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Hazardous Chemicals PD 28/1/22

Hazardous Chemicals are anything that can cause an adverse effect

- Health Hazards – the properties of a chemical that can cause adverse health effects
o Nausea
o Vomiting
o Skin reaction
o Dizziness
- Physical Hazards – the properties of the chemical that pose a hazard not to human health
o Radioactivity
o Flammable

Difference in new legislation

- Old (employer/employee) – had to be getting paid to get covered

- New (worker/officer) – volunteers and not contracted workers are now covered
o Officer – major responsibility, person able make financial decisions and write policy
o PCBU – person conducting business or undertaking
o Worker – a volunteer, trainee, contractor/sub-contractor
o Other – visitors, customers, students in schools

GHS – Global Harmonization System

- A system used to harmonise or standardise the labelling and classification of chemicals

- It is designed to communicate chemical hazards using internationally consistent terms and
information on chemical labels and safety data sheets throughout the world
- Benefits include:
o Significant trade benefits
o Improved health and safety outcomes
o A system not relying on language due to consistent pictograms

Signal Words

Indicate the relative severity of the chemical in question

- Danger is a more severe classification of chemicals

- Warning is a less severe classification of chemicals

Risk Assessment Format

- Identify
o Is there anything that may cause harm?
- Assess
o Decide who may be harmed and how?
- Control
o Implement control measures
- Review
o Review the control measures to ensure they are working
Hierarchy of Control (most effective to least effective)

- Elimination
o Hazard no longer exists
- Substitution
o Hazard has been replaced
- Engineering Controls
o Requires a physical control (fume cupboard)
- Administrative Controls
o Requires the worker to do something
o Requires the worker to wear something

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