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World Team Championship WH40K 2021 - WH40K 9th Edition Event Pack

version: DRAFT v0.3 Last Update: August 13, 2020


2021 Event Pack
More Information about the WTC?
For more information about the WTC tournament please refer to:

Document History:
2020/08/13: 2021 Draft 0.3

The Army Painter Best Coast Pairings Table Sports Network

























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PRE-EVENT Penalties 16


EVENT Penalties 18


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The World Team Championship, WTC, or Worlds as it is called by its player base, is an
annual wargaming event for the tabletop miniature game Warhammer 40,000. It is the
factual world cup, bringing together nations from across the world to compete against
each other in an enjoyable team format. Traditionally, most of the best Warhammer
40,000 players from around the world are grouped together in a hall for a
week/weekend at a favorable location in Europe to meet and compete with their peers.
You won’t find such density of high-level gaming potential in any other event!

The mission of the World Team Championship is to make nation vs nation Warhammer
40,000 team-play a globally relevant competition. Our aim is to effectively and
efficiently administer, develop, showcase and promote competitive Warhammer
40,0000, while creating a positive and respectful environment that allows the event to
grow and meet the evolving needs of the players and the global WH40K community as a

At its core, the WTC is a tournament that aims to bring together players from all over
the world to compete in a friendly but competitive manner. The WTC believes that
everyone is entitled to be treated fairly regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age,
disability, religion, colour, race, ethnic or national origins, political ideology, or socio-
economic background. Furthermore, the WTC subscribes to the principles of equality of
treatment and aims to ensure that anyone who attends is able to do so in a
discrimination-free environment where everyone is treated with due respect. The WTC
is committed to ensuring that everyone is able to attend the WTC free from direct
discrimination or abuse (physical, verbal or otherwise). As such, the WTC will not accept
nor tolerate any actions that would result in an attendee receiving any less favourable
treatment by any other attendees on the grounds of: gender, sexual orientation, age,
disability, religion, colour, race, ethnic or national origins, political ideology, or socio-
economic background. The WTC expects everyone to subscribe to, and do their best to
uphold, these core principles by way of their attendance. We reserve the right to refuse
entry to or expel from the venue, without refund, anyone who is deemed not to
have acted to honour above standards.


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If you are interested to find out more about the event, get access to our player packs,
our organizational structure, or just find out about some of our teams, head on over to
the OFFICIAL WTC WEBPAGE, and feel free to join our FORUMS and FACEBOOK PAGE if you
would like to interact with some of our player base.



If you are interested in bringing a new team to the WTC, or if you are not sure if your
team is already represented at the WTC, you should get access to the WTC FORUMS and
post an inquiry in the general 40K section. One of the TO’s or captains will then get in
touch to answer your questions. Alternatively, get in touch via our FACEBOOK PAGE.
New teams that participate after a 2 year hiatus (after 2 years of non-activity the
Captains post for any given nation is automatically vacated) or as first-timers will be
given access to the dedicated sections on the forum so they can ask their pertinent
questions and be guided through the process of bringing a new team to the event.

A 40K WTC Team consists of a minimum of 8 playing members. Of which at least 4 need
to be able to show a record of nationality for representing a given country. For more
info on what this entails, please refer to the WTC Organizational Roadmap document. A
team can have any number of non-playing members to act as a coach or assistant or any
other additional role the team can think of, but they all need to adhere to the same
restrictions and rules that are put in place for non-playing team members. They are an
integral part of the team, and their names and roles MUST be stated when registering.
Each team must have one, and only one, nominated Captain (either playing or non-


Throughout the year, a Captain is the voice of his team and acts in their stead for all
official communications and votes that are required. At the WTC, The Team Captain is
ultimately responsible for the conduct of his/her Team and making sure all
administration is taken care of each round (submitting results in a timely fashion,…). The
Captain can be called in for a 40K Captains Council in certain situations to discuss and
resolve pertinent issues that arise during the event. The Captains are also responsible
for checking all the rows and tables for any discrepancies in terrain density and
placement before the start of the tournament/round (if issues arise, call a ref
immediately), and for organizing their teams to check the final submitted rosters (at
least 3 other countries) prior to the event and making sure all their team members are

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signed up in time for instance.

There are no official guidelines on how Team Captaincy should be decided. Every
country should make up their own means of determining who will spearhead their cause
throughout a given WTC cycle. In most countries, there is an association behind team
selection, and a process is in place to make sure it is done in a transparent and honest

What this means for most newer people attending the WTC for a first time, is that in
order to go to the WTC with an existing team, you need to follow whatever protocol an
existing team has put in place to be able to make the team. Get in touch with your
captain and your local community regarding how to be a part of it. It shouldn't be too
hard to come by that info.

