adhesion. Scouring will occur when the soil-tool interface frictional resistance is less than the parallel soil-soil Interface resistance. 16. Scraper in a tillage tool is a small blade, spatula, or curved plate that is designed to remove any soil sticking on tool surface such 2s on the disk plow face or disk harrow blades. In the animal-drawn plow it is in the form of a thin spatula which is conveniently tucked on the extension of the plow standard for manually scraping the soil sticking on the moldboard when needed. 17. Equivalent of landside in a tractor operated disk plow is the rear furrow wheel that bears against the furrow wall to counteract the parasitic forces that produce a torque tending to rotate the tail end of the plow towards the direction of the land and tending to steer the front end of the tractor towards the plowed portion. 18. Offset disk harrow consists of a front gang of disks with disk angle and disk concave face causing the soil to be moved to the right (left) for a right (left)-hand offset and the rear gang causing the soil to be moved to the left (right) for a left-hand offset. The center of resistance are offset to the left (right) of the center of gravity of the two gangs; the line of puil passes through the center of resistance and the hitch point which may be aligned paraltel (no side draft) or at an angle to the left or to the right of the direction of travel In which cases there are offsets, 19. Checkrow planting is the planting of crops where the rows and hills within the rows are aligned in perpendicular, diagonal, and other angular directions. Checkrow planting of rice Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization — PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials ‘seedlings (dapog or seedbed-raised) is being practiced in Laguna by using 30-row markers to draw grid lines on the drained paddy field before transplanting. Transplanting workers are Instructed to plant at the intersections of the grid lines. 20. Precision planting is the placement of a single seed in a hill within the row at a uniform depth and at a uniform environment for germination of each seed. 21, Aerobic seeding of rice is the planting of rice seeds on dry land or on saturated soil without covering the seed with water or mud. 22, Dryland seeding of rice is similar to aerobic seeding except that it is carried out on land that has not been puddled or is prepared mostly during the dry weather just like one for upland crops. Upland rice In the Batangas highlands had been cultivated by broadcasting seeds in furrows made by the lithao or five-tooth furrower pulled by an ox or cerabao and then covered with soil using a peg-tooth harrow. The practice has essentially been discontinued because of abandonment of planting upland rice brought about by industrialization, retirement of rice farmers, and lack of machinery technologies to substitute the labor-intensive field operations, especially harvesting and threshing. Because of low yields upland rice could not compete with wetland rice’although the taste of upland rice is much preferred by the local folks. Now that the mechanization technologies are available, no programs are in place to revive the planting such sought after upland rice varieties. Moreover, seeds have to be multiplied from about 10 grams of seed obtainable from only two possible sources - the gene banks of IRRI and PhilRice and from some farmers who tried to maintain the supply of such seeds for own use. (See item 38). 23. Inasrtire requirements of a consolidated rice field for efficient agricultural mechanization consist of : a. Reforming the bounds so that the fields are of suitable size and shape, appropriately following contours for economy or land forming b. Building access road to each field ¢. Constructing irrigation facility for each field (Ideally using pipe conveyance system) d. Drainage system for each field joining the main consolidated farm drains for good water control for water economy and prevention of floods. In addition, 2 common and centrally located post harvest facility may be established possibly by the cooperative to service one or more land consolidated areas. 24. The ultimate purpose of harvesting and threshing operation is to recover the usable grain crop with the minimum degree of grain losses and damage and of hichest quality of cleaning to be free of plant residues, weed seeds, and materials other than grain. 25. Four basic operations performed by a combine In recovering the seed are: a. Cutting, or picking up from the windrow, and conveying the material to the threshing mechanism; b. Threshing or detaching the grain from panicles; . Separating the seed and chaff from the straw; and d. Cleaning the chaff and other debris from the seed. 26. Present labor-intensive rice harvesting and mechanized threshing system consists of: a. Manual cutting using the sickle and collecting the unbound sheaves to form a large stacl Hogricultural Machinery and Mechanization PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Material b. Laying the materials on a tray at the front part of the axial-flow thresher for feeding Into ‘the threshing mechanism with blower; ¢. Collecting the mixture of grain and straw for further cleaning by manual screening and blowing by a separate fan operated by a small engine; and d. Bagging the cleaned grain — degree of cleaning depends upon the molsture content of the mixture with the lowest degree occurring during the wet season harvest, thus, contributing to low price. 27. Non-grain material includes all plant material entering the combine or fed into the thresher except the grain or seed. 2 & }. Grain/non-grain ratio is the ratio of the grain mass to the mass of non-grain material. 29. The non-grain feed rate is the rate at which non-grain material is delivered to the cylinder by the header of the combine or by manual feeding In the case of the thresher. 30. Grain feed rate is the rate, in kg grain per unit time, at which grain or seed Is delivered to the threshing cylinder by the combine header or by the manual feeder In the axial-flow thresher. In the combine, it is the total of the grain collected in the grain tank and that lost from the rear of the machine, that is, grain or seed passing out from the straw rack and the chaffer sieve. In the portable axial flow thresher, it is the total of the clean grain collected or ‘the sum of that lost with the straw that is ejected from the thresher, that lost from the rear of the thresher due to the built in blower and screen if any, and that lost during separate cleaning by screening and blowing. 3 . Total feed rate is the sum of the non-grain feed rate and the grain feed rate. 32. Gathering and pre-threshing losses in manual harvesting and mechanized threshing Includes grain lost during cutting the stalks by means of sickle, grain lost when gathering the material to form into sheaves, grain lost during manual transport of the sheaves to the large stack, and grain lost in retrieving material from the stack to convey it to the threshing tray. In the combine, the gathering loss consists of grain or seed lost during cutting and conveying operations to the threshing mechanism. 33, Cylinder loss in a combine cénsists of unthreshed grain Coming out from the straw rack or In the cleaning shoe. 34. Walker loss is threshed grain or seed that are included in the straw and discharged from the rear of the machine. 3! . Shoe loss is threshed seed or grain discharge over the rear of the cleaning shoe, lings consist of unthreshed grains and the panide materials to which they are attached. 