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F. Intermediate compartment containing femoral vein 23,, Conduction system of the heart include: Purkinje fibers 'B. Atrioventricular node whi heart -@. Sinoatrial node which is the pacemaker of yhe heart A. Atrioventricular bundle of His &F Atrioventricular node isthe pacemaker of yhe 24. The structures at the level of the left pulmonary hilum are located as follows: The middle-positioned structure is the pulmonary AB Most inferior is the pulmonary vein C. Most inferior is the prineipal bronchus. . Most inferior is the pulmonary artery E, Most superior is the principal bronchus 25. The superficial posterior compartment of the forearm inelude the following muscles: (a Extensor indcis B-Anconeus -€7 Extensor digitorum D, Extensor pollicis brevis :xtensor carpi ulnaris ae 26. ‘The endoderm gives rise to the : A. Lens of the eye ‘25, Epithelial lining of the respiratory tracts Hair (4& Epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tracts E. Nails 27. The femoral ring represents the proximal end of the femoral canal and is bounded by the: Inguinal ligament posterior Pectineus muscle, its fascia and pectineal ligament terior 2 Lacunar ligament medially AB, Inguinal ligament anterior GB Femoral vein laterally 28, The glenohumeral joint has the following characteristics: Ss a synovial multiaxial joint “B.s a synovial biaxial joint GF has the following ligaments: the glenohumeral, coracohumeral and transverse humeral D. It has the following ligaments: the glenocoracoid, coracohumeral and transverse humeral ‘In out body, is the joint that allows the widest possibility of movements 29, *Right coronary artery arises from: A. Brachiocephalic trunk ‘\ ABAnterior coronary sinus of ascending aorta C. Arch of aorta D. Costocervical trunk E. Descending aorta 30, The muscles ofthe anterior compartment of the thigh which can act at both the hip and knee joints are: Sartorius {BVastus intermedius . Vastus lateralis Br Rectus femoris E. Vastus medialis 31. Which ofthe following structures pass anterior to flexor retinaculum? AK, The tendon of palmaris longus muscle J. The radial nerve and artery C. The median nerve ‘The tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris The ulnar nerve and artery 32. What impressions can we find on the mediastinal surface ofthe right lung? Cardiac impression BrThe groove of the azygos vein arch ‘The groove of the oesophagus D. The groove for the subclavian artery 2B The groove for superior vena cava 33. Name the structures located inside the posterior ‘mediastinum: AS Oesophagus B. Aortic arch -€, Sympathetic chain 1D. Trachea -E- Descending thoracic aorta 34. *The roof of the femoral triangle is represented by: A. Fascia lata BB. Iliopsoas muscle CC. Pectineus muscle anu University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Anatomy exam 1™ year 2017-2018 Variant 4 1. The ligaments of the tibiofemoral joint are: 4 Anterior cruciate ligament B. Ligament of the femoral head © Posterior cruciate ligament D. Medial cruciate ligament E. Lateral cruciate ligament 2. Sciatic nerve: A. Is dividing in deep and superficial fibular nerve B. It leaves the pelvis via greater sciatic foramen above piriformis muscle £é\s dividing in tibial and common fibilar nerve (It leaves the pelvis via greater sciatic foramen below piriformis muscle A Isa branch of sacral plexus 3. The path of the brachial artery is: 4 Atthe level of the cubital fossa it passes in between the two heads ofthe pronator teres 8) Proximally is located medial to the median nerve C. Distally is located medial o the median nerve 43} Distally is located lateral to the median nerve E. Proximally is located lateral to the median nerve 4, What are the relationships of the azygos vei Ac Lateral left to the right greater splanchnic nerve 2B. Lateral right to the thoracie duct &. Anterior to the bodies of the inferior eight thoracic vertebrae D. Anterior to the left posterior intercostal arteries E. Lateral left to the left sympathetic chain 5. Popliteal fossa contai &%- Popliteal vein anterior to polpiteal artery B. Short saphenous vein £2 Tibial and common fibular nerve By Popliteal artery E. Popliteal vein posterior to popliteal artery. 