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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 02/3/2017
Thời gian: 150 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm bằng số Điểm bằng chữ Họ tên và Họ tên và Mã phách

chữ ký GK1 chữ ký GK2 (Do Chủ tịch HĐ
chấm thi ghi)

Lưu ý : Đề thi có 05 trang. Thí sinh làm bài trên đề.

I. Listen to a girl talking to her friend about a sports project. Choose the correct answer. You
will hear the conversation twice. (1.25 points)
1. Richard Mains is a famous_________.
A. skateboarder B. ice hockey player C. footballer
2. What nationality is Richard?
A. Canadian B. British C. American
3. How old was Richard when he learned to skate?
A. 3 B. 9 C. 14
4. What was Richard’s first team called?
A. the All Stars B. the Silver Bears C. the Red Socks
5. When was Richard’s first international game?
A. 2005 B. 2006 C. 2009
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

II. You will hear a woman on the radio talking about some classes at a summer school. Listen
and fill in the missing information. You will hear the information twice. (1.25 points)
Summer School – North Road College
Classes in: acting
Day: (1)_________________________
Classes begin at: (2)_______________a.m.
Cost per week: (3 )£_________________________
Go there by: (4)__________________________
Take to first class: (5)__________________________


I. Choose the word whose main stress is different from the others in the group. (1 point)
1. A. occasional B. industrial C. information D. variety
2. A. essential B. average C. promotion D. deliver
3. A. compulsory B. education C. technology D. intelligent
4. A. accessible B. important C. apprehension D. alternative
1. 2. 3. 4.
II. Give the correct form of the word in brackets. (2.5 points)
Dawn and Jason appeared on a TV show to try out different styles and fashion. In the old days
Dawn dressed very (1.CONSERVATIVE)____________ and felt that life was very dull and
(2.BORE)___________. Now she’s bolder and more adventurous. She chooses clothes to suit
her mood and (3.PERSON)___________. “When I’m feeling (4.RELAX)__________ and
carefree,” she explains, “ I put on my 1960s hippy outfit with the red shawl and the wig. The
1950s outfit is elegant, but if I really want to be noticed, I go for the showgirl outfit. It’s
obviously a bit (5.PRACTICAL)__________ and the feathers give me a lot of problems, but it
certainly attracts a lot of (6.ATTEND)___________ at the garden centre I go to.”
Jason looks like a new man. He used to be shy and (7.NERVE)__________ but his new clothes
have given him extra (8.CONFIDENT)__________. “I must admit, my old clothes were very
(9.ATTRACTIVE)___________, but the new ones are great. I love the tartan suit and the
cowboy outfit. And if I have a big meeting and want to look (10.SUCCESS)___________, the
white suit and hat are perfect.”
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
III. Find the mistakes in the following sentences. (1.5 points )
1. Today the number (A) of people which (B) enjoy winter sports is (C) almost double that (D)
of twenty years ago.
2. Your friends became very (A) angrily (B) over a seemingly (C) little (D) problem.
3. A traveller can reach (A) some of the village (B) along the Amazon only (C) by riverboat (D).
4. I strongly (A) believe that friends plays (B) a very important (C) role in our life (D).
5. Could you bring (A) me the book you lend (B) me last (C) week on your way (D) to school?
6. I would like to inform (A) you that the representatives (B) have been arrived (C) this morning
and they are all very happy (D).
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
IV. Choose the correct answer. (1.25 points)
1. Alex didn't come to see the film last night because he _______ it before.
A. saw B. had seen C. has seen D. was seen
2. I wish I _______ younger.
A. had been B. would be C. were D. have been
3. We were very pleased _______ the service.
A. with B. on C. at D. from
4. I asked if _______ wanted an ice cream.
A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one
5. ____ from Bill, all the students said they would go.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I. Read the passage and choose the best option. (3 points )
What do dogs really like to watch on television? Peter Neville, who studies animal
behaviour, thinks he knows and as a (1) ________he has made a video called “Cool for Dogs”. It
is not quite Baywatch, but it is (2) ________to keep pets amused when you leave them at home.
Many owners think their four-legged companion is highly intelligent and therefore needs
constant mental stimulation. A recent (3) ________of Britain’s dog owners found that over a
third of them were (4) ________that their pet was as clever as a nine-year-old child. There are
even owners who think some dogs are brighter than the average university student, (5)________
may say more about our education problems than about our dogs. These are presumably just the
(6) ________of people who feel their pets need an entertaining dog video when they are out at
So what is “Cool for Dogs” like? Basically it consists of a series of short clips: rocky
coastlines, soppy music, sunsets, lots of dogs running around and things (7)________ that. It is
not what Hollywood would call a big production and (8) ________ it lacks something - a plot.
But dogs, (9) ________ Dr Neville, are keen TV-watchers and they particularly like nature
programmes. (10) ________ we tested it on Laila, our dog. The result? It took several dog
biscuits to get nine-month-old Laila to sit in (11) ________ of the television, and five minutes
into the film her eyes had not moved off the last dog biscuit in my hand. Not a huge success, but
who’s to say it won’t (12) ________ ? It has, after all, been passed as suitable viewing for pets of
any age: not even Parental Guidance is required.

