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Questions and Answers (Q&As)

ENGL 212 – Fall 2022

What are Q&As?

Almost every week, you will be responsible for either creating and posting questions or responding to
them. I have divided the class into four groups, and these will remain the same through the semester.
Each week you will swap roles, so some weeks you'll have extra time.

If your weekly task is creating questions:

You must design two questions that are "discussion" based. For our purposes, discussion questions are
types of questions that generate, you guessed it, discussion. Instead, these should be questions to which
your classmates will have varied responses. Every week you'll have articles and videos to watch. On the
weeks you post questions, you must create questions about either articles or videos (you'll see in your
weekly tasks to which one you're assigned. It will say something like, "Group A: Create and post 2 video
questions." When you write questions, you must be as specific as possible in your questions. Your
questions should give me the sense that you have read or watched the assigned texts. These must not
be yes or no type questions. If you post yes or no type questions, you will not receive credit for this
All questions must be posted by Thursday evenings, 11:59 p.m.

If your weekly task is responding to questions:

Your job is to answer both of the questions posed by another student. Your responses should be
thorough and specific. Your responses should give me the sense that you have read or watched the
assigned texts and you must reference that week’s reading/viewing in order to receive credit. Although
the students posting questions have until Thursdays to post them, some eager students will get their
early. You can browse the discussion board throughout the week to see if there are any questions you'd
like to answer. Each response should be at least 25-50 words.
All responses must be submitted by Sunday evenings, 11:59 p.m.

Group Info
Although your groups will remain the same all semester, each week you'll be required to do something
different. Your weekly Group Task will be posted in each week's Q&A module.

Questions: Your questions should demonstrate engagement with the texts and spark conversation from
your classmates.
Answers: Your responses should demonstrate you’ve read/viewed the text. You must use specific

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