37. Three types of threshing cylinders are peg-tooth or spike-tooth, wire loop, and rasp-bar. Wire loop teeth are common in head feed cylinders such as those used in pedal threshers and Japanese threshers and combines where the straw is saved from being ctushed between the concave and cylinder to make it usable for rope or other purposes. 38. Three types of threshing action in throw-in feeding of threshing material according to the direction of the material inside the threshing unit are: gricultural Machinery and Mechanization SSS itural Engineering Board Review Materials 1-43 1. Centrifugal pump - most commonly used type for domestic and irrigation purposes. Depends on centrifugal force for their operation. Consists of an impeller inside an involute casing (Figure 4), 2. Propeller Pump — used for low pressure head and high discharge. Extensively used for drainage pumping and the transfer of water from canals and rivers to adjacent fields (Figure 5). J i, “5 fe E hh tf i ct g x Eo]: ° i g = HE ie 3 a 2 i i z z 2 FEE 5 E E 3, 2 Ge : 8 g -|* 5 : | § : 3 3 3 i ee . pas 2 z E i : i é ze Ls £ : é 5 Agricultural Machinery and Mechani PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials a. Tangential or cross-flow where the material is fed on cne side of the threshing cylinder and discharged tangentially at the opposite side after passing between the cylinder and concave grete; For shattering resistant rice varieties, separation can only be zbout 60% and re-feeding will be necessary. b. Axial flow where the material is fed at one end of the cylinder and by combined threshing and conveying actions of the peg teeth, concave grate, and spiral deflector attached to the cylinder cover, the material is conveyed spirally around the cylinder and the crushed straw with minimal amount of free and unthreshed palay (if palay is not wet) is discharged by a paddle wheel at the other end of the cylinder. This type of threshing present problems of clogging and much grain Joss with the straw when the palay is wet as Is often the case during the rainy season, Gleaners do their part In recovering the grain; and ¢. Radial flow where the material is usually hand held by four operators and the threshed grain travels radially inside a rotating threshing conical table with wire loops. This principle has not gained popular use. 39. Schematic of a typical modem combine; label all major components. 40. The optimum range of molsture content of palay for harvesting Is 21 to 24%. This range is attainabee in the humid tropics lke the Philippines. The lower figure is during the dry season and the upper one, sometimes hardly attainable also is during the rainy seascn harvest. At this moisture content range (the lower figure is desirable) grain quality deterioration is lower than when it is at higher moisture content. IRRI found that the railing (total and head yield) of IRB variety was highest at 72-73% when palay Is harvested within this range. However, the grain has to be dried down to the 14% moisture content level. Harvesting one week before maturity gave the least percentage loss. The approximate number of days for the crop to mature for a given variety serves as guide for harvesting. (See item 20). 41. Types of threshing teeth commonly used in each of the following thresters and why the type is used: a. Axial flow thresher has peg or spike teeth cylinder as the pegs do efficient separation of the grains from the attachment by impact and rubbing action of the pegs or spikes as the material pass between them and the concave grate b, Selfpropelled Japanese combine has wire-foop teeth because the palay is head-fed or the rice stalks are held or clamped by a pair of spring-loaded sprocket chains with triangular teeth vihile being conveyed axially along the cylinder. In this way, the straw is not crushed for some other use or purpose such as rope for mat-making. Sasides, the popular Japanese rice varlety, Kasiihikar, \s resistant to shattering and if the axialflow thresher principle is used tailings will be a problem. Incidentally, crowing of upland rice in the Batangs highlands has virtually been abandoned because of its difficulty to thresh by feet, the traditional method. Before the threshing technology was introduced farmers had already stopped planting the highly favored upland rice varieties c. Rice stripper-gatherer has Aand-rubber stripping teeth that have keyhole stape at the base for efficient combing and stripping actions d. Corn combine has rasp bar cylinder but has concave grate for effective corn shelling at high rate 42, Effect of speed on draft of a moldboard plow. The draft increases as the square of the speed as shown In the formula D.+ KS? a SS Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 18 43. 4“ 45. raft at speed, S D, = static component of draft, independent of speed S = forward speed ‘a constant whose value is related to implement type and design and to soil conditions Types of moldboards a. Sod type moldboards are long and low with gradual twist or spiral and often with extension to effect maximum soil inversion to cover trash. They are sultable for friable soils with sod or short-growing grasses but clay loam sols with high moisture content near or within the plastic range (as in saturated paddy salts), the ribbon of soll may only have short breaks. Couiters which may be notched or ripple edged are usually provided to ald In cutting trash and to define cutting of the furrow slice b. Stubble type moldboard is short and broad with abrupt curvature near the top, thus effecting soil breakup ©. General-purpose type moldboard has curvature, height, and tength between the stubble and the sod types suitable for wide range of soil conditions, Some moldboards are slatted to deal with sticky soils that present problems of scouring The useful and parasitic forces acting on a moldboard plow: a. Ris the resultant of side and longitudinal forces b. Sis the side or lateral force perpendicular to the direction of travel and on the horizontal plane . Lis the longitudinal force along the direction of travel on the horizontal plane = draft d. Vis the vertical component of the resultant of forces acting on the moldboard and causes a rotational effect because the moldboard bottom Is not symmetrical about the vertical, longitudinal plane through its centerline €. Pais the horizontal component of pull exerted by the power unit on the plow along the line of pull f. Qs is the component of the parasitic forces acting on the landside on the horizontal Plane. . ‘The action of the moldboard on a furrow slice from the time it is cut by the share and left behind by a moving plow. The piow share cuts a furrow slice and as the plow moves forward the furrow slice is elevated as it slides on the moldboard surface. It encounters resistance to motion due to partial blocking by the preceding furrow slice which is at higher elevation and suffers twisting effect while following the contour of the moldboard surface. The furrow slice breaks to a degree depending upon the plasticity or friability of the soil. Further movement to the rear of the moldboard will result in twisting and breakage of the furrow slice until It drops on the side of previous furrow ridge inverted, that is, the grass or stubble surface is now underneath and the furrow slice bottom is now on top. Thus, the actions of the moldboard 1@ Soil consist of cutting, elevating, twisting, and inversion, resulting in breakage and individual clods. 