The way WTC Captaincy works is that only the current Captain can announce his
successor. This should be done as an announcement in a thread on the official WTC
FORUMS. If the thread isn’t updated, neither will WTC records. That being said, if there
is demonstrable proof that a captaincy is taken ‘hostage’ by an individual or group of
people, and that a predefined system for selecting a certain country’s
representation/captaincy status is not being followed or respected, the WTC TO group
will investigate and can/will decide to overrule and transfer captaincy status to the
rightful party if need be.


A team may have any number of non-playing team members. They are allowed to:

• Be the Team Captain

• Do/assist with the Pairings
• Collate and submit Team Results
• Ask questions about how the game is going (only in English, see below)
• Tell their player how their team is doing and what kind of points they require from this

A non-playing Team Member is not allowed to:

• Give Tactical advice (they may not tell their player ‘how’ to get that win/draw/loss!)
or interject in any way on in-game situations like forgetting that their player forgot to
consolidate. If they perceive situations like that, especially in the case where players
must do something but forget to, they can call for the game to be stopped, and then get
a judge to rectify the situation.
• Speak to their Team player in their native language. Speaking to their team members
in the English Language is allowed as it is the tournaments official language (Not talking

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in English will be seen as interference with the game and is subject to a yellow card
infringement type if reported).
• Any of the 9 team members may perform a player replacement: play a game with any
of the 8 armies submitted by the team in replacement of another team member for the
duration of a whole round. Replacement during rounds (ie when games have already
started) will not be allowed except under extraordinary circumstances validated by a
joint decision by the head referees. A Captain must petition this change before the head
referees. Any breach of these rules is to be brought to the immediate attention of a

Once players are at their tables at the start of any given round, it is not allowed within a
team to share info on matchups or tactics by means of cellphones or other devices
either. Any breach of this rule that gets noticed will see all offenders on the team
admonished with an immediate yellow card.


Registration for the WTC will be done via our partners at Down Under Pairings(which
recently merged with Best Coast Pairings so we will likely see a merged
feature/subscription but more news on that later). We will use their software to
administrate our tournament. Teams need to be signed up, in full (this means including
coaches and additional staff), before the registration deadline (see tournament
scheduling below), shortly after which teams will be divided into pods for the first stage
of the event. In case the number of registering teams would be uneven, the tournament
TO’s will take it upon themselves to form a Mercenary/UN team to make sure every
nation always gets a respectable opponent during the event. This Mercenary/UN Team
will be formed with 3 basic principles in mind: the players on it need to have as diverse
of an international character as possible, the players on it need to be well-respected
within their communities, and the players in question need to show team-spirit during
the process of their teams formation.


When the need to form a United Nations Team arises (which is the case when an
uneven number of teams subscribes or when a team has to drop from the tournament
after registration deadline), one of the WTC TO’s will be appointed to lead the charge of
forming the WTC UN Team. During the year, players interested in being part of the
mercenary team will be able to sign up using our WTC MERCENARY SIGN-UP FORM.

Only players with entries in this document will be contacted to make up our mercenary
team. The WTC TO will try to make as diverse a mix of nationalities (to emphasize the
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international character of our event) as possible, and the selected team members will
either choose one person to be captain amongst them or one candidate will be
appointed by the WTC TO’s. This team then functions as a full-fledged nation and have
all the same rights and obligations as the other nations playing at the event.


Details regarding list submission will be added here once we figured out if we want to
automate the process or use the old-fashioned ‘just post them on the forums’ approach.
In any case, players need to adhere to the following rules when submitting their

1. Each Army list MUST mention which model will be the ** *Warlord * **. If your Warlord is a
character, assign a warlord trait to him. Add text as a **subfix behind the unit's point value as
follows** – ** * WARLORD (Tenacious Survivor). Warlord traits may NOT be changed before
the start of every game at the WTC. Characters that have fixed warlord traits are of course
exempt from choosing another warlord trait.* **
2. Each Army list MUST mention which basic psychic powers have been assigned to the. The
same goes for artefacts or relics or equivalents if they are chosen/purchased for models with
stratagems. These **may NOT be changed before the start of every game at the WTC. **
3. Each Army list MUST mention all the special abilities and rules that are in play for their army.
These may NOT be changed prior to the start of every game but are fixed unless the special
ability specifically allows for it to be changed once a game has already started (like Sacred Rites
for Adepta Sororitas which can be chosen after deployment has finished or the Grey Knight Tides
which can be changed with a psychic power). This applies to Tank Aces for Astra Militarum, Hive
Fleet Adaptations for Tyranids, Dreadblade Pacts and Damnations for Renegade Knights, Exarch
powers for Eldar, and so on. In case abilities will be randomly rolled for (Exalted Greater Daemon
abilities, Dreadpacts and Damnations, …) it needs to be listed on the armylist and abilities will
have to be rolled for each game at the WTC.
4. All stratagems that will be used when mustering your forces to purchase extra warlord traits,
relics, … and so on, MUST be listed on the armylist and their CP cost listed. These are FIXED for
the tournament and cannot be changed. An example of this is buying an additional Exarch
power with the Exemplar stratagem.

