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School: Imam Al Ghazali High School

City: Casablanca Year: 2020


Youssef Loubna

Karim Malak Anwar

Prediction: From the picture, who do you think is ……………(good-hearted, serious,

funny, clever)






Read to find out……………………………………….

Thursday, November 27th, 2020

Time : 8 :30 a.m. Class : Physics Class


Here we go again! This lesson makes me sick

man. I don't know why they teach us nuclear
physics, as if it is necessary to survive. We
can't even make that blackboard on the wall &
here we are talking about nuclear
reactions....on the blackboard....!!!

Nuclear physics is very very important.

Nuclear energy has many uses. For example,
you can 'aaaaaahhh'......   add some nuclear to
water and that water will be special water: Anwar
nuclear water...

Anwar, for heaven’s sake, can you just shut

up? What the hell are you talking about? I
think Einstein would have been a janitor if he
had heard your nuclear theory when he was a
child. Where do you get this madness from,
where? Just where?

National Geographic is very very informative. Anwar
I watched a documentary about scientists.
They said Einstein and Leonardo DiCaprio were
the greatest scientists of all time. Einstein
discovered nuclear energy & Leonardo was

I am leaving man. I am leaving this desk next you

right now. Enough of this already! I am just leaving!
Nuclear water and now DiCaprio was a scientist!
Dear Lord!!!

Whaaaaat? If you don't believe National

Geographic, then you must be very very
ignorant....You tell people science and they don't
like it! Where are you going? ..... Where fool? Go sit
next to that idiot of karim. You both will be losers.
My prophecy.....

----------------------------Youssef moved next to Karim----------------------------------

I think we should take Anwar to a doctor or
something. 1st, he keeps repeating " very very" a lot.
Which is very very annoying. And second, he talks of
very weird stuff. Nuclear water and DiCaprio was a
scientist. Would you believe it?

If you still listen to him and take him seriously after

what he told teacher Asm'a last time, then I think you Karim
both should see a doctor....immediately!

Youssef  what did he say again?

He said that all history is fake. World Wars I and II never Karim
happened & Adolf Hitler was a taxi driver in Italy not the leader
of Germany. He also said that BMW created a motorcycle that
runs at lightspeed: 3000 kilometre per hour exactly. He said that
he heard all of this in National Geographic Radio!

Dear Lord!!! And what did the teacher say?


She didn't say anything. She continued the lesson as if he

doesn't exist. I think he also likes the idea of being
invisible. He loves it when people don’t answer him. Look!
Look! The teacher is looking at us. What page? what page?
Loubna Loubna!!! What page? Please quickly quickly!!!!


What?............................. Page 47


She is coming! quickly quickly! turn quickly to

page 74, here she comes here she comes...

Amal : Teacher of physics

Are you following with us Youssef? Karim?

Absolutely Madam absolutely !

show me which exercise we are Karim and Youssef

working on now?
Teacher Amal 
Pythagoras geometry madam. Nice geometry. We were
wondering whether Pythagoras discovered this by
himself or learned it from his father? Karim

I think, he actually learned it from his mother.
You know mothers are excellent at geometry!
Teacher Amal 

Lucky he !! what a mother he had!

which page are we on now? Karim

Teacher Amal 
74 madam. Pythagoras geometry & physics.... Karim

You both have minus 2. We are on page 47 for God’s

Teacher Amal  sake!!! You are driving me mad. Really, really!!!

Teacher Left---
Loubna, What the hell did you do?

You told me page 74...and we are on..... Karim

Whaaaat????? You guys are way advanced for this

class. I think you should have been in the faculty
Loubna already! My Lord!!!

She told you 47 man. 47. Look! Look!


Karim What again?

Anwar is laughing like mad over there. He is

really having a good time. He is dying of
laughter actually at our mess.

You guys are my heroes. Pythagoras mother and

geometry. That's very very spectacular. Greatest
discovery after nuclear water I guess.

----------------------------In the schoolyard after class | Time: 10:35 a.m.-----------------------------------------

You know what Anwar? You are no friend at all man. Friends
don't want bad things to happen to their friends. I don't
know where you learned about friendship and virtues!

Bla bla blaaa blaaaa!!! You both think you are smarter than
me, don't you? No, no, just admit it. You both, the guys
who believed that Pythagoras had a mother who excelled
at geometry, think that you are more intelligent and
smarter than me.

