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Task: Assignment - How old are you?

Luis Miguel Cabezas Lizana : Student

Código : U18301074

Luis: Hello
Vísion : Hello
Luis: How are you?
Vísion: fine, and you?
Luis: great
Vísion: What’s your name?
Luis: My name is Luis, and yours?
Vísion: Nice to meet you!, my name is Vísion.
Luis: Where are you from?
Vísion: I’m From Dallas – United States, and you?
Luis: I’m From Vraem-Perú
Vísion: How old are you?
Luis: I’m 17 years old, and you?
Vísion: I’m 21 years old
Luis: do you speak spanish?
Vísion: No, I don’t speak spanish
Luis: Well, I have to go
Vísion: great talking to you!
Luis: Catch you later! Bye-bye!
Vísion: Talk to you soon!


Miss perdón por no adjuntar el video correspondiente..Esto debido a que, me encuentro en una
zona distante y mi móvil no carga el archivo

La próxima semana solucionare el problema.

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