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5. Each Team Roster must include all the **necessary info**, meaning player names with the
correct army, and clearly indicate what detachments are taken and how many command points
each detachment provides to the player, and all other relevant information for your opponent.
In the case of Space Marines for instance, it needs to be mentioned which Chapter you are
playing, in the case of the Mechanicus, the Forgeworld, and so on... In the case of cross-faction
detachments, each entry needs to be succeeded by their faction or chapter denomination. For
instance - Troops: Plague Marines <Deathguard>. The overall Army Faction of a roster is always
defined by the common keyword of the army.
6. Team Rosters need to indicate if a coach/assistant spot is filled by the Team.
7. Every player entry needs to list the country to be able to quickly browse through the different
8. Detachments from a list are separated by double "==" and always mention how many
Command Points the detachment costs the army to field. A total CP number with CP cost spent
shall be listed on the armylist as well.
9. All upgrades and options must be shown on any given unit except those that come as
standard on the model and cost zero points. Any wargear that can be chosen (whether it costs
points or free) must be listed.
10. List transports at the bottom of each detachment.
11. Upgrades to specific models in a complex unit are indicated per model.
12. Players opting to keep summoning points in reserve need to indicate so clearly, and how
many points are available, on their army roster.


The World Team Championship is a 3 day, 8 round event that takes place from Friday to
Sunday. Friday is the pod phase, where each nation will face 3 other nations in their respective
pod for a 3-round day. After this pod phase, the teams will be matched and seeded using the
SWISS system, and will play 3 more rounds on Saturday before proceeding to the final 2-round
phase on Sunday.


▪ 9th edition, 2020 Grand Tournament WH 40,000 rules

▪ 2000 points Strikeforce armies, fully painted and WYSIWYG
▪ Only one of each faction per team, which means only one instance of
SM/DW/DA/BA/SW/… can be taken per team
▪ Preset missions and terrain, played on a 60” by 44” table
▪ Pod phase followed by SWISS pairings, 8 round tournament
▪ 3h rounds with 30 minutes pairing, for total round time of 3.5 hours
▪ Forgeworld units are allowed
▪ Units of Legend may not be used
▪ Chessclocks mandatory (every team to bring 5)
▪ Official language of the tournament is English

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Only one of each faction per team:

Space Marines Heretic Astartes Deathguard Thousand Sons

Tyranids Genestealer Cult Craftworld Eldar Drukhari

Harlequins Orks Necrons Ynnari

Grey Knights Adeptus Custodes Officio Assassinorum Adepta Sororitas

Chaos Daemons Questor Imperialis Adeptus Mechanicus Astra Militarum

Questor Traitoris Inquisition Sisters of Silence T’au


The WTC armies have to be fully painted and based and be WYSIWYG (see basing
document in case there is a question regarding, or have your captain approve basing
that might stray from the norm on the Captains council forum). Models that are not
official, do not fit the WYSIWYG profile, or considerably deviate from the norm MUST be
presented at the 40K Captains Council (with pictures or links to pictures preferably), at
least a month PRIOR to the tournament and meet an approval from the REFEREE CORPS
(or alternatively a majority of Captains) before they can be used at the tournament.
Threads can be opened in the captains section on the WTC forums, and captains can
assume that their players’ armies are OK’ed if an approval note from the referees is
given within the topic, no other objections from captains were raised and the thread
was started within the deadline. If ANY objections (from captain or referee alike) were
raised then assume the models/armies in questions cannot be used unless a written
statement says otherwise in the forum thread. Any models like this in use at the WTC
without prior consent will be up for an immediate infraction notice (yellow card) for
each game, and models will be pulled from the table where this is applicable, unless
original stand-in models can be produced on the spot (for LOS purposes or otherwise).


Day 1:
R1: Mission 11 – Retrieval
R2: Mission 12 – Scorched Earth
R3: Mission 13 – Vital Intelligence

R4: Mission 31 – Overrun
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R5: Mission 32 – Sweep And Clear
R6: Mission 33 – Priority Target

R7: Mission 21 – Surround And Destroy
R8: Mission 22 – Battlelines


See our terrain map document.


Challenges can be sent to other teams for the first round, as long as the challenge is
accepted by both captains, and this is formalized with a forum post that is plain to see
for everyone on our FB page or on the official WTC Forums. Challenges need to be
announced before the draw deadline. See the Tournament Schedule later in this
document for precise dates.


