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Name: _____________________________________________ Group: __________ Score: _______

1. Complete the text with the verbs in parentheses. PRESENT SIMPLE affirmative and negative. 14 points.


Manuel and Lila Vega ___________________ (be) married. They ___________________ (have) a lot of free time
because they have a busy lifestyle. Manuel ___________________ (be) a doctor at a hospital. He works at night.
He ___________________ (go) to work at 7:00 p.m. and comes home at 7:00 am, so he _____________________
(sleep) during the night. His wife Lila ___________________ (work) at a bank from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. They
______________________ (see) each other a lot during the week because they ___________________ (have)
enough time. Manuel and Lila also ___________________ (have) two children, Luis and Carla. Carla usually
___________________ (do) her homework at a friend’s house in the afternoon, and Luis ___________________
(practice) soccer. Manuel usually sleeps until 4:00 pm. At 6:00 pm., he ___________________ (eat) dinner with
Lila, Luis, and Carla. After dinner, he ___________________ (drive) to work. Manuel and Lila
___________________ (have) a busy schedule during the week, but on weekends they relax.

2. Complete the text with the verbs from the box in the correct form. PRESENT SIMPLE. 11 points.

Get Watch Work Come Stop Quit Break Begin Enjoy Drink Go Arrive Know
Have Be Let Make Brush Eat Match Give Leave Catch Feed Read Send

Interviewer: How do you start the day, Jim?

Jim: Well, I get up at six o´clock. I get washed and dressed, and I _______________ breakfast at seven o´clock.
After that, I _______________ my teeth. I _______________ to work at eight.
I: When do you get work?
J: I usually _______________ at my office at about half past eight. First, I _______________ a cup of coffee and
then I _______________ work at 8:45
I: Where do you work?
J: I _______________in a bank. I’m a computer operator. I really _______________ my job. It’s quite exciting.
I: When do you have lunch?
J: I _______________ work and I take lunch at one o’clock. I _______________a cup of tea at half past three.
I: When do you stop working?
J: I leave the office at six o’clock. I have dinner when I get home. Then I _______________ TV for an hour or two.

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