6, The radial nerve its characterizes by the following de “The terminal branches are: posterior interosseous and ‘superficial radial B. On its path at the level of the forearm it is ‘accompanied by profunda brachii artery AG. Travels inside the spiral groove at the level of the posterior compartment ofthe arm D. Has its origin at the evel of lateral cord Qs a mist nerve 7. The axillary lymph nodes can be devided in the following groups: & Apical B. Medial C. Inferior Pectoral oa 8. What are the segments of the superior left lobe? | Anterior B. Lateral | C. Medial 2%. inferior lingular &, Superior lingular 9. The cept in has the following path: ‘A, Proximally it ascends on the lateral side of the arm in between brachioradialis and biceps brachii muscles B. Distally it ascends on the lateral side of the arm in between deltoid and biceps brachii muscles 4G. It pierces the clavipectoral fascia and joins the axillary vein ‘BB Distally it ascends on the lateral side of the arm in between brachioradialis and brachialis muscles. E. Distally it ascends on the lateral side of the arm in between deltoid and pectoralis major muscles 10. Thoracie duct : eta mraamapae a ese oe (2% Empty into the venous circulation in the region of the Jeft jugular and subclavian veins situated at the level of middle mediastinum Is situated at the level of anterior mediastinum . Empty into the venous circulation in the region of the , Femoral nerve AE Inguinal ligament ‘The adductor canal ( Hunter's canal) contains: Femoral vein B. Descending genicular artery C. Popliteal vessels 6. Feinoral artery Saphenous nerve 36. Azygos vein: Is situated in the posterior mediastinum {B. Joins the posterior aspect of inferior vena cava (G-Receives hemiazygos vein at the level of eighth thoracic vertebra B: Joins the superior vena cava (E_Receives hemiazygos vein atthe level of first thoracic Vértebea 37. Profunda femoris artery has the folowing branches: 2B. Superficial epigastric \B. Popliteal artery ©. Perforating arteries ‘#8. Medial circumflex femoral artery . Lateral circumflex femoral artery 38, Which are the borders ofthe superior mediastinum? +4455 Posterior: the first four thoracie vertebras, B. Anterior: the body of the sternum jor: the manubrium of the sternum 1D. Posterior: the first two thoracic vertebras Lateral: medial pleura or mediastinal pleura ‘C. At the level of the elbow joint i i ‘inedial epicondyle of the bia agp “QB, At its origin is located inside the medial muscular compartment of the arm 2 E. At the level of the wrist the path is a deep one 47. The femoral traingle contains: AS Femoral nerve lateral to femoral artery B. Lymph nodes C. Femoral nerve medial to femoral artery AB. Femoral sheath ® Femoral vein lateral to femoral artery 48. The branches of the femoral artery include: A. Internal pudendal AB Superficial and deep external pudendal Profunda femoris Superficial circumflex iliac Superficial epigastric 49. What is pleural cavity? AA virtual space filled up with a large quantity of fluid A virtual space between the inner thoracic wall and pleura virtual space filled up with a small quantity of fluid The thoracic cavity has two pleural sacs EBeing a virtual space is an empty space 50. The borders of the cubital fossa are: A. Medial biceps brachii muscle Lateral the brachioradialis muscle ‘Distally the epicondylar line >). Medial the pronator teres muscle E. Lateral the flexor carpi radialis muscle right jugular and subclavian veins 11, Museles ofthe thoracic wall receive their blood supply from: A. Ascendig thoracic aorta BB Superior thoracic artery . Descending thoracie aorta @ Sipaioe inrocealaeeey E Internal thoracic artery 18, Name the relationships: 12. ‘The distal row of the earpel bones is formed by the: {A Its proximal segment i in b A. Lunate flexor carpi radials museles BSHlamate {B, lis proximal segment isin be AE Capitate ronator teres muscles BE Trapezoid Its medial segment is E, Seaphoid neve D.Its proximal segments 13. The median nerve innervates the following of cubital fossa structures: A. Flexor digitorum superticialis B, Flexor capi uinaris © Flexor digitorum profundus, medial side —> Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis 14, The anterior wall of the axilla is formed by the: =A. Pectoralis minor “B. Clavipectoral fascia C. Deltoid muscle D. Serratus anterior muscle &. Pectoralis major muscle 15, What are the main features of the right lung? Er Two fissures are visible on its surface: oblique (Separates the inferior from the superior and middle lobes) and horizontal (separated the superior from the middle lobe) Three fissures are visible on its surface It is structured in two lobes . The hilum is located on its lateral surface @ is structured in three lobes

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