Anwar, don't talk to me now. Are you listening? JUST

I wish I had a radio station to say some historical words
to people. They will change the world, believe me.

Youssef The world actually changed dramatically since the day you
were born man. The greatest catastrophe! Second only to
Hiroshima and Nagasaki nukes probably.

Listen up people, just listen! Listen very very carefully!

don't you think we should call National Geographic to record
this historical event!!! This very very historical event!!

Yes, please do. Do it quickly!!! Here is their

number...where did I put it !!! where?

My Lord in heaven! This guy is really too much!!! Anwar


The reason why I say what I say is this people. I just want to
create provocative discussions and debates in class. This is how
I learn best. See this notebook here. Come, come have a look.
Here are my summaries of what I read and learn from books &
See this page here. It is about psychology. It says that there
are 16 personalities. Carl Jung-- who I am sure you have never
heard of-- discovered that some people are introvert and
intuitive while others are extrovert and thinking among many
other personalities. Introverts enjoy being alone and get tired
in parties, but extroverts enjoy parties and get tired alone.
This is called psychology. Did you know any of these?

unbelievable. I am really surprised!


No, No. I think you mean shocked not surprised. Very very shocked Anwar
to be precise. More, here on this page, I recorded some wonderful
findings about history. Recorded history is 6000 years. Many
civilizations existed and passed. Like the Inca in today’s Peru; the
Aztec in nowadays Mexico; the Greeks in today’s Greece; and the
Babylonians in present-day Iraq. We don’t know a lot about the
Inca and Aztec civilizations because their history was almost
erased by their colonizers the Spanish empire in the 16 th century.
In Greece, the Athenians were very powerful in knowledge. They
were behind the evolution of rational philosophy, logic, &
mathematics. Some of their philosophers though learned their
craft in ancient Egypt, but now some of their proud scholars deny
most of that. The Spartans also in Greece, were very brutal
warriors. The movie 300 is about their myth. And the most
important piece of information is this: it was in Greece where
Pythagoras and his mother lived. Also his father 😉

No, no this can’t be real. I must be dreaming. This is
a very frightening nightmare!!!


Nightmare or not, you should be both ashamed of

yourselves. Now let's continue this spectacular
nightmare, shall we? Let’s move to another topic.
Technology this time…..
Here, where where where..... Yes, yes here. Here as
you see my dear friends, I record technology stuff.
Here, for example, we have A.I. Do you know what is
Kamal A. I.?
Never heard of it! Anwar

Raise your right hand and say "I swear I never heard of it" 😊

Holly Lord !!!

Artificial intelligence. That's A. I. It is a technology that
allows computers & machines to learn by themselves. They
are very dangerous because they can become more
intelligent than the best humans. You should go and listen to
what the genius Elon Musk say about them. IBM’s Deep Blue
defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997.
More, you know the movie the Matrix, don’t you? Well, the
whole idea, is that probably we are just brains connected to
a simulated reality software that looks real. But, your level
of intelligence guys, convinced me long time ago that you are
very unfit, neither for a software, nor a hardware for that
matter. Just kidding.....I still have a lot but enough I
guess…. to be continued! You are welcome of course!

Task I: choose the right answer to complete the statements

1- Anwar participates in class to ………………..

A- Create interesting discussions; B- state what he knows; C- make fun of his friends

2- At the beginning, Youssef and Karim think that Anwar is ………………………………………..

A- stupid and ignorant B- knowledgeable and clever C- mean and unkind

Task II: Describe the character of Anwar using some of the following adjectives and
say why (look up those that you don’t know)

a- Stupid b- ignorant c- humorous d- clever e- kind f- provocative

First, Anwar is …………………………………….because, ……………………………………………. Second, he is also

………………………………………………………………………………………………since he ……………………………………………………………………..

Task III: Anwar stated some info that are untrue intentionally and others that are
facts: Locate them in the dialog and write them in the table bellow

Untrue info Facts

Task IV: Anwar talks to his classmates Youssef and Karim about different topics, write them


Task V: Look at the image bellow and write a short paragraph about artificial

Language Focus:

 In descriptive writing, use the simple present

 Pay attention to capitalization, spelling, and punctuation
 Paragraph: Topic sentence+ sequence of sentences+ a concluding opinion sentence

Task VI: In groups: choose one of the topics bellow and make a presentation about it

A- History and past civilizations ,B- Technology and the future, C- Personality types


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