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1: Lift

A 5’ wide lift is connected to a set of pulleys that raise and lower it to the
ground and the platform above. The lift can hold 500 pounds on each
trip. A pile of bones is on the main platform, but are indistinguishable
unless a PC does a nature check at a hard difficulty, since they are broken
in pieces. They are elven bones, but Talif will say they are animal bones
from a recent feast.

2: Hut
A family of five elves live in this hut. The children are very young. Originally
there were five children, but two of them had been sacrificed in the past.

3: Hut
A widower lives alone in this hut. His entire family had been sacrificed at
some point.

4: Body
A body of one of the elves lies here, waiting to be taken by the demon.
Examination of the body will reveal it seems as if he were murdered or
executed, as a single slash is across his neck.

5: Hut
A family of three elves lives in this hut. There are two adult men, and one
woman--a man, his wife, and brother.
Scale: 1 sq = 10ft
6: Great Hall
This large house is where all the elves gather to eat and discuss clan issues.
A cook stove and kitchen utensils along with other basic cooking implements
GM Note: Any stats listed are generic on purpose, allowing you to use this are here.
adventure with whatever version of the game you are playing with. Simply
reference your appropriate books for full stats. 7: Hut
Another family lives here: a man, his wife, her sister, and three children.
Adventure Note: This adventure is designed for 4-5 PCs level 6-8.
Deviation from this may require modification on your part as the GM. 8: Empty hut
This building is eerily empty, and contains four beds. Talif offers this to
Adventure Background: The Arbolin Tree can be found in any typical the party and encourages them to stay, even using spells to help convince
forest of your choosing. The tree has a canopy more than 200ft across, with them if necessary.
a series of platforms roughly one hundred and fifty feet in the air. Rope
plank bridges connect each platform, and circle the trunk at this elevation. 9: Bathroom
The adventure hook works best if the party is weary and hungry, but feel A trap door in this hut is used for the elves to use as a lavatory.
free to modify to fit your desires.
When the party nears the tree, they will see an elf, Talif, standing on 10: Supplies
the ground near the lift that leads to area 1. He appears late middle Here are the various crates and barrels of the elves supplies. They are
aged, stands with a pompous and haughty attitude, but also has an aura brought every month by the demons as long as the sacrifices are made.
of depression and fatigue about him. He sighs in frustration/fatigue often.
He will greet the party and invite them for hospitality. (Talif: Cleric 9, AL: Demons
LN, S: 12 D: 13 C: 9 I: 14 W: 16 Ch: 16, wears robes and carries no The demons that are haunting the elves vary depending on the edition
weapons). you are using. They will arrive at midnight that night to steal away the
When he leads the party upward, he will try to lead them on a tour body. Unless every PC is asleep at midnight, they will feel a deep sense of
counter clockwise, trying to avoid area 4. If any PC tries to go that way, he dread, and feel a cloud of shadow fall over the tree. They will then hear
will try his best to persuade them otherwise with whatever excuse he feels a horrible slobbering noise and scratches from area 4. If confronted, Talif
needed (Save DC: hard). will just sit there and look resigned, not partaking in any action, either to
When he gets to area 8, he will mention that this is a vacant house and help the PCs fight, or to help the demons.
offers it to the players as theirs for as long as they want. Observant PCs
(Save DC: medium) will get a feeling of unease here, and notice that the Edition Demon
other elves they see on the platforms avoid direct eye contact and won’t
engage in conversation. Only Talif will talk. If a hard perception DC check 1e/2e Type III, 1ea
is made, the PC will notice there are no combat weapons anywhere. 3e Babau, 2ea
5e Shadow demon, 2ea
Plot Twist: Talif and his elves have an ancient pact with demons, who
have promised to provide food and protection for his clan as long as they
sacrifice one elf each year. Faced with immediate eradication of the clan
back then, they agreed. An agreement Talif upholds to this day. Due
to the slow birth rate of elves, his clan is dwindling, and he’s looking for
replacements. He is not evil, and firmly believes that he must do whatever © 2015 Sacrosanct Games, All Rights Reserved
it takes to save his people. The entire clan is conditioned to accept this as
their lot in life, as they know no different.

Timoteo Thober (Order #35808740)

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