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MCA 20 Syllabus :Linux ,Fair Record

Part A

1.Installation of Linux

2.General purpose utitlities/commands


3.Environment variables:HOME,PATH,PS1,PS2,LOGNAME,SHKVL,SHELL

4.Administrative /system statistics commands:top,free,vmstat,pstree,dmidecode

5.Disk related commands:df,du,ulimit

6.File and directory related commands :touch,cat, cp,rm,mv,ls,mkdir,rmdir,cd, cd ..,find,

File comparison commands :cmp,diff,comm

7.I/O direction, pipes & filters:Pipe,tee Filters,head,tail,more,less,grep,cut,paste,sort,sed,awk

8.Compressing and archiving files:tar,gzip,gunzip

9.File permission,ownership changing commands:chmod,chown

10.Process management commands:ps,nohup,nice,kill,time,fork

11 Communication commands: who -T,mesg,talk,write,wall,finger,chfn,ping,tracreoute,ftp,mail

Part B:Shell programs

1.Shell program to find the sum of digits of a number.

2.Shell program to find the reverse of a number.

3.Shell program to check whether the received number is palindrome or not.

4.Shell program to generate first ‘ n’ numbers in Fibonacci series

5.Shell program to check whether the received year is leap year or not.

6.Shell program to generate prime numbers within a range.

7.Shell program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa

8.Shell program to find LCM and GCD of two numbers. program to find simple interest.

10.Shell program to find factorial of a number with function. program to generate pattern as given below(pyramid).


12.Shell program to perform bubble sort.

13.Shell program to generate the series 1/1!+2/2!+….n/n!

14.Menu driven program to display

1.Content of /etc/passwd

2.List of ‘who’

3.Present working directory


15.Shell program to check whether received string is palindrome or not.

16.Shell program to receive a file name and check whether it has write permission, and if it has

Append text to the file.

17.Shell program to compare two files ,and if they are same delete second file. Files can be passed as
command line arguments, if not prompt user to input files.

18.Shell program to convert ‘c’ files to ‘cpp’.

19.Shell program to greet user based on login time.

20 .Shell program to the number of terminals a particular user has logged in.

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