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1. Make a small hole on the sheet, like 0.025mm.

2. Turn to the calibration page.

3. Press the "test"
4. Pull/push the sheet and make the pinhole pass through the light source. Make
sure that the Shutters are close and connected the both side of the sheet.
5. You will have the "max", this is the number which detected from the sheet. For
example it is 50.
6. Set 45-48 at the Threshold. Just set the number a little bit smaller than the
max number.
7. Set 20-25 at the Pulsewidth
8. OK. Press back
1. 在一张马口铁上打一个比标准孔稍大的孔,把标准孔粘到大孔上,留出中间的针孔。
2. 打开到设定页面
3. 点“测试”
4. 拉动马口铁,使针孔通过中间的光源。在拉动时,确保两边的遮帘正常闭合.
5. 当把片料拉过光源时,在最下面的“最大”那会产生一个值,比如 30。
6.  在“门限电平”那设置一个比“最大”那个值稍小的值,例如 28 或 27。 
7. 为保证准确,可以重复以上测试几次,取一个平均值,然后输入到“门限电平”
8. 在“脉宽设定”处,输入 20-25。

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