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Announcement Corona Virus Prevention

In order to create a sterile and safe condition in 16 Junior High School Yogyakarta which is safe
from the threat of Corona Virus (Covid-19) or other viruses which could make an impact to 16
JHS’s Yogyakarta, school committee is taking precautions and increase awareness of the
Coronavirus outbreak, and asking assistance and cooperation to all school administrators,
teachers and other staff.

The Handling process for prevention is carried out as follows:

1. Maintain personal hygiene which is wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and
wear a mask;
2. Body temperature of each visitor entering the area of school is measured;
3. Visitors are reminded by security personnel to use hand sanitizer prior to entering into
school’s area;
4. It is obligated for all visitors to be examined intensively by security personnel if the
visitors are suspected to have the symptoms of Corona Virus (Covid-19). General
symptoms are coughing, fever, sneezing and breathing trouble;
5. In the event any security personnel encounter a student/teacher/staff who are
experiencing the following symptoms, coughing, sneezing and fever above 37.5 degree
Celsius or above, then the security personnel has the right to deny access to such
visitors to enter into school’s area.

In light of this announcement, all school related activities, extracurricular events and practices
remain postponed until further notice. We will provide additional information to you as soon ass
possible on these topics and more. The school’s committee will do its part to the best of our
abilities. We will get through this together.

Headmaster of 16 Junior High School

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