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write an essay. 1. Lookat this example of the kind of essay you will be asked to write and answer the questions, 1 How many words do you have to write? 2 Whatis the topic you have to write about? 3 How do the bullet points relate to the opinions in inverted commas? 4 How many of the bullet points do you have to write about? 5 What two things do you have to do with the bullet points you write about? 6 What must you do if you use the opinions in inverted ee commas? S Your class has listened to a radio discussion about the impact of technology on employment opportunities. You have made the notes below. , nology on employment * fewer jobs * more interesting work for people * constant need to improve skills ‘Machines cause unemployment because ney Ju juus people would have done in the past.’ ‘People are free to do more interesting tasks.” ‘No one will be doing the same job all their life any more, Write an essay discussing two of the ways in which technology has an impact on employment opportunities. You should explain which way you think is more significant and provide reasons to support your opinion. ‘You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions ‘expressed in the discussion, but you should use your ‘own words as far as possible. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. = WRITING FOLDER 3 oe 2 Look at the sample answer to the essay. 1 How many paragraphs has the writer used? 2 What is the purpose of each paragraph? ‘The impact of technology on employment ‘opportunities Ever since the start of the Industrial Revolution, people have argued. about row technology will affect employment opportunities. Some people. see the impact 4s largely negative for the. workforce while others consider the changes to be predominantly positive. technology means that there will inevitably bea decrease in the number and types Of job available as automation and. the use of rebots slowly but surely take over tasks that people previously earned. their living from. These prophets of doom believe that ib will become much harder for people to find employment and, a5 a. result, they will have no choice but to accept lower wages ard poorer working conditions. On the other hand, some people see the impack of technology in a. more optimistic light. They view the future as a. golden age when more people will be able to enjoy jobs which offer much more variety and. are far more intellectually stimulating because the dull monotonous jobs will have been automated. They also argue thak advanced. technology will enable people to travel and work almost wherever they like in tre world. Ahough | appreciate that technology takes some. jobs anay from penple, ‘mY opinion is that jobs are now more varied and 50 more interesting than ever before. 3. Inextended writing, we link ideas to produce coherent and logical language. What is the purpose of each underlined phrase in the essay (e.g. to add information, explain a reason or time relationship, make a contrast, to refer back to something mentioned previously)? 4 Make plan for the following essay by making notes on, points 1-3 and completing the table below, 1 Which two bullet points will you write about? 2. Style: formal/informal? 3 Length? Your class has listened to a panel discussion about the reasons for learning English in the modern world, Reasons for learning Enclish: + increased work opportunities ‘+ helpful for study + useful when travelling Some opinions expressed in the discussion: “Knowing English allows you to do business all over the world.” ‘Lots of academic books and articles are written in English.” "Wherever you go on holiday you can get by if you speak English.” Write an essay discussing two of the reasons for learning English in the modern world. You should explain which reason you think is more important and provide reasons to support your opinion. ‘You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. eters Discussion of first bullet point Discussion of peered Explanation of Seer oer Brainstorming vocabulary When planning the main body of your essay, ‘write down the main points you want to include. When you do this, it isa good idea to brainstorm vocabulary and key phrases connected with the topic. For example, if you have an essay title which requires you to discuss the impact of advertising, you could make vocabulary notes like the following, Vocabulary - advertising 1. Techriques: catchy slogandjingle, celebrity endorsement, eye-catching packaging 2 Positive impact: raise awareness of ‘reduct, encourage. healthy competition between vival companies, creative centertadning/stiulating 3. Negative impact: make false claims, raise unrealistic expectations, intrusive, create materialiom, create false needs 5. Make notes on vocabulary and key phrases you ‘might use in the essay in exercise 4. Tips for essay writing 6 Look at the list of tips for essay writing. Add two more tips of your own. + Highlight the key words in the question. + List the points you want to include. + Plan carefully. + Give examples or reasons for your views. + Link ideas. + Present a balanced argument. + Use formal/neutral vocabulary. + Use a range of grammatical structures. 7 Write an essay for the task in exercise 4 in 220-260 words. Use the advice for brainstorming vocabulary and organising your essay. WRITING FOLDER 3

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