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Bhakti Movement Meaning: Utmost Personal Devotion to GOD -Worship of God Started from Gupta Period as Temples were constructed during that period Reasons for the Emergence of Bhakti Movements: © Confusion Due to the Presence of Multiple Gods ¢ Cast System ¢ Buddhism and Jainism started losing charm ¢ Extreme Islamic traditions These things together lead to Bhakti Movement where people were focussing on Caste system, Equality, Social Evils,ldol Worship etc Concept of Bhakti Movement:Personal Devotion to God+No Ceremonies+Meditation+ Union of Individual with God In Bhakti Movement God Preach is in two ways ¢ Nirguna ° Formless God ° Noattribute and Shape © Eg:Kabir,Guru Nanak e¢ Saguna ° God has form © Shape and Attribute ° Eg:Surdas,Tulsidas,Meerabai 2 Stages of Bhakti Movement: ¢ 7th-12th Century:South India © 12th-16th Century:North and East India Vaishnava and Shaiva devotionalism were given new emphasis and expression by the Alwars and Nayanars saints of South India in the early medieval period. Movement Started from South India e Nayanars :Lord Shiva:63 e Nambiandar(Alvars) :Lord Vishnu:12 Shankaracharya (788-820AD) ¢ Shiva Devotee ¢ Pioneer of Bhakti Movement ° Gave Advaitha Philosophy:Jeev,Atma and Parmatma all are same ¢ Created 4 Math Pan India ° Badrinath in North ° Sringeri in South(Karnataka) ° Dwarka in west ° Jagannath Puri in East Died at the age of 32 Years Vivekananda was his follower Ramanuja was also his follower Ramanuja He was the Disciple of Shankaracharya Earliest Reformer of Bhakti Movement He used common language to connect with people Teaching is based on Upanishads and Bhagwat Geeta Consider God as ocean of Love He added Vaishnav Pancharatra and Advait philosophy together He considered Vishu as Parmatma and consider him as sargunbharaman Ramananda(1360-1470) Disciple of Ramanuja First reformer who preaches in Hindi First reformer of North India He was the devotee of Ram He had 12 Disciples Kabir:Weaver, Sadhna:Butcher,Ravidas:Cobbler and Sena:Barber Kabir(1440-1510) Born as hindu but brought up by Muslim Those who follow his philosophy are known as Kabir Pant He talked about Pantheism also, the doctrine that the universe conceived of as a whole is God and, conversely, that there is no God but the combined substance, forces, and laws that are manifested in the existing universe. ¢ He said God is Everywhere e He wanted unity of Hindu and Muslims ¢ He was against Idol worship, Rituals, Ceremonies e Important Compositions of Kabir ° Bijak © Sakhi Granth ° Kabir Ganthawali c Anurag Sagar ¢ Allah,lshwar & Ram,Rahim:These Guru Nanak(1469-1538) e Founder of Sikh Religion ¢ Contemporary of Babur e Left home at the age of 29 Years ¢ Went to Mecca and Madina ¢ Settled in Kartharpur ¢ Unity of God and No Idol Worship ¢ Promoted Langar ¢ Against Cast system,Rituals and Hindu Muslim Unity Chaitanya(1485-1533) ¢ Devotee of Krishna e From Bengal ¢ Known as Mahaprabhu Tulsidas(1532-1623) Devotee of Ram His important works are Janki Mangal and Parwati Mangal in Hindi,Vinay Patrika, Kavitawali Meera Bai(1498-1546) e Rajput Princes ¢ Married to Rana Of Mewar ¢ Saguna Devotee of Krishna Shrikanthacharya e He was Shiva Devotee ¢ Promoted Shivadvaita Madhavcharya e Introduced Dvaita Philosophy ¢ God,Soul and Matter all are unique and independent Nimbarka ¢ Followed Dwaitadvaita philosophy ° God,Soul and Matter are independent but dependent on each other Vallabhacharya ¢ Devotee of Shri Krishna e He wrote commentaries on Vedanta