After registration is finalized and it is known which teams will attend, all teams and
nations will be divided into pods. This is done for several reasons. Knowing your first
three adversaries ahead of time will generate more opportunity for quality prep-time
with your team, having a seeding system in pods will add to the World Cup feel of our
event, and we can implement a system that ensures the top teams will meet later on in
the tournament as is customary in all big nation vs nation competitions, and that for the
two last rounds (rounds 7 and 8) at least, the top team will play the closest matched
team so we can have a true event champion, at the same time allowing for more
interaction between teams that are historically showing strength in different tiers on the
first day by means of the pod structure.

So how will it work? We will take the average final placing at the last 3 preceding WTC’s
into account for the seeding into the pods. Each pod will aim to have 4 nations divided
into it (more on that later). The average final placing of a given nation will thus
determine which teams face off vs which teams at the next WTC, with a couple of

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• Before dividing the teams into pods, we will put teams that challenge each other for
the first round in the same, randomly determined, pod.
• Before dividing the teams into pods, teams that haven’t attended a WTC so far will be
divided randomly into a pod as there is no way to gauge their strength.

After the steps above have been carried out, the teams that haven’t been placed in a
pod will be divided one by one in the pods.

Let’s say we have 40 teams attending, it will mean we have 10 pods. The nation that is
averagely ranked in position 1 will go into pod 1, the nation with rank 2 in pod 2 and so
on until the nation with average rank 10 goes into pod 10, and then the procedure
repeats with teams ranked 11-20 going into pod 1-10 respectively, until all teams have
been given a place. In the case a pod would be already full due to challenging teams or
randomly assigned teams, the team in question will just be ported to the closest
available pod that was next in line until all teams have been divided.

In the case we do not have multitudes of 4 teams, we will randomly create one or more
pods that are bigger in size to make it work. It doesn’t really matter as long as everyone
gets 3 games in on the first day and the relative distribution of strength of their
opponents is approximately the same.

After the 3 games on the first day, teams will be ranked on the overall score and
tiebreaker score they achieved within the pod and be matched vs the closest ranked
nation with the caveat that teams that already met in the pod phases cannot meet again
during the course of the event.

A simulation based on last 4 years worth of data gives us the following distribution:

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With simulated matches in pod 8 as follows:

Note: this is just an example. The bigger pods will be randomized, and might just as well
be the pod with the number 1 seeded team or any of the other pods. We will always
strive to have as much diversification and division between the different team’s
measurable strengths within a given pod.


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Everything related to getting to the venue, and parking opportunities/bus rides and schedules and
whatnot, will go here

The event will be taking place in Steiermark Austria.

The event location is:

Steiermark Austria


The official language of the tournament, and the ONLY language that should be spoken at the
gaming tables, is English. Players must have their relevant rules available in English at the WTC.
This includes gaming aids and gaming attributes like stratagem cards and such. It is perfectly
acceptable to carry around a digital source for rules material. A printed/tablet version of the
codex/FAQs is acceptable for instance. Players that do NOT have the English versions of their
rules at hand when asked to provide source material will be given a yellow card infraction
notice. Players, and non-players, that are caught not speaking English at a gametable while
addressing one of the players at that table, will be given an immediate yellow card infraction


At the start of every round, teams get some time to work out the individual matchups that will
occur within the round. Teams have 30 minutes to discuss with their team what the best
strategy is for the round and to work out the pairings for the round. Rounds that start later than
the allotted 30 minute mark should be reported immediately to the judges so they can evaluate
if a certain round will be impacted on total game time, and to see if it’s always the same teams
who seem to be having this problem and need to be spurred on to go through the process

The procedure for the pairing process is as follows:

Captains roll off to determine which team will get to choose its table first. That team gains the
“table choice” token.

Sequence of events – Step 1

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Team A and Team B secretly choose their defender and reveal them simultaneously.
After that, Team A and team B secretly choose their two attackers for the given defender and
reveal them simultaneously.

Team A takes the two attackers given by team B, and secretly chooses which one is refused.
Team B does the same with the two attackers selected by team A. The refused Attackers are
revealed simultaneously and return to the pool of available armies.

At this point, two defenders know their attackers; this identifies two games. Log this on the
score sheet. The Team with the “table choice” token lets his defender choose the table first
followed by the defender who's team didn’t have the table choice token. Two tables are now
no longer available.

Sequence of events – Step 2

Repeat Step 1 with the difference that the Team without the “table choice” token now
becomes the owner of this token throughout this pairing step.

Sequence of events – Step 3

Change “table choice” token again during this pairing step. This step will identify the remaining
4 games: 2 games “attacker vs. defender”, 1 game between refused attackers and 1 game with
the remaining players.

