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National University of Colombia

Ángela María Acero Parada

Group: 9
Teacher: Narly Pardo

Emotional Intelligence

The key to maintaining a good GPA (Grade Point Average) is emotional intelligence. It is a
skill described by Daniel Goleman in 1995 which permits us to create social relationships. Accurately,
this knowledge of it pushes on everyday conversations because it was seen as a fundamental tool in
society. Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship management are
pillars that have been described.

Unmatched, the integrated application of this intellect allows it to develop adequately in interpersonal
relationships and personal life. Different shortcomings such as self-sabotage are a complicated
problem for achieving our goals. The balance between demanding and not overstretching ourselves is
the main axis for the construction of successful projects, yet it can occur in other fields of life (e.g.
sentimental relations).

Inside university life, stress and anxiety are common phenomena that we face during the semester. For
illustrated, the case of the student that worked all semester, and before the test forgot everything
studied. It is frequently a situation that can be solved if you learn and master emotional intelligence.
The learners should know that emotions and academic challenges can not join, yet we can produce
better results and improve our quality of life, respect for physics, and mental health.

However, it is not a magic solution; we as students need to allocate part of our time to read, attend
class, and do homework and projects. No one is exempt from not understanding a subject or having
difficulties performing any process in our area. At this point, it is necessary to find the balance to
maintain the motivation and passion that is indispensable and achieve our goals.

To sum up, a path to success in academic life is to balance our academic demands mental and
emotional health, that allows us to respond in the best way to the challenges acquired in this process.
As explained, knowledge and appropriation of emotional intelligence is an advantage that all students
can obtain. Only students should start to work on this.

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