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BAHR212 (10506)

RUDY AND FRANKIE: Two Different Worlds

I'd advise Frankie that there's no such thing as a permanent thing in this world. Part of the life
cycle, and continually changing. Life is like a wheel; you may be at the top of the wheel and at
the bottom of the wheel at the same moment. Rudy may not have been born with a silver spoon,
but it does not rule out the possibility of him becoming wealthy or successful in the future.
Frankie, on the other hand, may be born wealthy, but it does not rule out the possibility of being
impoverished one day. Furthermore, just because you passed with flying colors does not mean
you will become successful overnight. It may be beneficial in some way, but in order to get a
better result, it must be accompanied by hard effort, patience, and endurance.

There are so many successful individuals who was not born wealthy nor graduated with a degree
but are now enjoying the wealth that they really deserve. I really believe that sometimes it is
really a matter of working hard and practicality. Like Rudy, Frankie should also put a lot of effort
to get to where Rudy also. I believe he should work more harder than anybody else in order for
him and his family to overcome their difficulties.

Frankie, on the other hand, should not be envious of Rudy's success as a businessman. They are,
after all, are still good friends. As a result, knowing Rudy's experience, Frankie should be proud
of him for all of his accomplishments. Envy is a real threat to a relationship because it creates the
impression that one of you must be at the top while it is perfectly acceptable to share the benefits
with your friends. Rather than bringing one another down, try to elevate each other's emotions
since it's so satisfying to see how you've all progressed in one way or another.

We should always keep in mind that what we are now may not be what we will be in the future.
Everyone has no idea what tomorrow holds for them. We should make the impossible achievable,
despite of any reasons, if we wish to enhance our lives. We all need to remember that we don't
have to be trapped in our current circumstances; we can get through it if we work hard and fight
back until we obtain what we deserve.

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