Team A and team B secretly choose their defender and reveal them simultaneously.
After that, Team A and team B secretly choose their two attackers for the given defender and
reveal them simultaneously. At this point there is only one last player available remaining in
each team. These are automatically designated as being the last matchup. Each team
immediately notes this on their round pairing log-sheet.
Team A takes the two attackers given by team B, and secretly chooses which one is refused.
Team B does the same with the two attackers selected by team A. The refused Attackers are
revealed simultaneously. They will automatically be designated to play the 7 th game of the
round and face each other. Defenders know their attackers; this identifies two matches. Log
this on the score sheet. Team with the “table choice” token let his defender choose the table
and then teams alternate choosing tables, starting with the defending players first.


A Round between teams consists of 8 individual games. Each game will score a number of
points as described in the 9th edition GT Tournament Pack, namely games are scored
individually on a scale of 100 pts (90 points available from in-game scores and 10 points if the
player in question had a correct armylist that was sent in on time). An individual player scores a
win for his team if his game score is higher than his opponents. To win a round on the team
level, the team in question needs to have scored at least 5 wins AND the difference in combined
game points between the teams (meaning the difference between the sum of all the victory
points scored by each player on each team) needs to be more than 100 points. In any other
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case, the round on the team level is counted as a draw.
NOTE: Assuming that data and statistics show that games played deliver enough of a divide
between the players (We might have to adjust the number of 100 VP difference if the games
played are actually a lot closer to/further apart from each other. We will be referring to data
collected in the run up to the event. i.e. players/teams reporting back what they experience at
their own tournaments, data from BCP/DUP/40kstatscentre,…), to provide more of a baseline
for this as we go, but for now this is our proposal..

Team result, match points

At least 5 or more individual player wins and a VP gap of at least 100 points between the teams = Team Round Win, 2 Round points
4 individual wins each or every other situation that does not meet the criteria above = Round Draw, 1 Round point
3 or less individual player wins and a divide of more than 100vP for the winning team = Round Loss, 0 Round points

NOTE: penalties incurred during a game might change the above win conditions. In the cases
where penalties on for a given round apply, a difference of 100VP and minimum 5 individual
wins (after applying penalties) always constitutes a win for the team that meets the
requirements. Otherwise it automatically constitutes a draw/loss on the team level based on
the parameters above.

The difference in combined game points will be used in a tiebreaker, after which we will look at
total combined games won as a second tiebreaker. If two teams at the end of the competition
would still be tied as a result, the team that on average played the teams with the highest final
positioning will win the tournament.


Follow this procedure to start your games at the WTC:

1. Muster forces: Go over your armylist with you opponent
2. Mission briefing and choosing secondaries. These are noted on the scoresheet IMMEDIATELY. When a
referee is called to the table and notices this is done incorrectly, a yellow card penalty will be incurred
3. Perform the initial game roll off for deployment zones
4. The player having won the roll off chooses if he will spend CP’s for stratagems (for extra relics, putting
units in reserve and soforth). His opponent then does the same.
5. The player having won the roll off must state which units will be deployed in which transports. His
opponent then does the same.
6. The player having picked deployment zone now starts to deploy a unit after which players alternate
putting down units
7. The players roll off and the winner decides who will get the first turn
8. Pregame moves and deployment
9. Players announce their remaining available command points and clearly mark this somewhere for their
opponent to keep track of during the game.
10. Start the first battle round


The WTC and the singles tournament that precedes it, will be live streamed by a dedicated
team appointed by the WTC TO’s and approved by the WTC captains. By registering for the
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event, our players and teams automatically agree to potentially playing on a Live Stream via the
Twitch Channel of any of our media partners or similar outlets.



The Tournament will be officiated by at least 5 referees that are vetted by the WTC TO’s. As a
general rule, a referee may not rule on a table on which their own nation is competing unless
both players at the table agree that it is OK to do so. A referee’s word is final and a decision
may not be escalated. This is because there are stringent procedures in place for how a referee
makes a decision, and any that may have a severe impact on the outcome of a game are only
ever made in concert with other referees. Abuse, of any kind, will not be tolerated where our
referees are concerned.

Official complaints after the round will be handled by request of either captain immediately
after the round. Both relevant captains and two referees will participate. Referees will hear one
statement from each captain and their counterparts response. After this referees will make
undisputed judgement about the case. Possible infractions and associated cards are valid in the
next round of WTC.

A red/yellow card system will be implemented to handle any disputes/issues (see discipline
section below).

If you are interested in joining the event as a referee, or know somebody who does, please sign
up with our REFEREE SIGNUP FORM . One of the WTC TO’s will be in touch.


If a team gets to the point like they feel they want to concede a round at the WTC, due to an
issue, or a complement of issues arises, the referees and the WTC TO’s should be advised

If it is a gaming issue between two teams the referee team can try to defuse a situation and
come to some sort of fair resolution for both parties. Referees and captains of teams are the
only involved parties here. There will be no onlookers or coaches or other team members
involved unless the referees deem it necessary.

