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Chittagong Independent University

School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

. Course Code: ENG 310

Course Name: Introduction to Prose and Drama

. Course Instructor : Ms. Shafinur Nahar

Designation : Lecturer

Submitted by : Yeasmin Akther Mina Chowdhury

Student Id: 21303023

Semester: Third Semester

Assignment topic: 1. Aristotelian Tragedy and

Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Rex

2. Anti-Semitic View in Merchant of Venice

Topic 1
Aristotelian Tragedy and Dramatic Irony
in Oedipus Rex

Tragedy, branch of drama that treats in a serious and dignified style the sorrowful or terrible
events encountered or caused by a heroic individual. Oedipus Rex perfectly defines Aristotle's
theory of Greek Tragedy as it was mentioned in Aristotle's "poetics" . According to Aristotle
Greek Tragedy developed out of the dithyramb with the satyric Drama as an intermediate stage.
He also says Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain
magnitude; in language embellished in the form of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear
effecting the proper purgation of these emotions.The purpose of the tragedy, Aristotle writes, is
to bring the audience into a "catharsis" - to arouse in them feelings of pity and fear, and to purify
them from these emotions so that they can clean and improve the feeling of theater. Higher
understanding of the ways of gods and men. As Greek Tragedy originated in Athens to honor
and please God Dionysus by choral performance in the festival 534 BC . There is a famous
quote by Aristotle in poetics that defines Oedipus Rex the best " tragedy effects the catharsis of
pity and fear.”

Aristotelian Structure of a Greek Tragedy :

There are 6 points that should be present in an Aristotelian tragedy plot , character, diction,
thought, spectacle,song . Below two of these characters are discussed and also shown the
existence of them in Oedipus Rex.

Plot : The tragedy gives much emphasis lot on plot that continuous sequence of beginning,
middle and end. It begins with motion or prologue and throughout it gets complicated with
development of the story and finally in the end the complexity of the story finds a solution .
Aristotle says " That being an imitation of an action, plot should imitate one action " Aristotle
believes in distinguishing tragic plot from other plot by striking shot effect. . Aristotle love the
characteristics and development of the character Oedipus Rex. The tragedy starts with People
of thebes came to ask the king Oedipus to save them from plague, and the terrible incidence
that is going on in the country.

Character : Famous quote of Aristotle that defines the plot of Oedipus Rex as a great tragedy
"Without action there cannot be a tragedy there may be without character” Character is
important to build a good tragedy . It engages people so a good character should have this
personalities - a noble , imperfections of a human, bad luck that hampers their fate , disturbing
past experiences, realization of downfall of the character causes pity and fear. He is a noble
king and he suffers a lot because of hammertia and because it addresses the pity and fear
qualities of a good tragic character so Oedipus Rex is indeed a good tragic hero.
Dramatic Irony : Dramatic irony is where the audience better understands the situation, plot
and action than the characters . There are classifications of dramatic irony like situational irony
which is present in Oedipus Rex . Here is an example of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex - when
plague spread and disturbance aroused in the country citizens went to king Oedipus to seek
help from him so Oedipus consulted with a oracle who indicated that Oedipus himself was the
reason of this situation of thebas but he didn't realize and announced that the murderer will be
outcasted . Irony is this that he unknowingly outcasted himself .

Conclusion : To sum up, Oedipus Rex is the great example of an Aristotelian Tragedy as it
holds all the structure and characteristics of a good tragedy according to Aristotle. Further it has
lots of dramatic irony that also makes it a good tragedy.
Topic 2.
Anti-Semitic View in Merchant of Venice

Origin and definition of Anti- Semitism: Anti semitism is basically hatred towards
Jews . There are different form of Anti-Semitism such as cultural, economic, racial anti
semitism . Inshort antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed
as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are
directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish
community institutions and religious facilities. Anti-Semitism word was coined by
Wilhelm Marr in 1879 to acknowledge the ongoing protest against the jews. From bible
days till Roman empire Jews were condemned for having different religious values and
groups. The Jews were widely hated despite the fact that Jesus was crucified and
executed by the Romans. Christians tortured Jews addressing them as "killer" "devil"
and isolated them . But latter in 18th century they were considered equally but didn't last
long. In 18th century Jews could only work on those profession that were forbidden for
chritan like money landing.

Anti-Semitism in Merchant of Venice:

As the main protagonist and antagonist was Jews and christian and this tragedy
revolves around the hatred between Jews and christian that emerged since crucifixion
and conversion to Christianity. Shylock who is a Jews person and a money lender that
lends money in exchange of high interest which is forbidden for Christian so Antonio
who also used to land money but because he is a Cristian he cannot lend money in
exchange of interest as it is forbidden for him. But in Act 1 scene 1 when Bassanio
asks Antonio to lend him some money so that he can go to Belmont for Portia when he
fails to do so he decides to borrow money from a money lender in exchange for
Antonio's wealth. Bassanio met with shylock and agreed on the deal . When shylock
saw Antonio he started to humiliate him for those suffering he had because of
christians . Here it can be seen the anti semitism of shylock,he is doing usury which is
sinfully in Christianity also he is charging higher rate of interest and if he fails to clear his
dues on time shylock would cut off a pound Antonio's flash . Anti-Semitism can be seen
here as usury. Also in the beginning of the story Antonio spits on shylock which also
showed the hatred towards the Jews people . There are a lot of scenes which indicate
this tragedy as an anti semitic tragedy.

Conclusion : To conclude it all, Shylock and Antonio as the main protagonist and
antagonist has hatred towards each other because of their religion and it can be seen
through their actions .

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