46. Disk angle and tilt angle for a plow disk: a. Disk angle is the angle between the horizontal diameter of the disk face and the direction of travel and is normally 42° fo 45° Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engincering Goard Review Materials I b, Tilt angle |s the angle that the disk Is tilted backward from the vertical usually at an angle from 15° to 25” 47. Difference between a standard disk plow and a vertical-disk plow. 2 The standard disk plow consists of a series of large-diameter disks (61 to 71 cm) mounted individually and inclined on a frame supported by a rear furrow whee! if plow is mounted type or wheels if semi-mounted or pulled type b. The vertical disk plow, locally known as harrow plow, has smaller diameter (51 to 61 cm) disks and plows shallower than the standard disk plow. The disks are mounted with uniform spacing along a common axle or gang bot and damped together with spacer ‘Spools. The gang of disks rotates as a unit lke a disk harrow gang. The tilt angle Is zero or the disk faces are vertically oriented. However, the disks have a common disk angle wihich is the angle of the gang from the direction of travel. 48. Concavity of a disk is the reciprocal of the racius of curvature of the disk = 1/r, where ris the radius of curvature of the disk. Thus, the less the concavity the larger is the radius of curvature. 4 |. Gang arrangements for three types of disk harrow a. Single-acting disk harrow has two opposed gangs of disk blades both throw the soil ‘outward from the center of the tiled strip; b. Tandem disk harrow has two additional single-acting gangs of disk blades behind the front gangs but throw the soil inward toward the center of the tiled strip thus, producing a somewhat level field. Offset disk harrow has two opposed gangs on in front which throws the soil oubward and one at the rear, which throws the soll Inward. The line of pull is offset from the center of gravity. 50. In seeding, the recommended proper placement of the seed and fertilizer in the soil: a, Depth of placement — 2 - 3 cm from the soil surface b, Soil compaction ~ soil on top of seed is loose; soil around seed is pressed; and soil at bottom of seed slightly compacted c. Fertilizer placement - 5 cm to the side and 5 cm deep 51. Four types of soil surface profile for row-crop planting: furrow planting — seed or plant placed at bottom of furrow Flat planting — seed or plant placed on flat or level surfece Bed planting — one row is planted on the ridge of the furrow Broad bed planting - two or more rows are planted on the broad bed top. aoge 52. Four types of furrow openers: a, Single disk for depth of penetration and cutting trash as in grain dlls b. Double disk— for medium and shallow seeding where depth control is critical and made Possible with removable depth bands ¢. Full or curved runner ~ for medium depths in trash-free soil d. Stub runner for rough and trashy ground e. Hoe- for stony and root infested soils Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 1-10 53, The seed metering device used in each of the following planting machines: a. Tractormounted com planter (Ford) — 3 rotating edge-irop horizontal plate with spring-loaded cut-off device that rides on top of the plate and wipes off excess seeds 25 the cells move beneath it; a spring-oaded knock out paw! pushes the seeds from the cells when they are over the seed tube. The plate is driven by the ground wheel by a set of speed ratios through sprockets and chain and bevel gear drives to establish the planting distance between hills along the row. ». Tractor-drawn grain drill (1H McCormick) - Fluted wheel <. Manually pulled rice drum seeder (IRRI-designed)— Fixed row of orifices 4. Vegetable seeder (Planet Jr.) ~ Fxed onfice or stationary-opening with agitator driven by ground whee! 54. Two types of hitch linkages of 4-wheel tractors: a. Parallel-link hitches - employed mosiy for front-mounted cultivators where raising ‘and lowering of the gang or tool bar result In equal changes in the depths of all shove's and does not change the pitch of the shovels b. Three-point hitch converging link type — rear-mounted with 4 categories with dimensions corresponding to the different ranges of maximum drawbar power. 55. ASAE-SAE standards for 3-point hitches specify all dimensions related to the 3 connecting points between the Implement and tractor but not fink lengths and the amounts of horizontal and vertical convergence: 2. Maximum limits for lift height, lateral feveling adjustments and side sway b. Minimum lift force to be available at the hitch pins ¢. Dimensions for 4 hitch categories as follows Category I- 15 to 35 KW (20 to 45 hp) Category II - 30 to 75 kW (40 to 100 hp) Category ITT —60 to 168 KW (80 to 225 hp) Category IV — 135 to 300 kWW (180 to 400 hp) 56. Automatic draft control — 2 type of restrained link system in which the depth is automatically adjusted to maintain a pre-selected, constant draft. 57. Vertical effect of the Implement pull upon the tractor is to add the vertical component of pull to the rear wheels and to transfer from the front wheels to the rear wheels @ vertical force equal to the horizontal component of pull times the ratio y/x, where y is the height of above ground at which the line of pull on the vertical longitudinal plane intersects the vertical line of action of the vertical supporting soll reaction upon the rear wheel (reaction Is slightly in front of the rear axle) and x Is the horizontal distance between the vertical lines of action of the supporting soil rezctions upon the front and rear wheels. ing field operations using a particular machine or group of machines. Costs incivde Pharges for the implement, tractor or engine pawer utlized, and labor and are categorized into fixed and variable costs. Simple benefit and cost anaiysis can determine the viabllity of ‘owning a certain machine or group of machines for own use or far custom hire services or both, Apart from the benefit-cost ratio, some common measures of profitability of the machine system or enterprise are payback period, internal rate of retum, retum on investment. Financial analysis is necessary for making decisions on whether to buy @ certain machine and power unit or hire the services of custom operation service provides, or choose an alternative proj Fgricuttural Machinery and 'mMatn 58, Financial management of machinery entails the determination of costs of owning and 59. 60. 61. 63. Depreciation is a fixed cast if the machine life is determined by obsolescence or if the machine is assumed to have a life span or fully depreciated before it wears out. However, if depreciation is based on operating time before it wears out, then depreciation is a considered a variable cost. Items to consider in cost analysis: a. Machine life \s estimated arbitrarily by estimate of years to obsolescence or years to wear out or becomes uneconomically repairable. The lesser value is to be used b. Interest on investment should reflect the prevailing interest rates. The interest cost reflects the opportunities foregone for other financial Investment with that money because it has been tied up In the purchase of the machine c. Taxes, insurance, and shelter are important considerations but normally when a machine has been purchased the cost include taxes already. In only some cases where necessary, like in the case of expensive tractors and combines working in security sensitive will the machine be insured against damage or sabotage. However, cost of housing the machine such as shed for protection from the elements and security as