If there is a need for it, the referees or one of the teams can ask for the WTC TO’s to intervene
on an issue. This may occur when the referee team feels they are not comfortable taking a
decision, or if one of the captains feels like the situation is still not treated fairly enough to
continue playing the round, or if the referees feel like the situation supersedes their authority
or mandate. In this instance the WTC TO’s will take an informed decision after listening to the

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three parties: referees and both captains. In the rare situation where the WTC TO’s are unable
to resolve the issue then either they, or captains involved, can call for a captains council for an
immediate vote on the matter.

If a team still feels that the outcome of the above is not sufficient to continue playing, that
team forfeits the round and scores 0 points whilst their opponents score 2 points, counting as
having 5 individual wins and a VP difference of 100. The team that forfeits a round also forfeits
their right to a vote on WTC matter for the following year. There should be no gaming situation
that warrants people coming from so far, paying so much money, and then not playing a round,
and there should be some consequence to teams that force that kind of situation, for whatever



List submission
Teams need to submit lists in the correct format without errors. Making correct lists and
submitting them in the correct format should be no difficult task for seasoned players. Failure
to do so will result in a player not receiving the ‘bonus 10pts’ per game for a legal list (this is
instead of the ‘bonus 10pts’ for a battle ready army). Teams that fail to submit their lists on
time will have 2 points deducted from their overall score at the end of the tournament. No
exceptions, no comebacks, no second chances. All penalties will be evaluated on a case by case
basis and motivated before the WTC 40K captains in a debrief.

List checking duties 

After the list submission deadline, each country will be assigned 3 other countries lists to check
for errors, or teams just check the lists from their respective pod. Teams have one week to
complete said list checking. Thereafter teams will have two days to make any necessary
corrections to their own lists. Teams that meet those deadlines and submit correct army lists
will have 2 points deducted from their overall score at the end of the tournament. Not fulfilling
list checking duties will see the entire team penalized. Teams need to reply to the relevant
thread for the lists they are required to check with an OK, even when another team has already
checked said lists. No reply post automatically means a penalty. Going over the deadlines will
also automatically incur a penalty. Just replying OK when there are obvious and glaring errors
will also automatically incur a penalty. This will be applied very strictly. This is also overly harsh
but list checking is serious business, and as such every team should make the effort to comply.

The referee group will be in charge of overseeing this process. Glaring errors might result in a
reduction in points, under the purview of the referees.

Army lists are first going to be posted on the captains forum. After the submission deadline

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they will be published online via all our channels for everyone to see. 

Formatting errors
Any formatting errors will NOT incur a penalty as long as they get corrected IN TIME before the
list correction deadline has passed. This penalty is for not properly listing the weapon options
or wargear of models and units, not stating the Warlord, not correctly allocating dedicated
transports to units, etc.

Illegal lists
In the case of an illegal list, a penalty WILL be immediately incurred. Illegal lists are those that
do not follow the 40k rules, codex, or WTC rules. There is no excuse for this, as teams and
captains can freely ask if a given list would be OK well before the WTC starts.  Changes made to
an illegal list to make it game legal will always have to be as minimal as possible and are subject
to referee approval. If the substantial parts of, or the list in its entirety needs to be changed, the
referee corps will apply additional penalties at their discretion because of unfair advantages
gained after list submission.

Any checks required as a result of incorrect or illegal lists, will be done by the referee corps to
make sure it is done quickly and the corrected list are final and compliant.

Our team of referees have authority to implement other penalties that are not currently
included in this list. In case of infractions/penalties, the relevant team captain will be audited.


Any teams who have not signed up their full complement of players in the tournament
management software will have 2 points deducted from their overall score at the end of the

Furthermore, player profiles MUST reflect their actual name. NOT their forum or nickname.  If
for some reason players want to keep their anonymity, it is fine to refer to yourself as N. Kerr or
Neil K as long as it would not be confusing to the TOs or referees in any way. In EVERY situation
where this is not the case, teams will have 2 points deducted from their overall score at the end
of the tournament. This is harsh but too many problems and delays are caused every year by
players using nicknames etc.


Individual player penalties

The WTC employs a red/yellow card system for managing player behaviour and conduct. If a
player is deemed by the referees to have broken any of following rules they will be immediately
subject to one of the following penalties. The application of a particular penalty is dependent
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upon the nature of the infraction and how many times previously the player in question has
broken the WTC rules.

No penalty to their individual score

-50pts to their individual score for that game

-100pts to their individual score for that game and immediate expulsion from the WTC

If a player receives a red card their team can either find a substitute player to take their place at
the discretion of the referees, or else their remaining games immediately are allotted as a loss
with a VP differential of 100pts. Additionally, the player in question will be imposed with a
minimum one year cool-off period and will be expelled from attending the next WTC

The referee crew has the right to escalate any infraction to an immediate expulsion or even life-
time ban from the WTC depending on the gravity of the infraction and the situation that
presented itself. The WTC referee crew will motivate this decision in their post-event debrief
before the WTC40K Captains.