1. A. conclusion B. cause C. result D. product

2. A. regarded B. supposed C. told D. considered
3. A. measurement B. judgement C. survey D. revision
4. A. reasoned B. convinced C. proved D. influenced
5. A. what B. that C. which D. whom
6. A. make B. sort C. brand D. set
7. A. like B. such C. as D. though
8. A. moreover B. firstly C. however D. despite
9. A. following from B. relying on C. stated by D. according to
10. A. While B. So C. Although D. Yet
11. A. face B. opposite C. front D. view
12. A. get over B. catch on C. take up D. bring about
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

II. Read the passage and choose the best answer. (1.25 points)
Diet varies from country to country and from region to region with respect to both quality
and quantity, and according to the available foodstuffs and the customary ways of preparing
them. The poorer countries must rely substantially on their own production of food, whereas
richer countries can import supplies from other countries, making them independent of their own
production and the season of the year.
Recent statistics show that more than half of the world’s population is undernourished,
meaning that their daily diet produces less than 2,200 calories per head. Another 500 million,
while obtaining sufficient calories, rely on cereals for food, and, in particular on rice and maize.
Those peoples of India, China and the Middle East who rely on such a diet therefore eat little
animal protein. Severe lack of essential foodstuffs produces marked physical and mental
weakness and lack of resistance to disease. Several specific diseases such as pellagra, scabies
and rickets are brought on by these deficiencies.
Climate is also a deciding factor in what various peoples eat. Thus, those living in cold
climates consume far more calories – because of the need to keep warm – than those living in
climates where the external temperature exceeds that of the body.
1. According to the passage, malnutrition can be defined as_________
A. consumption only of cereals. B. eating too little animal protein.
C. living in a hot climate. D. insufficient consumption of calories.
2. A difference between rich and poor countries is that_________
A. poor countries can’t increase their food production.
B. rich countries can afford to buy food from abroad.
C. more people in poor countries suffer from malnutrition.
D. people in rich countries rely on their own food production.
3. According to the author, which of these factors does not have an influence on diet?
A. weather B. customs C. disease D. availability
4. People living in very hot climates_________
A. don’t need to keep their bodies warm.
B. don’t need as much animal protein.
C. need less food intake.
D. are naturally able to keep warm.
5. The author states that certain diseases_________
A. can be caused by malnutrition.
B. are related to eating too much food.
C. are common in cold climates.
D. are resistant to treatment.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

III. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. (3 points)

The Earth is hottest near the Equator, as this is always roughly the same distance
(1)________ the Sun and receives its strongest rays. The highest shade temperature (2)________
recorded was 58° in the Sahara Desert, in September 1922. In fact, the Sahara is (3) ________
much hotter than anywhere else that the three countries with the highest average temperatures in
the world are all in North Africa. The eastern Sahara is also the world’s sunniest place
(4)________ over 4,000 hours of sunshine a year, which is nearly 11 hours each day. To the
south the Sahara is actually getting bigger, with many square miles of previously cultivable land
turning (5) ________ desert every year.
The world’s driest place, (6) ________ , is the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. It is
such an arid area that until 1971 it had not rained there for 400 years. The wettest country, on
the other hand, is Colombia, which has an average of more than 11,000 mm of rain (7) ________
year, while the place with the record for the most rain in a month is Cherrapunji in India, (8)
________ once had 9,300 mm in a month. In parts of the Hawaiian mountains it rains so often
(9) ________ there are unlikely to be more than 15 dry days a year. The coldest places are of
(10) ________ near the Poles, where the sun never (11) ________ very high in the sky and its
rays are relatively weak. The lowest temperature ever is -89.2°, recorded in July 1983 at Vostok
in Antarctica, (12)________ the Russians have a scientific base.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

I. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. (2 points)
1. Your hair really needs cutting. HAD
It’s about______________________________________________________.
2. Susan picked the baby up gently, because she didn’t want to wake him. TO
Susan picked the baby up gently____________________________________.
3. I don’t live far from Mary. CLOSE
Mary___________________________________________________ each other.
4. We should leave about six, otherwise we might not get there in time for dinner. SET

5. Teenagers hate it when people tell them what to wear. BEING
6. I’m sorry but we are unable to help. REGRET
I________________________________________ ____________________
7. It wasn’t until I finished going out with him that I realised I missed him. BROKEN
I realised______________________________________________________
8. Can you suggest a way of turning dreams into reality for ambitious people? TRUE
Can you suggest _______________________________________________

II. Writing : Some people say that telling the truth is not always essential, and that it is
necessary to tell lies sometimes. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write about
100-120 words. (2 points)


_______ THE END _______

I. 1.25pts
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A
II. 1.25 pts
1. Wednesday 2. 9.45 3. 12.50 4. Bus 5. an old hat
I. 1 point
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C
II. 2.5 points
1. conservatively 2. boring 3. personality 4. relaxed 5. impractical
6.attention 7. nervous 8. confidence 9. Unattractive 10. successful
III. 1.5 points
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C
IV. 1.25 points
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C
I. 3 points
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B
7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. B
II. 1.25 points
l. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5.A
III. 3.0 points
1. from 2.ever 3. so 4. with 5. into
6. however/though 7. a/per 8. which 9. that
10. course 11. rises 12. where
I. 2 points
1. It’s about time you had your hair cut.
2. Susan picked the baby up gently so as not to/ in order not to wake him.
3. Mary and I live close to each other.
4. If we don’t set off about six, we might not get there in time for dinner.
5. Teenagers hate being told what to wear.
6. I regret to say that we are unable to help.
7. I realized after I had broken up with him I missed him.
8. Can you suggest how to make dreams come true for ambitious people?
II. 2 points

Total mark: 20


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