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′′she was angrywhen another person cut in iine ′′He got away with the crime because the

the police

at Starbucks.′′ COuldn’t find enough evidence.’’

2, To enter into another conversation Tum up

Without asking
l. To increase in intensity or power
′′The teacher is aIways cutting in on our
′′丁he D」 turned up the speakers to max
COnVerSations before class.’’

Take o情
2. To be found, eSPeCialiy byaccident,
1. To Ieavetheground 〈iike a pIane〉 after being Iost or not known about

′‘our輔ght w川take o師n the next 30 minutes.’’ ′′His keystumed up in hisjacket pocket afteran

hour ofsearching around the house.’’

2. Forsomethingtogetstarted orto

PrOgreSS uPWards 3. To ar「ive (usu訓ywithoutwaming o「

′′saies for his product reaiiy took o什after Plaming〉

′′Bobtumed up to the party even though he

PeOPle saw the advertisements.’’
had to work the next moming.’’
3. Toleavefromaplace

‘′看’m going to take offwork early today for my

Tum down

doctor’s appointment.’’ l. To reduce in intensityorpower

′′He tumed down the Iights forthe video.’’

Get awaγ With

l. to managetodosomethingbad 2. To refuse an offer

Without being punished or criticized for ‘’Despite the pay raise, She had to respectfuliy

tum down the job.’’

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