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End Semester Examinations - December, 2020
(9th Semester)
Total Time: 3 hrs. Maximum Marks: 50
Answer all Questions. Roll No. - _______
Figures in the brackets indicate full marks.

Group A: Each answer should not be more than 300 words (5x5= 25Marks)
1. What do you mean by concept of anonymity with respect to cyber café? How far is it regulated in
the Information Technology law in India?
2. Write a critical note on the relationship of amongst surveillance, cyber security and privacy with
reference to the Information Technology Act, 2000.
3. Critically analyse the government regulation of cyberspace? Which model of cyberspace regulatio n
can adequately regulates the cyberspace?
4. “Let us not struggle to match an imperfect legal system to an evolving world that we understand
poorly.” Critically analyse the statement of Frank H. Easterbrook in his essay “Cyberspace and the
Law of the Horse”.
5. What do you mean by due diligence with respect to intermediary in the Information Technology Act,

Group B: Each answer should not exceed 400 words (2x7.5= 15 Marks)
6. There is a web based chatting app called ‘Sharebox’, having its server located in USA. On this
platform anyone after downloading this app can create a group of his own choice and interest. ‘Max’
(a USA citizen) subscriber of this app created a group called ‘Join for Fun’. ‘Max’ shared various
obscene content on this group. Some of the contents shared by max contains child pornographic
material. There are total no. of 75,000 (23% of total subscriber) users are from India and 1400 people
joined this group (‘Join for Fun’). ‘Sharebox’ generating revenue of Rs. 85 lakhs annually from
India. One of the obscene content depicts the video of Indian school girl (below 18 years of age).
The brother of that girl ‘Sam’ came to know about this fact and mailed to the grievance officer for
removal of such video from the ‘Sharebox’ and the details about personal credential of group
administrator from their database. None of these complied by the ‘Sharebox’. After a week of this
mail, ‘Sam’ filed an FIR against the MD (Managing Director) of ‘Sharebox’ and ‘Max’ group
administrator of ‘Join for Fun’. On the basis of this FIR certain order has been issued by Indian
court against ‘Sharebox’ as well as ‘Max’ group administrator of ‘Join for Fun’ for immedia te
compliance. On the basis of above facts answer the followings with suitable provisions and judicia l
pronouncements ;
a) What charges can be made against ‘Max’ group administrator of ‘Join for Fun’ as per the
Information Technology Act, 2000?
b) What will be the liability of the MD (Managing Director) of ‘Sharebox’?
c) Whether Indian court has rightly exercised it jurisdiction against ‘Sharebox’ as well as ‘Max’
group administrator of ‘Join for Fun’? What jurisdictional principal can be exercised in this
7. ‘S Park’ was a resident of New Zealand hacked a Central Government website of Ministry of
Minority Affairs and posted some objectionable religious contents on this website. It uproared the
mass agitation and communal riots started in some parts of the country. As one multilateral trade and
commerce summit was going in capital of the country. The Indian government any how controlled
the riot but it caused huge loss of public property. Many of the foreign companies who are willing to
start business they exit from the deal with Indian government. Taking into the seriousness of the
matter central investigating body was asked to start the investigation. On the basis of above facts ,
answer the following questions:
a) What offences can me constituted against Mr. S Park as per the Information Technology Act,
b) What provisions can be applicable in this of extraterritorial jurisdiction as per the Informatio n
Technology Act, 2000, the Indian Penal Code 1860 and Cr.P.C?
c) Whether objective territoriality can be applied here?

Group C: Answer should not be more than 600 words (10 Marks)
8. Write a critical note on the statutory framework on cyberspace jurisdiction in India? Do you think
that the ‘Sliding Scale Principle’ and ‘Effect Test’ sufficient to address the extraterritor ia l
jurisdictional disputes of cyberspace?

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