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Police Officer Player

Policing officers and other law enforcement personnel labour in an increasingly risky field of
endeavour. To keep us safe, they put themselves in harm's way on a daily basis. It's incredible
how much people are willing to give up in order to serve their country.
This is why I've written prayers for police officers and other members of law enforcement that
will assist you in praying for protection, wisdom, discernment, and a variety of other things
while on the job.
Before You Begin Praying for the Police, Consider the Following: This is something I talk about
a lot in my prayer and intercession writings, but it is also relevant here. Whenever we pray in
writing, we want to make sure that our prayers are personal and come from the heart. Not only
does the Lord want to hear from you, but he also wants to hear from the prayers I have written.
He wants to know what's on your mind and in your heart when it comes to the police and law
enforcement in your community.

A Police Officer's Prayer: Author Unknown

- Oh, Almighty God, please forgive me.
- Whose Great Power and Eternal Wisdom Encircles the Whole of the Cosmos,
- Keep a close eye on all police officers and other law enforcement officers.
- Protect them from harm as they are carrying out their responsibilities to prevent crime,
robberies, riots, and violence.
- We Beseech You,
- Contribute to keeping our streets and homes safe at all hours of the day and night.
- We recommend that you take excellent care of them because their duty is quite
- Allow them to draw on your unending strength and courage while they go about their
daily tasks.
- Please, God, help me.
- Protect These Courageous Men and Women, please.
- Please provide them with Your omnipotent protection.
- Bring them safely back home to their families after their tour of duty is through.
- Amen.
Prayers for Police Officers and other Law Enforcement Personnel
Prayer for the protection of police officers and other law enforcement officers
Please, Heavenly Father, keep an eye on and protect our law enforcement officers. Protect them
from injury and danger as they go about their daily business of aiding others in need. Give them
your grace to assist them in discerning what is wrong when it is difficult to tell, so that they can
prevent evil from taking place before it does. I pray for the safety of our law enforcement
officers, and I ask that you surround them with a protective hedge of protection. That nothing
negative would happen to them, either physically or emotionally. Amen, in the name of Jesus
Intercession for the Discernment of Police Officers and Others in Law Enforcement
Please, Heavenly Father, provide our police officers wisdom so that they can recognise when
something is wrong even when it is difficult to tell. Give them a thorough awareness of the
situations and the individuals with whom they are interacting. That they would be able to
distinguish between truth and deception and that they would be able to deal with everything with
wisdom and honesty. Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Prayer for the Wisdom of Police Officers
Please, Heavenly Father, grant wisdom to our police officers and other law enforcement officers
as they go about their duties. Help them to make sensible judgments so that Your will is carried
out and that we can have peace on our streets once again. Protect them against damage by
demonstrating to them in advance the possibility of potentially dangerous events occurring. I
pray for divine guidance and favour from You, so that they would be able to work efficiently and
see justice prevail in their endeavours. Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Prayer for the Angelic Protection of Police Officers from the Angels
Please, Heavenly Father, keep an eye on and protect our police officers and other law
enforcement officers. I would like you to send your angels out ahead of them, please. That they
would pave a way for them, defend them, and keep them safe from harm at all times. I also pray
to You, Lord, that You will send an angel to each of the officers on the force. So that Your
emissary would be of assistance and ministry to that officer Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Prayer For Police Officers While On Patrol
Please keep an eye out for our police officers and other law enforcement personnel today,
Heavenly Father. Provide them with what they require as they go about their day. If it's wisdom,
then give them wisdom, and vice versa. If they ask for your favour, please do so. It's important to
safeguard them, therefore defend them you must! As Lord, meet people where they are and
provide for their every need. Allow them to be aware of Your presence as they go about their
daily lives. Send Your angels to accompany them while they are on patrol and to assist them in
walking in integrity and compassionate justice as they deal with the persons they see on the
streets. Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Prayer for Grace for Police Officers & Law Enforcement
Give our police officers and other law enforcement personnel grace as they go out on patrol
today, Lord. As they go about their business, may You surround them with Your presence and
calm. That they would trust on You to provide them with the strength they require to carry out
their responsibilities. Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ!
The salvation of police officers and the people with whom they come into contact is prayed
Lord, I bring up the police officers and other law enforcement officers in our city today. I pray
that individuals who are familiar with You would be able to share their faith with those in their
immediate vicinity, resulting in many people coming to You. Provide them with the words they
require in order to soothe the hearts of people who listen to them. Allow them to be a bright spot
for their coworkers and anybody else they come into contact with throughout the day.
And, Lord, please look out for those police officers who are unfamiliar with You. You must
bring them to a point where they will accept You as their Lord and Savior. Allow them to be
sensitive and receptive to the nudging of the Holy Spirit, and allow them to cry out to You in
response. Show them how much you care about them and how eager you are to assist them.
Amen, in the awesome name of Jesus Christ!

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