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I. – Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1. –The organ in the body that produces insulin and substances which help to digest food so that it
can be used by the body is called the ________________

2. – The line of bones down the centre of the back that provide support for the body and protect
the spinal cord is called the ______________

3. – The long tube through which food travels from the stomach and out of the body while it is
being digested is called the ______________

4. – Red cells, white cells and plasma are found in ______________

5. – Measles and Mumps are two examples of infectious ____________

6. – The two organs in the chest with which people and some animals breathe are called

7. – You can examine very small objects with a _________________

8. – Sir Alexander Fleming ______________ penicillin.

9. – You need a ___________________ to measure temperature.

10. – A piece of medical equipment which has two tubes fixed to a small disc which is put onto a
patient’s chest or back to listen to the heart or lungs is called a ________________

11. – The organ that sends the blood around the body is called the ___________

12. – The pain caused in the region of the stomach by the stomach not correctly breaking down
food is called ___________

13. – The organ in the body of a woman or other female mammal in which a baby develops before
birth is called the ______________

14. – A very small organism, smaller than a bacterium, which causes disease in humans, animals
and plants is called a _______________

15. –The cutting open and examination of a dead body in order to discover the cause of death is
an ___________________
II. – Unscramble the letters to find names of the body parts.

1. – hselayese ____________________

2. – htmuo ____________________

3. – resludoh ____________________

4. – enkidy ____________________

5. – tisaw ____________________

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