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1. To change a block into a normal drawing object which command can be used?

2. How can you change the size of the drawing in your final PLOT? BY CHANGING PLOT
3. To fill the closed area with a single color which hatch pattern will you use? SOLID
4. You can change the polar tracking angle to any angle of your choice. TRUE
5. Which layer is automatically created when a dimension is added to the drawing?
6. To plot all layouts at once which command you can use? PUBLISH
7. Which among them is not an option for starting print command? PR
8. To plot only a particular portion of a drawing which option can be selected in the plot area
panel of the PLOT window? WINDOW
9. Which function key enables object snap in AutoCAD? F3
10. What is the command for starting table in AutoCAD? TABLE
11. Which one is not a command for single-line text? STEXT
12. What will you use on the command line to make a line with length 8 units at an angle of 60
degrees with respect to the positive direction of the X axis, assuming you use line command
and the first point of the line is not at origin. @8<60
13. What will you enter on the command line to make a rectangle using the RECTANGLE tool
with length 6 units (along X-axis) and width 4 units (along Y-axis), the rectangle is not
starting at the origin point. @6,4
14. What is the highest value of layer transparency? 90
15. What is the command for starting text style dialogue box? ST
16. What is the command for starting the multileader tool? MLEADER
17. Symbol tool can be found on which panel of MLINE text editor? INSERT
18. Which of the following layer can be deleted from the layer property manager palette?
19. Which factor of hatch command you will change to correct the spacing between hatch lines
or patterns? SCALE
20. Which command among the following cannot be used for editing MTEXT? EDITEXT

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