well, is to be included d. Repairs and maintenance are at best estimated unless there is a historical record of similar machines from the same manufacturer from which data on repairs can be taken. Otherwise, repair cost is estimated as 15% of the initial cost e. Fuels, lubricants, and miscellaneous supplies can be substantial operational cost. Fuels and lubricant costs are very volatile and fluctuate according to the cost of crude oil in the world market and the exchange rate of the peso. Historical records of fuel consumption, repair, and maintenance costs for similar brand engines and applications can be helpful in making estimates, Total cost of performing a field operation. The calculation of total cost per unit of work, that Is, on a per-unit-area or production-unit- basis, such as pesos per ha, pesos per kg palay threshed, pesos per hour hydrotilling, involves the following factors: ‘Annual use of implement, in hours or hectares Effective field capacity of implement, in hectares per hour Total annual fixed costs for implement; Total operating costs per hour (repairs, fuel, and lubricants) for implement Cost per hour or per hectare for tractor power required by non-self propelled implements Labor cost per hour Rpacse . Five measures of profitability of ownership and operation of a custom machinery service ‘operation: Laser leveling is a modern method of leveling land using the straightness and non- spreading properties of laser beam to indicate the elevation of an object relative to a benchmark. A sensor detects the position of the fight beam and relays the signal to an actuator (usually the controls of the tractor hydraulic system) to raise or lower or hold the leveling device at the set elevation. With this principle, leveling of paddy field can be done accurately and with less or no water use as in dry soil leveling. The imported components consisting of laser generator, sensor, actuator, controls and electronic instruments required are expensive but a similar local automatic or semi-automatic version adapting locally available electronic components may be designed and made to achieve low cost. Agricultural Machinery and Mechanzation PSAE Region IV 64. 65, 67. 68. 69. cultural First and second laws of machines: 2. Any operation performed by human hands can be performed by a machine or a series of machines. b. Any operation performed by 2 machine or 2 series of machines can be done faster and/or cheaper and/or with improvement in quality of product by another machine or a series of machines. Time losses incurred in operation of machines: a. Time losses in turning at headlands b. Time losses due to interruptions that are proportional to effective operating time or total field time, e.g,, idle travel across the ends c. Time losses due to interruptions that are proportional to area, e.g., interruptions due to clogging, obstructions, adding fertilizer or seed to hoppers 4d. Time losses due to interruptions that are not proportional to area, e.g., back-and-forth tuming in row crop operation . Formula for field efficiency: = 100 T./ (Te + Th +7.) Where: T, = theoretical time per hectare Tz = effective operating time = T, x 100/K K = percentage of implement width actually utilized Ty = time lost per hectare due to interruptions that are not proportional to area, T, = due to interruptions that are proportional to area Expression of size of implements a. Animal-drawn moldboard plow — width of cut of moldboard measured as the widest potion of the share in a direction perpendicular to the direction of travel of the plow, eg., 12cm b. Tractor-mounted moldboard plow — number of bottoms x width of cut of one bottom measured as the distance between the gunnel (edge part of the moldboard near the landside) and the wing of the share alang a line perpendicular to the direction of travel of the plow, e.g., 3 x 61 cm Row-crop planter - number of rows x distance between rows, e.g., 4x75 cm Self-propelled combine — width of cut or swath, e.g., 5 m e. Hydrotiller— width of cut or swath, e.g., 1.2m ao Eight objectives of tillage: a. To develop a soil structure and environment conducive to the germination of the seed b. To control weeds or thin the unwanted plants To manage piant residues, that is, incorporate vegetative materials into the soll for composting and destroying hosts of insect pests To minimize soil erosion, through contour tillage, listing, and trash placement - conservation tillage e. To form the land surface for planting, irrigation, drainage, and harvesting operations f. To incorporate fertilizers and soil amendments 9. i To segregate Soil sizes, remove rocks and other foreign objects |. To harvest root crops. Four major objectives of minimum tillage: tural imery 1-13 PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Material To reduce mechanical-eneray and labor requirements ‘To conserve moisture and reduce soil erosion ‘To minimize the area tilled such as the strip along the row To reduce tillage time by minimizing trips across the field. Bese 70. Purposes of stubble-mulch tillage: a. To reduce wind and water erosion b. To conserve water by reducing runoff 71. Forces acting upon a plow bottom: a. Useful forces - result from cutting, pulverizing, lifting, and inverting furrow slice b. Parasitic forces — act upon the side and bottom of landside (including friction) and rolling resistance of support wheels. 72. Two ways of expressing the forces acting upon a tillage tool when a rotational effect exists illustrate for a moldboard plow bottom: 2. Two non-intersecting forces, Ry and V b. One force R, plus a couple Va in a plane perpendicular to the line of motion 73, Four types of implements based on how they are connected to the power unit: 2. Pull-type or trailed implements one that is connected at a single hitch point and pulled by the power unit without any other support from it b. Mounted implements attached to the tractor through a hitch linkage, normaly by the standard 3-point hitch and is completely supported by the tractor when in raised position. The hitch linkage provides rotational stability in the longitudinal axis and is operated by the hydraulic system to control the height of implement and depth of cut through the vertical support from the tractor while in operating position ‘, Semi-mounted implement ‘s attached to the tractor through a horizontal or nearly horizontal hinge axis and is only partially and never completely Supported by the tractor 4. Self-propelled machine has ts ovm built-in propelling power unit II. Exercise questions Enumerate, explain, and illustrate each of the following: 1. Give the formula for shearing stress at soil failure when acted upon by a tillage tool. Explain each term or symbol in the formula. Explain how speed increases draft of a moldboard plow. Give the equation that relates speed to draft and explain each term in the equation. Illustrate the gang arrangements for the three general types of disk harrows. Differentiate between primary and secondary tillage. Explain the function of the landside in a moldboard plow. Differentiate between parasitic and useful forces when operating a tillage tool. Name and explain 5 ways by which a farmer, operating a carabao-drawn mokdboard plow, adjusts the depth of cut of the plow? 8. Enumerate and explain the types of field implements according to the manner by which they are mobilized by the motive power unit. 9. In the financial management of agricultural machinery, enumerate and categorize the data needed for outline the procedure for analysis of viability of a mechanization project. 