Take note that the referee corps main concern is always that games are completed naturally
within the round time allocated. This of course depends on the transgression but normally the
focus should always lie on games to be played even if certain penalties will apply. Everyone paid
good money to be at the WTC and to play their full complement of games. For example,
someone might have modeled his entire army in a thematic way but his opponent and the
referees agree it falls into the realm of modeling for advantage and the player in question does
not have enough stand-ins available. Referees will force the game to be played and at the end
of the round apply any penalties that are in place for such transgressions. This way we are sure
everyone gets their full complement of games under normal circumstances. A list of offenses
follows below: 

Agreeing a result
It came to our attention that some games were not played at the WTC but that certain players
simply ‘agreed’ on the final score without the game being rolled. This is unacceptable and may
have unfairly affected final positioning of other teams. To ensure the integrity of the
tournament going forward, any TEAM that is caught doing this or have done this, whether at
the event, or retroactively, and whether or not the action was performed by an individual team
member without consent from any of the other team members, will be punished by imposing a
year-long ban to attend the WTC on all the players from said team. The captain position of said
team will be immediately opened up to other willing captains from said nation. Do not take the

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integrity of the tournament lightly… The WTC is the pinnacle of competitive gaming, regarded
as the World Championships for our hobby, and every team should bear the ultimate
responsibility for ensuring a fair and merit-based outcome for the rest of the tournament

Time management and slowplay

Slowplay is a serious issue, as such it is MANDATORY that ALL games conclude their full
complement of 5 turns within the allotted time. For this reason the use of chess clocks is
mandatory at the WTC, and it is important to note that only chessclocks that count down to
zero may be used. Each player is allocated equally half the remaining round time once pairings
have been completed (usually 1,5hrs per player).

When deploying their armies it is MANDATORY that players each take their respective turns to
place units and models during their own time allocation. That is to say it is NOT acceptable for a
player to deploy models and units on their opponent’s time.

It is every player’s responsibility to be able to play their army within the allotted time. If you are
playing with an especially large army, or one that takes longer than usual to play, it is your
responsibility to train to be able to play a full game within the allotted time frame. No
exceptions, if you can’t complete a game with your army in the time given then leave it at

When starting battle round 4 if there is, collectively, less than 50 minutes left on the chess
clock, and/or 1 player has less than 25 minutes, then a referee MUST be notified immediately.

Additionally when starting battle round 5 if there is, collectively, less than 20 minutes left on the
chess clock, and/or 1 player has less than 10 minutes, then a referee MUST be notified

In both cases it will be at the discretion of the referees to decide if a game can be completed
naturally within the remaining time, or a small extension of up to 5 minutes will be given per

The reason for the referee being empowered to give a small extension is to ensure that the
chess clocks are used correctly and not abused to give an advantage to a specific player. If
players follow the rules above and notify a judge in a timely fashion, we can all ensure all games
end fairly.

If a referee was not involved within any of the stated timeframes, then no extra time will be

Once a player hits their allotted time on the clock, the normal rules for playing the game no
longer apply (rules such as that you MUST attack when it is your turn to fight) and they can take
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no further actions during the game except in order to:
A - Make saving throws, and taking a Morale Test if required to
B - Score objectives that they have achieved or already hold

Penalties will be applied at the discretion of the referees if they feel clocks are not managed
properly, if players try to abuse time management, or if a game does not complete the
mandatory 5 turns. 

Furthermore, if a game does not complete the mandatory 5 turns and a referee hasn't already
been involved, then the captains and coaches are obliged to inform the referees immediately.
Failure to do so can incur a penalty at the discretion of the referees. This is so that the referee
corps is always aware of any ‘repeat offenders’ and therefore potentially deliberate slow play.

Excessive rules questions

If a player is found to be repeatedly calling referees over for rules questions which are clearly
answered in any of the relevant game literature including the WTC FAQ, they will receive a
penalty as this is a form of time wasting. The penalty is determined on a case by case basis - this
prevents people being penalized for language issues resulting in such questions, and also stops
players ‘playing the system' and stopping before a certain threshold before a penalty is

Dice-, movement- or rules-cheating

Any instances of the following, or anything else within similar confines, that is witnessed by a
referee and/or an impartial bystander (i.e. a person not associated in any way with either
player or team)  and deemed as deliberate cheating will result in an immediate penalty:

Rules cheating - forgetting core rules for your OWN army and models. will all result in an instant

Movement cheating - moving too far, pushing models outside of their regular movement

Dice cheating - loaded dice, incorrectly counting the number of passed or failed rolls, changing
the value of dice rolled. 

