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Nama : Wa Ode Hasrifa & Wa Ode Erti Hikma

Ifa : what should we have for lunch?
Hikma: we could try the new pasta at the pasta house.
Ifa : I don’t feel like eating pasta.
Hikma : how about we order chicken curry instead?
Ifa : that sound delicious
Hikma: alright then, chicken curry is it.
Ifa : please make mine spicy.
Hikma : okay.

Hikma : i need to lose weight. How do I start to do that?
Ifa : if I were you, I would reduce my food portions little by little and start exercising
Hikma : okay. Do you know what kind of exercise that’s best for losing weight?
Ifa : I think you should ask that to Meghan. She’s an athlete, so she must at least know
something about exercising to lose weight.
Hikma : that’s worth a try.
Ifa : do you need her number? I have it if you want.
Hikmah: sure. Thanks.

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