10. Define and give the formula (explain each term in the formulas) for each of the following terms related to the field performance of machines: 11. The width of cut of one bottom of a molcboard plow. Illustrete the dimension in the top view of one plow bottom. ral inery Nowey PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 12, The function of 2 rolling coulter attached to a moldboard plow bottom. 13. Useful and parasitic forces acting on a moldboard plow. 14. The effect of angled pull to the left of the direction of travel on the parasitic force acting an a moldboard plow. 15, The equation for effect of speed on draft of a moldboard plow. 16. Five functions of a seed planter. 17. Four patterns of seed distribution. 18. How can the rate of seeding in a corn planter be changed? 19. The ideal placement of seed and fertilizer in the soil for optimum germination and emergence. Illustrate the mild compaction done on the soil and explain the advantage or purpose of such intervention. 20, The type of furrow opener installed in the corn planter studied in the laboratory. Illustrate and give the advantage over that in (21) below. 21. Same as (20) but for the pull-type vegetable seed planter. Advantage over that in (21)? 22. Same as (20) but for the grain drill used in the laboratory; advantage over that in (21)? 23. The equation for shear failure in soils; explain each term. 24. Why is it not advisable to use a disk harrow after plowing a cogonal field? What implement 2 should be used instead of the disk harrow? |. What is the effect of increasing the tilt angle of a plow disk on draft and penetration into the soil of the disk? 26. A 4-wheel drive tractor rated as 80 DIN pulls a S-bottom disk plow while operating in a grassy field with medium clay loam of moisture content in the friable range and thus, the land is fit for plowing as the soil scours easily over the implemnt surface, The tractor operator appears to wrestle with the power steering wheel because the tendency of the tractor front wheel is to veer to the right. A well-adjusted two-way 3 x 41-cm moldboard plow mounted on a 4-wheel drive tractor of about the same horsepower rating as the tractor above, operates in the adjacent field at 6 km/h and appears not to encounter any problem. Identify the possible causes of the problem encountered in the operation of the tractor pulling the disk plow. . The three profiles of field surface on which row crop planting may be done. . Three types of seed furrow openers. . Three factors affecting seed germination and emergence. ‘Three types of bulk-flow seed metering devices. . Three types of single or multiple seed metering devices. |. Primary tillage operation and 2 example implements used. . Secondary tillage operation and 2 example implements used. |. Three good engineering features of the native moldboard plow, that are also present in the most modem tractor-drawn moidboard plow. }. Two laws of machines. .. Four functions of a seed planter. . Four methods by which seeds may be distributed in the field. 1. Importance of 2 well-leveled lowiand rice field. | Ilustration with labels of major components of standard three-point hitch system in a 4 wheeled tractor. 1. Give at least two possible causes of each of the following conditions in a combine operation: Excessive header loss; Excessive amount of unthreshed seed; Excessive free seed over straw walkers; Cracked grain; Excessive free-seed loss over rear of shoe Excessive amount of chaff in tailings; Excessive amount of free seed in tailings; Clogging of the cylinder and concave; Stalks of palay left uncut in the field or missed by the cutter bar; and Ferpangs Kgricultural Machinery and Mechanizaton PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 115 J. Bogging down of the combine in deep mud. 41. Classify whether primary or secondary tillage each of the field operations below and give reason why so: ‘a. Plowing in the longitudinal direction with an animal-drawn moldboard plow, a rice stubble wetland rice field after it has been harvested b. Cross-plowing with an animal-drawn moldboard plow, the rice stubble wetland rice field above after one week c. Rotary tiling in the longitudinal direction with a Hydrotiller, a rice stubble wetland rice field after it has been harvested Cross rotary tiling with a Turtle Power Tiller, the rice stubble wetland rice field above one week after passing with the Hydrotiller e. Disc harrowing a field that has been left fallow for one season 42, Give the primary objective of proper hitching for pull-type implements having adjustable pull members. 43. What are the three types of vertical hitching situations for pull type implements and give three examples each of implements demonstrating the vertical hitching situation. 44, To what type of vertical hitching situation does an ‘animal-drawn moldboard plow belong? Explain and support your answer by diagram. 45, What is the effect on the line cf pull when hitching at a too low point on an animal-drawn moldboard plow hitch? TIL. Exercise problems 1, The specifi draft of 2 3 x 41-cm pulltype moldboard plow when plowing at 4.83 km Nicr’. a. What is the total draft in kN if the depth of plowing is 15 em has a speed of 6 km/h? b. The hitch point is changed from a straight pull, that is, center of resistance and hitch point are aligned along the cirection of travel, to an angled pull, that is, the pulls fhirected at 12° to the left of the direction of travel. Calculate the magnitude of draft at 4.83 km/h and 6 km/h. 2. right-hand moldboard plow bottom is pulled at an angle of 12° to the lef of the direction of travel. If Ry is at an angle of 10° from the direction of travel and the coefficient of friction on the landside is 0.30, determine the percentage increase in draft of the plow. 3, How would the most economical speed of plowing (minimum cost per hectare) be changed by increased labor costs? By increased energy costs? By decreased hectares per year given 2 fixed cost of plowing, that is, independent of speed? Explain each, that is, give an analysis of the effect by giving the equation for the total cost and showing the effect of speed in each case. 4. A right-hand offset disk harrow is operating with disk angles of 15° and 21°, respectively, for the front and rear gangs. The centers of the two gangs are 2.45 m and 4.25 m behind 2 transverse line through the hitch point on the tractor drawbar. The horizontal soilforce components are: Ly = 3.1 KN, S;= 2.65 KN, L, = 3.35 KN, S, = 3.8 KN. Calculate: a. The horizontal angle of pull from the line of travel; b. The draft, Px; The horizontal pull, Py; and d. The amount of offset of the center of cut with respect to the hitch point, 5, ‘The line of pull on an implement is 15° and is in a vertical piane which is at an angle of 10° with the direction of travel. ‘a, Calculate the draft and side-draft forces for a pull of 11 kN. b. What drawbar power would be required at 5.5 km/h? A field chopper (forage harvester) discharges the cut forage into a trailed wagon at the rate of 27 Mg/h. The field efficiency is 70% when there is no waiting for wagors, that is, 27 ‘empty wagon Is always ready to replace the filled wagon. ‘The average load per wagon is 4.5 Mg and It takes 2.0 minutes to change wagons, The operator must eccasionally walt for an ‘empty wagon and the average delay is 3.0 minutes per load. Calculate the following his 5S o ‘Machinery and Mechani PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials a. Field efficiency, and b. Reduction in average output