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Total Time Difficulty Yield

Varies depending on
As many as you like!
number made

These easy-to-make chocolate curls are the perfect garnish for desserts and

Chocolate Curls
Ingredients Equipment
QS Couverture Chocolate* Acetate Strips
Plastic Decorating Comb

*You can use any couverture chocolate to make these; the quantity used will depend on the
number of curls made. We used Callebaut 811NV Dark Couverture 53.8% in the video.

Place an acetate strip approximately 40mm in width on a flat bench surface. Drizzle some
tempered couverture chocolate onto the acetate strip and comb through the couverture
with a plastic comb. Leave the acetate strip on the flat bench surface to set, just until it is set
enough to touch.

Roll and manipulate the chocolate into your desired shape and leave to set. Place in the
fridge for 5 to 10 minutes. At this stage you can remove the acetate, just keep in mind that
you will get a better gloss on your chocolate if you leave it for up to an hour at room
temperature (18-22°C; 64-72˚F) before removing the acetate.

These curls are best stored at room temperature in an airtight container with the acetate
left on until the curls are required. The curls have the same shelf life as the use-by date on
the couverture you are using. The chocolate flavour will dissipate the longer you store them.
Copyright ©2013 Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School. All rights reserved.

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