Sutra and Bhagwat Geeta ¢ Gave Pushtimarg Philosophy Basava © Active from 12th Century ¢ Shiva Devotee ¢ Follower are Lingyat of Karnataka Surdas(1483-1563) ¢ Devotee of Shri Krishna ¢ Compositions:Sur Sagar and Sur sarawali Bhakti Saints from Maharashtra: Generally following Vishnu in the form of Krishna Janadeva e Started Bhakti Movement in Maharashtra ¢ Also known as Maharashtra Dhamma ¢ Wrote marathi commentary on Bhagwat Geeta: Bhvartha Dipak and got the title Janeshwari ¢ He also wrote Amrit Geeta and Abhanga (Poem for God) Namdev ¢ Tailor by profession ¢ Against cast system * Devotee of Krishna ¢ Belong to Varkari Sect Tukaram ¢ Follower of Namdev ¢ First Modern Marathi Poet ¢ Contemporary of Shivaji Ramdas ¢ Political Guru of Shivaji e Author of Dasabodha Dadudayal © Belong to Gujrat ¢ Disciple of Kabir © Worked for Hindu Muslim Unity ¢ Followers are known as Dadupanthis Bengal Bhakti Saints Glorified Krishna Eknath ° Wrote Bavarth Ramayana Meerabai Tulsidas Chaitanya Mahaprabhu:In 2016 On his 500th Birth Anniversary Coins were issued General Features of Bhakti Movement ¢ Single minded devotion to God ¢ Discard Rituals and Sacrifices ¢ Monotheistic : One God e Against social evils ¢ Promoted Equality *¢ Common Language Sufi Movements ¢ Sufism means Universal Brotherhood ¢ Sufi Movements will move around making an Egalitarian society,Simplicity and No Untouchability ¢ Sufis were organised in 12 Orders or Silsila ¢ Sufi Silsila can be divided into two categories ° Ba-Shara Silsila : Followed Islamic Laws,Non Liberal and Strict ° Ba-Shera Silsila:Not bound by Islamic law,Liberal ¢ Sama:Musical Recitations © Qawwali: style of Muslim devotional music now associated particularly with Sufis. Four Main Sufi Orders © Chisti ¢ Suhrawardiya, ¢ Qadiriya and ¢ Naqshbandiya Note:Rabia was a famous women sufi saint Chisti Order e Established by Khwaja Moin ud din Chisti in 1192 AD ¢ Heis also known as Garib Nawaj ¢ He died in 1236 AD ¢ His tomb is in Ajmer which was constructed by Ghiyasuddin Khilji of Malwa ¢ Md Bin Tuglaq visited this Tomb ¢ Other Important Saints of this Order: © Khwaja Qutub ud din bakhtiyar kaki, Dargah in Delhi * Iltumish was is follower © Shekh Nizamuddin Auliya, Dargah in Delhi and was Unmarried + His Disciple was Amir Khusrau,Founder of Qawwaaii,Tabla and Sitar + He promoted Chilla,Famous 40 Days exercise e Farid ud din Ganj-i-Shakar,Famous in Pakistan,Also known as Baba Farid having Dargah at Ajodhan e Bahuddin Garib,Real name was Gesu Daraj.He was the first sufi saint from South India Suhrawardiya Order ¢ Founder Shiahab ud din Subrawardi ¢ Bahauddin Zakaria e Against Hindu Practises like Yoga Shatari Silsila e Founded by Shah Abdullah Shattari ¢ Another important saint was Shekh Gaus,His disciple was Tansen Qadri Silsila e Liberal ¢ Founded by Niamutalluah Qadri e He has two important Disciples Miyan Mir,Mulla Shah e Jahangir followed Miyan Mir ¢ Arjan Dev laid the foundation of Golden Temple with the help of Miyan Mir * Dara followed Mulla Shah Naqshbandi Silsila e Its a fundamental Silsila ¢ Its important Leaders were Khwaja Baqi Bullah and Shekh Ahmed Sarhidi e Shekh Ahmed Sarhidi was jailed by jahangir as he started thinking that he is above Prophet Md Importance of Bhakti and Sufi Movements ¢ Growth of Vernacular literature like Sabaq -i-hindi style adopted by Amir Khusrau ¢ Service to poor people ¢ Social Harmony and new form of worship ¢ Important role of women e Role of Gurus e Focus on Equality

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