in Mg/h, 7. The results of the calibration test for a rice variety of the McCormick 9 x 7" grain drill with 1220 mm diameter ground wheel, which was rotated 10 times, are as follows: Seeding rate adjustment (exposed portion | 1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 | Full of the fluted shaft) Average discharge/spout,g | 140 | 460_| 740 | 1100 Determine the seeding rate adjustment to use if we want to plant at the rate of 100 kg/ha. 8. a. What seed spacing is required when planting maize in rows 102 cm apart if the desired plant population is 60,000 plants per hectare and an average emergence of 85% is expected? b. If the edge-drop seed plate has 16 cells and a diameter of 200 mm, what is the linear cell speed in meters per minute when planting at 8 km/h? 9. The draft of a single-acting disk pull-type harrow is 10 KN. The disk angle is 20° for each gang that has 12 600-mm blades spaced 250 mm apart a. Draw the diagram showing the horizontal force relations. b. Determine the magnitude of the longitudinal forces for each gang. c. Determine the magnitude of the side horizontal forces for each gang if L/S is 1.3. d. What |s the tilt angle of each disk? 10. The following is a design concept for a multi-row manually pulled planter for precision seeding of hybrid rice in 20-cm checkrows: Seed hopper: Two bowls with mouth diameter of 100 mm are conjoined at their mouths and mounted on a horizontal shaft such that the bottoms of the bowls are orientated on the vertical plane. The gang of hoppers, arranged zees kebab-style (like a disk harrow) rotates co-axially with the ground wheel. Each hopper corresponds to one row. Each hopper contains air-dried pre-germinated hybrid rice seeds that tumble inside during forward travel of the seeder. . Seed metering device: Six seed tubes are spaced equally around the periphery of the hopper where the bowls have been conjoined. Each seed tube rotates integrally with the hopper with the horizontal shaft as the common center of rotation. One end of each tube is inside the hopper and has an end cup, which is designed to pick up a single palay seed. The other end of the tube protrudes 50 mm out of the hopper periphery and serves as the discharge end of the seed. As each seed tube rotates from the horizontal position to about 45° upwards, the seed inside the tube slides down and discharges at the protruding end. Power source: One man who operates the seeder at an average speed of 2 kmh and at a field efficiency of 60%, AAs the agricultural engineer for the project, you are to provide the design parameters for the precision seeder by providing answers to the following questions: . Calculate the effective rolling diameter of ground wheel for the 20-cm checkrow planting. Calculate the field capacity for a 15-row seeder. . Calculate the minimum clearance of the tip of the seed tube from the ground surface. |. Calculate the peripheral speed of the tip of the seed discharge tube while the seeder is in ‘operation at constant speed of forward travel, Of the seeder. Rgricultural Machinery and Mechanization — eos ricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 1-17 PSAE jion IV. €. Calculate the horizontal distance of the drop point of the seed on the ground, which had been puddied and leveled with a laser leveler. Use the vertical line from the discharge end of the seed tube to the ground as reference line. 11. A 1.2 m wide hydrotiller is used for rotary tiling/puddling a 25m x 40 m wetland paddy field with stubbles and grass from the last crop. The average speed of travel Is 4 km/h. Turning at headlands takes 10 seconds. a. Is the operation a primary or secondary tillage? b. What is the field efficiency if the field is worked along its length? c. What is the field efficiency if the field is worked along its width? d. What is the theoretical field capacity? 12. The specific draft of a 3 - 41-cm pull+type moldboard plow when plowing at 4.83 km/h is, 5 Nfcrn?, a. Calculate the total draft in kN if the depth of plowing is 15 cm and the speed is 6 km/h. b. Calculate the drewbar power in kW. The hitch point is changed from a straight pull, that is, center of resistance and hitch point are aligned along the direction of travel, to an angled pull, that is, the pull is directed at 12° to the left of the direction of travel. Calculate the magnitude of pull at 6 km/h. d. Assume that the resultant of the useful forces on the horizontal plane is 10° from the direction of travel and that the coefficient of friction on the landside is 0.30. Calculate the horizontal component of soil resistance to the moldboard. e. Calculate the horizontal component of the parasitic force on the landside and illustrate where it acts on a moldboard bottom. 13, A 1.2 m PhilRice-Agad reaper operates at an average speed of 4 km/h. with two operators working alternately every two hours. The average width of cut Is 20 cm less than the rated width. The average time for tuming, adjusting, clearing of clogged cutting blades, transferring to other fields to be harvested, and other miscellaneous interruptions amounted to 15% of the effective operating time. Every 2 hours of operation, the fuel tank has to be refilled and downtime, including changing of operators takes an average of 5 minutes/ha. a. Calculate the field efficiency. b. Calculate the effective field capacity, c. What would be the field efficiency if the fuel tank is refilled on-the-go, with no time lost during the refilling process? 14. A 1.0-m hydrotiller is used to rotary till and puddle a 100 m-square field for wetland rice at a pees of 4 km/h. Calculate the theoretical capacity of the machine, bo the actual operation consumed 5 h, what is the fleld efficiency? If the time spent in turing at the headiands is 15 seconds/turn, what is the total time actually utilized for actual rotary tilling the 1-ha field, assuming no other losses of time? d. Ifthe 1-ha fied is divided into 4 equal squares by means of bunds or pilapil, what is the field efficiency of rotary tilling at the specified forward speed? 15. Why design of tillage equipment still large'y considered as an art in spite of numerous science and technology researches and results that support that design? Is composting @ tillage objective? 16. One of the most noxious weeds in upland farming is the cogon or Jmperata cylindrical, which has rhizomes or roots with nodes that sprout new plants. Some agricultural engineers recommend that the disc harrow should not be used after plowing. What is their reeson? 17. Exolain why some sectors recommend doing only basic tillage (2-9, till only here the seed germinates and not the spaces in-between plants; plant seeds directly through corn stubbles). 18. What are the stages of workability does a cohesive soil undergo as it \s wetted from dry to to saturation ? What stage of moisture content is optimum for dry land tilage? Why? ‘Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization jion TV 19. Give at least 2 advantages gained by the Asian rice farmer when using the present system of working wetland rice clay soils at saturation stage instead of working it dry. What are the problems met compared to dry land tillage? 