A note on dice etiquette: in regards to dice policy and “cocked dice”, “dice that land on top of
each other” or in terrain and such, note that at the WTC the following applies: dice rolls will
only count when the bottom of the dice surface is entirely touching the table or game-mat
surface. Re-roll cocked or stacked dice when the event occurs, and re-roll any dice that land in
terrain or on anything other than the flat table (mat) surface. This includes dice landing flat on
objective markers. Reroll the dice. The use of dice-trays at the WTC is authorised.

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When using GW dice, or any batch of custom dice, players need to ENSURE their dice pips
(essentially the number on the dice) can EASILY be distinguished from across the table by their
opponent. Where this is not the case, players will immediately incur penalty and the dice will be
removed for the remainder of the tournament.

Poor sportsmanship or negative/aggressive attitude

Any player or team member deemed by a referee to be acting in any manner not in-line with
the expectations of friendly but competitive gaming at the WTC will incur an immediate
penalty. As a community we all believe that this is a gentlemans' game to be played in a friendly
but competitive manner. Failure to uphold this belief will be met with immediate reprimand.

A few examples to make it clear:

- A player forgets to bring in his reserves, and his opponent objects to this when the player
remembers later in the turn during any given phase. It is BOTH players’ responsibility to ensure
mandatory things that happen in the game take place. It is customary to ask your opponent at
the end of his movement phase if he is sure he does not want to bring any reserves on before
moving on to the next phase.

- A player forgets to announce he will use a certain rule, ability, stratagem or wargear at the
start of the turn or phase and remembers later in the turn or phase.  It is OK as an opponent to
disallow the use of said rule or item, but let it be known that we strongly discourage such
behavior and encourage players to work together rather than against each other.

Illegal alternative models, modelling for advantage, non-battle ready models.

Any alternative models that have not gained prior approval by the referees will be removed
from the board if an unfair in-game advantage is felt to have been gained. Models that have
been converted or rebased that are deemed by the referees to gain an unfair in-game
advantage will be removed from play.  Models that are not painted to a ‘battle ready’ standard,
or that simply aren’t up to acceptable hobbying standards, will also be immediately removed.
The player will have the opportunity to replace them with the official GW models. If no models
are immediately available, he will continue the event without the use of said models
whatsoever. If a player subsequently is caught reusing said ‘banned’ models he will incur an
immediate red-card.

Illegal communication between team members

Any communication between team members and/or spectators should always be in English
wherever possible and have no relation to strategic or tactical advice regarding any games in
progress. Players can of course seek the approval of their opponents to confer with a
countryman in their native tongue prior to starting a conversation. 
Failure to do so will result in penalties. 

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Obviously in some cases communication may not be possible in English, in such a case players
should seek the assistance, where possible, of a referee or neutral third-party who understands
their language so as to adjudicate. If such a person is not available then it is up to the discretion
of the referees if it is felt illegal tactical or strategic advice has been given or not.

The use of cellphones or other media to discuss tactics and game situations once the pairing
process has finished and matches have been assigned is strictly prohibited. Players suspected
of, or caught, doing this will be immediately red-carded.

Team cumulative penalties

Any penalties occurred during the WTC as a result of player infraction also incur a team
cumulative penalty, and will be strictly imposed upon the round points. As an example, Team A
and B have a result of 5-3 wins in the round with a VP differential of 123pts, but Team A
incurred their second team penalty that round and loses 25pts (see below). This brings the VP
differential under the requirement for having the team win condition and consequently
changes their team’s match result to a draw. It does not affect the match result for the
opposing team.

1st infraction - official team warning

2nd infraction – 25 Victory Points per team
3rd infraction – 50 Victory Points per team
4th infraction – 75 Victory Points per team
etc… etc..

These penalties are applied incrementally and cumulatively over the course of the tournament.
This means if player A on a team gets penalised, then subsequently player B on the same team
gets penalised, the penalty against their Team escalates as the Team has then effectively
committed 2 offenses. Again, this can cause that team to lose a match, it cannot cause the
other team to win the match (ie, you still need to reach 5 individually won games and a BP
differential of 100). This can result in a match result of a draw/loss or loss/loss in extreme

It came to our attention that some games were not played at the WTC but that certain players
simply ‘agreed’ on the final score without a dice being rolled. This is unacceptable and may
have influenced final positioning of other teams. To ensure the integrity of the tournament
going forward, any TEAM that is caught doing something similar, or is known to have done
something like this, whether at the event, or retro-actively, and whether or not the action was
performed by an individual team member without consent from any of the other team
members, will be punished by imposing a year-long ban to attend the WTC on all the players
from said team. The captain position of said team will be immediately opened up to other
willing captains from said nation. Do not take the integrity of the tournament lightly… The WTC
is the pinnacle of competitive gaming, regarded as the World Championships for our hobby,
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and every team should bear the ultimate responsibility for ensuring a fair and merit-based
outcome for the rest of the tournament attendees.

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