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8/26/22, 11:18 PM Intellectual Property Rights One Liner - Shasyadhara Agriculture

ntellectual Property Rights One Line and Answer Key

This page includes important points of Intellectual Property Rights and answer
key for MCQ on IPR.
Also read: Genetics and Plant Breeding Important Terminologies
Answer key
1. a 6. b

2. d 7. b

3. c 8. d

4. a 9. d

5. a 10. a
Go to MCQ on IPR

11. d 16. d

12. b 17. d

13. d 18. a

14. a 19. b

15. b 20. b
Go to MCQ on IPR

21. a 22. c 23. d 24. a 25. d 1/1

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