20. The draft of a carabao-drawn moldboard plow is 730 N while working on a wetland rice soil. ‘The height of the hitch point above the ground surface is 300 mm and the height of drawrope attachment on the yoke at the carabao’s nape is 1200 mm above the ground. The horizontal distance between the hitch point and the yoke is 2.1 m. The carabao travels on the land at 2.5 km/h and pulls the plow at an angle of about 10°. @. What is the direction of pull relative to the line parallel to the direction of travel? Show by sketch, b. How much pull is exerted by the carabao? ¢. Determine the specific draft of the tool working on the soil if the plowing is 120 mm deep and 120 mm wide. d. Make a freehand sketch (FHS) of the top view of the plow bottom and indicate the forces acting on it. Indicate whether such forces are useful or parasitic. 21. Plowing operation. Answer each of the following questions: a. What are the two adjustments on the 3-point hitched disc plow that you used in the field work. b. Describe how such adjustments are carried out. c. Explain what each adjustment does on the behavior of the plow bottoms, d. Define back furrow and how it comes about in plowing. 2. A pulltype 5 x 36-cm moldboard plow is hitched to the drawbar of a tractor with adjustable wheel tread such that the four wheels run of the unplowed land. Draw a diagram of the hitching position such that a straight central pull is obtained. If the wheel tread adjustment is limited, what remedy or compromise can be made so that the steering of the tractor will not be much affected. Show by force analysis, the effect of the implement pull on the transfer of vertical forces to the rear wheels of the tractor. What safety precaution should be taken as a result of such force transfer? 23. The free-body diagram, with appropriate labels of forces and dimensions, showing the resultant soil forces upon a vertical disk blade, the total effect being represented by two non- intersecting forces. 24. Diagram of horizontal force relations for a pull-type, right-hand offset disk arrow without wheels when there is an extreme right offset. Label all forces and dimensions. 25. Draw @ freehand sketch to show the horizontal force relations for a tandem disk harrow (similar to the correct answer in item 7 above), Assume that for each gang the disk angle is 20° and L/S = 1.2. 26. The formulas for the amount of offset from the hitch point to the center of cut: a. When there is side draft; b. When there is no side draft. 27. The following Is the result of a detailed time study for a steady state threshing operation in a rice field using a portable 1 ton/hour capacity axial-flow thresher with screen and blower and working beside a stack of cut palay material and with 6 persons involved. What is the efficiency of the complete threshing operation, that is, from picking up sheaf to bagging of palay? Minutes Spent er ton Palay Pick up by two persons sheaf from stack and lay on 60 ‘threshing tray panicle towards the cylinder ensuring tay is always full Continuous feeding by one person of threshing material 60 into the intake chute of the thresher Down time to clear clogging in cylinder (stop engine; ‘open cover and clear cylinder; close cover; restart engine) 30 icul ery an janizal Collect by one person partially cleaned grain into 60 a pile beside thresher; scoop from pile and pour Into plastic screen hanging from a tripod; shake screen by two persons letting air blast from engine -operated fan blow away the chaff and straw; Collect the partially cleaned mixture of grain and chaff 30 at the edge of the cleaned pie for recycling in screen. Bag the cleaned grain by two persons and set aside 20 Total 260 Ggmcultural Machinery and Mechanization PSAE TV - Agricultural Engin Board Review Materials IIL. Review Questions EASY QUESTIONS 1, A three (3) cylinder engine is more balanced than a straight four (4) cylinder engine. a. True b.False c. Neither d. All of the above 2. The compression ignition engine is also known as a a. gasoline engine —_b. dieselenginec. stifing engine —_d. marine engine 3. The open trench formed when two adjacent furrow slices are thrown opposite each other. a. dead furrow —b. land headland —d. tillage 4. This is a strip of untilled land at the end of the fields. a. hill beheadiand —. tilth d. furrow wall 5, The hydraulic implement system that maintains a constant draft on the implement. a. radiator b. pto ¢. drawbar 4. draft contro! 6. The swept volume of the engine's piston multiplied by the number of cylinders 2. horsepower b. cylinder head ¢. engine displacement d. crankcase 7. One hundred hectares is equivalent to a. 1sq. km b. 10,000 m2 —c. 10,000,000 d. 2.1 acre 8. The ratio of the cylinder volume when the piston is at the bottom of its stroke (BDC) to the cylinder volume when it reaches the top of its stroke (TDC) a. B/C ratio b. displacement —¢. engine ratio. compression ratio 9. A kilowatt (kw) is equivalent to a. 1.34 hp b. 0.45 hp ©. 0.75 hp d, 0.5 hp 10. If a hand tractor is rated at 80 horsepower, its metric equivalent rating is a. 60 Kw b. 107 Kw c. 75 Kw d.90 Kw 11, Power is the rate of doing work.. a mxa b. ab CFxS dg 12. Human is a poor source of power in the farm developing only 0.1 hp. a. 0.60 Kw b. 1.07 Kw ¢. 0.075 Kw d. 0.90 Kw 13. This part of a compression ignition engine meters the fuel into the cylinder. a. spark plug b. air filter ¢. fuel injector — d. carburetor In order to properly stop the forward motion of the four-wheel tractor step simultaneously on the brake and clutch. 2. pedal b.gearlever —_c. accelerator _—_d. ignition switch 15, Two-wheel trectors designed solely for pulling draft implements are referred to as standard type tractors. a. hand tractor b, multi-trac tractor c. low-cost tractor d, tractor differential 16. Twelve man-days is equivalent to the output of twelve men working for one day. a.96 man-hours b. 107 man-hours c. 7S man-hours —d. 90 man-hours Agricultural Machinery and Mechanizatton PSAE Region IV - Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 17. If the output of 10 men working continuously can be converted to electricity, ‘the maximum power that can be generated is about 750 watts. a.ihp b.10 hp c. 0.5 hp d.9hp 18, The four-wheel tractor has two brake pedals; one for the left wheel and the other for the right wheel, a differential lock b. padlock —c.drawbar_—_d. 3-point hitch 19. The clutch is normally in the. ‘idling —_-b. disengaged position <. engaged d. running 20. The gear box placed on the: first gear position will develop high torque and high speed. a. gear lever b. ignition coil. tming belt, distributor HARD QUESTIONS 21. 1 the optimum puling load of the carabao is about 35 percent of its body weight ‘and weighs 250 kg. a.77 kg b. 107 kg 97 kg d.87kg 22. A four-stroke-spark-ignition engine needs a magneto to operate. ‘a. contact point b. fuel pump —c. gas tank d. float valve 23, Compact tractors are four-wheel tractors with power rating below 32 hp. 2. BO Kw b. 24 Kw 70 Kw 4. 90 Kw 24. The differential facilitates the turning of the tractor. a. gear jever b, 3-pt hitch c. pto d. steering whee 25. For high speed engines, the intake valve opens at ‘TDC and closes after BDC. a. 54 degrees b. 50 degrees c.44degrees d. 40 degrees 26. Spark-ignition engines use gasoline as fuel. a. carburetor b. injection nozzle c. metering valve d. plunger 27. In a four-stroke cycle engine, compression is the event during which the piston ‘s moving upward and the two valves are close. a. power stroke b. intake stroke _c. compression stroke d. exhaust stroke 28, In a compression-ignition engine, fresh supply of fuel and air mixture enters the cylinder as the piston moves: downward and the intake valve opens. a. exhaust stroke —b. intake stroke cc. compression stroke d. power stroke 29. If it is desired to reverse the four-wheel tractor to the right, the steering wheel must be turned. a. backwards b. counterclockwise —¢. clockwise d, forward 30, The flywheel is the part of the engine which absorbs the power from the crankshaft during the idle strokes and returns it during the power stroke. True False Neither d, abc Koricultural Machinery and Mechanization PSAE Region Iv Agricultural Engineering Board Review Mat Is 1-22 DIFFICULT QUESTIONS ‘A 1000 kg carabao traveling at v kph is pulling a moldboard plow whose width of cutis w centimeter at a depth of d inches. If the soil $ kg/, 31. What is the total pull (in lb) being exerted by the carabao? a. 5.85 swd b. 5.95 swd c. 5.59 swd d. none of the above 32. At the given velocity, how long will it take to plow a rectangular field W meters wide and L meters length. a. lw/LOVW b. Lw/L0VW cc. [W/LOVW d. LW/10vw 33. If the weight of the carabao is increased to 1,500 kg by how many percent is the total pull exerted by the carabao increased. 