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Prostitution, a very controversial sexual behavior.

Personally, I don’t and never

will agree to this but minding people’s different perspectives regarding this issue
especially women can somehow be reasonable enough and worthy considering.

Many people including myself, and especially those with conservative religious
views, believe that prostitution is immoral because it involves sex for money, and
this can also be considered as a sign of society’s moral decay. Many feminists
believe that prostitution is degrading to women and provides a context in which
prostitutes are sexually assaulted and violated which may result to having physical
and emotional detrimental effects. Some were even robbed, beaten, and/or raped.

Other people also do not like prostitution, but they believe that the laws against
it do more harm than good. They think that legalizing prostitution would reduce the
various harms prostitution might cause or bring, and they believe that views about
the immorality of prostitution should not prevent our society from dealing more
wisely with it than it does now.

Some people think that it would actually help sex workers more if it were
decriminalized. I think it's true to say that every woman has her own story to
tell. It may be okay for this girl, who is paying her way through law school, but
not for this girl, who was molested as a child, who never knew she had another
choice, who was just trying to get money to survive.

Moreover, I am not saying I agree with prostitution but I do consider perspectives

regarding this issue only if those are reasonable and has a point. I think there is
nothing wrong with prostitution being just prostitution itself. If women chose this
job in whatever reasons they put up against themselves, we just have to respect it
but never tolerate. Its their lives after all.

In addition, I prefer shutting down violence against sex work. I strongly believe
that if a woman is a prostitute, it doesn’t mean that you already have the right to
degrade her probably because you would think she’s used to it. One must think that
they are humans too, they have feelings and emotions.

Putting into conclusion, as a conservative citizen, prostitution is not and will

never be a decent job for an individual. It doesn’t just ruin your body and
reputation but also your image as a person.

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