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Story 2 level 4

1. Pianist
2. Songwriter
3. Celebrate
4. Anniversary
5. Beach
6. Expect
7. Colorful
8. Skirt
9. Magical
15.slow down

Story 2
Lana Is a pianist and her boyfriend Daryl is a songwriter. They celebrate their anniversary each
year in a lovely restaurant by the beach. Today they will go there. Lana is expecting Daryl to ask
her to marry him. She is waiting for him at home wearing a colorful skirt and a nice white
blouse. Now, they are sitting at the restaurant; she is looking at Daryl’s magical smile. At the
restaurant, he tells her that he wrote her a poem. Then he says: “I have news for you, I got my
visa and I am going to travel.” Lana is in shock. She starts shouting at him and leaving the place.
Daryl doesn’t understand why she’s upset. He is trying to stop her from leaving and says: “Lana,
wait! You didn’t let me finish.” She slows down and tells him “you want to leave me?” He says
“no, I was going to say that if you accept to marry me and come with me on this journey, I will
be the happiest man on earth; just check your cocktail, the ring is inside the glass.” She wipes
”.her tears and says “yes, I will go with you

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