8. 50% b. 33.33% ©. 30% d, 53.33% 34, If each succeeding pass overlaps the previous pass by 10 %, by how much longer will it take to plow the same field in item no, 32. a.LW/90vw oD LW/9vwoc.Lw/9vW d, Lw/90 VW 35-36, A two-hectare rice field whose length is twice its width s to be harvested by a stripper ‘combine whose average speed will be 5 kph... Field sampling of the crop showed 0.60 kg paddy per sq. meter. If the combine was able to finish the area in two hours, 35. How wide is the swath of the combine? a2m b. 79 in c. 6.6 ft d. all of the above 36. Based on the field area sampling what will be the total yield of the 2-hectare field? a. 12,000 kg b, 423,288.02 — c. 12,200x 10° g d. 26,840 Ibs 37-40. A 6-nozzle boom sprayer is mounted at the back of a four wheel tractor. The nozzles are ‘arranged 150 cm. apart along the boom length. Each nazzle has a 60 degree spray angle. Each nozzle delivers k 1/min. 37. At what height must the boom be raised, relative to the ground level, so that the spray from each nozzle does not overlap upon reaching the top of the rice plant canopy which is 50 cm tall? a. 108. cm b, 180 cm ¢. 93.3 cm d. 309.8 cm 38, What is the effective swath of the boom sprayer in number 37. a. 150cm b. 750m 75cm d. 900 cm 39, If the tractor travels at 5 kph with 95% field efficiency, what will be the spraying capacity (in ha/hr) under the condition in no. 38. 3.4.25 b, 4.52 ©. 4.28 d. 470 40. If each nozzle delivers one liter per minute, how many liters per hectare will the boom: sprayer deliver under the conditions in no. 39? a, 84.11 li/ha b, 184.11 li/na ¢. 16 lifha d. 17 li/ha ANSWER KEY: EASY: b, ba, bd, ¢,8, 4,88 d, ¢, ©, a, a, a, a, Ca HARD: d, a, b, dc, a,c, b,c a DIFFICULT: c,d, a, b, d, a,b,d,ca po en ee EE Rgricultural Machinery and Mechanization ——[ esr PSAE Region IV. Agricul itural Engineering Board Review. jails: A.) If the row spacing is 25 cm, how much paddy (in grams) must the drill deliver for one revolution? (Ans. 62.8 grams) B.) If 1000 seeds weighs 25 grams and assuming uniform distribution, how many seeds must there be per linear meter along the row? (Ans. 100 seeds/m) C.) If the seed germination rate is 90%, how many rice plants will be established per square meter? (Ans. 360 seeds will grow) .) If the working speed Is 5 km/h, how much time is needed to plant a square 2-hectare field at 20cm row spacing? (Ans. 2.5 hours) PRACTICE TEST 1. A compression ignition engine is also known as: a. gasoline engine b. steam engine c. diesel engine d. electronic igniton 2, Juan will plow a field 120m wide and 426.4 feet long using a carabao and moldboard plow ‘with a 10-inch width of cut. If his speed of plowing is 2 miles per hour, how long will he finish plowing if he plows along the length of the field with no headland Jeft unplowed? a. 185his. —b. 19.06 hrs. c. 20 hrs. ¢. 20.5 hs 3. How long will he finish plowing (# 2) if he plows along the width of the field (with 2m headlands unplowed)? a, 1840brs. —b. 18.75 hrs. c. 18.95 hrs. d, 19.00 hrs. 4, In problem # 2, what is his plowing capacity (ha/hr)? a, 0.07 b. 0.075 c. 0.082 d, 0.090 5, In problem # 3, what is his plowing capacity {ha/hey? 3. 0.082 b. 0.085 c. 0.088 d. 0.090 én problem # 2, his plowing speed is 2 kph, how long will he fish plowing if he plows along the length of the field with no headlands left unplowed? 2. 30.70 hrs. b. 30,75 hrs. c, 30.90 hrs. 4, 31.00 hrs. 7. In accordance with condition in problem # 6, how long will he finish plowing if he plows along the width of the field with no headlands left unplowed? 2. 20.70 hrs. —b. 30.75 hrs. c. 30.90 hrs. d, 31.00hrs. 3, What is the plowing capacity (hafhr) in problem # 6? a, 0.045 b. 0.051 . 0.055 4. 0.06 3, What is the plowing capacity (ha/hr) in problem # 7? a, 0.051 b. 0.055 c. 0.06 ¢. 0.065 10. If the width of cut of his plow is 30 cm, by how much will his plowing capacty (ha/br) increase in accordance with the conditions in problem 3? a. 0.012 b. 0.015 c, 0.018 4. 0.020 jcultural jon PSAE Regi ion IV Agricultural Engineering Board Review Materials 23 REVIEW PROBLEMS: L.A farmer uses @ hand tractor with 20 cm moldboard plow. How many kilometers must N= walk to plow one hectare? (Ans. 50 km) 2. Ifthe overlaps each pass by 10%, how many kilometers more will he have to walk to plow ‘one hectare? (Ans. 5.56 km) 3, IF his walking speed is 1.55 miles per hour, hovt long will it take him to plow in each case (in #1 & #2)? What will be his plowing capacity (ha/h) in each case? (Ans. Time case1: 20 hrs., case2: 22.22 his.; plowing capacity casel: 0.05 ha/h, case2: 0.045 ha/h) 4, An engine at 2000 rpm is to drive a pump to run at 1000 rpm. The engine drive pulley is 15 em in digmeter and there is 2 10% belt slippage. What should be the diameter of the pulley ‘on the pump? (Ans. 27 cm) 5, A.) How many hectares can be plowed in one hour by @ tractor operating at 5 kph and is pulling 3 moléboard plows with total width of cut of 160 cm at a depth of 14 cm? (Ans. 0.80 ha/h) B.) What is the total draft in kilogram pull if there is a draft of 0.45 kg/em*? (Ans. 1008 kg) C) How many hectares can be plowed in 3 hours if 8% of the time is spent on headland turning? (Ans. 2.208 ha) 6. A7-hectare farm is to be planted by a 4-row rear mounted com planter traveling Skm/h with ‘a row spacing of 1 meter. The field is twice as long as its width. If 3 minutes is spent for each head land turn; A.) How many turns will the planter make to plant the whole area? (Ans. 24 turns) B.) How many hours are needed to plant the whole field if the plant rows run along the longer length? (Ans. 2.2 hours) €.) How many percent of the total planting time in (B) was spent in headland turning? (Ans. 54.54%) D.) If the planter delivered an average of 12 seeds per linear meter, how many seeds are needed for the entire area including the headlands? Planting is along the longer side. (Ans. 240,000 seeds) 7. Asprayer is operating at 6 kph, covering 30 hectares in 6 hours. 20% of the time was spent ‘on headiand turning and tank filling. A.) What is the effective swat boom of the sprayer? (Ans. 10.42 meters) 8.) If the area is Increased to 40 hectares, what should be the operating speed to finish spraying in 6 hours with 20% time loss? (Ans. 8.0 koh) C.) If the boom is 10 meters wide and delivers 25 liters/tour, what is the application rate in ha in (A) & (B)? (Ans. In (A) 250 Wha, (B) 187.5 /ha) 8. A farmer will use an 8-row grain drill for planting paddy. Tis groundwheel is one meter in diameter designed for slip operation. Row spacing Is adjustable. He will follow 2 100-kg/he seeding rate recommendatior Rorcaltural Machinery and Mechanization

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