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TCM 710 – Project Leadership

Assignment Template
Assignment # 0 Student Name: Enter Name Here

Due Sunday, August 28th at 11:55 PM - 5 Points

Complete Parts 1 and 2 from this assignment and follow the instructions at the bottom of
page 2 for submitting homework.

Part 1) Read and understand the academic integrity policy for the course below.
Once you have read and understand the policy enter your initials in the space provided
below the policy statement.

Academic dishonesty: Missouri State University is a community of scholars committed

to developing educated persons who accept the responsibility to practice personal and
academic integrity. You are responsible for knowing and following the university’s
student honor code, Student Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures and also
available at the Reserves Desk in Meyer Library. Any student participating in any form
of academic dishonesty will be subject to sanctions as described in this policy. You are
also responsible for understanding and following any additional academic integrity
policies specific to this class (as outlined by the instructor). Any student participating in
any form of academic dishonesty will be subject to sanctions as described in this policy. 
If you are accused of violating this policy and are in the appeals process, you should
continue participating in the class. 

The university defines academic dishonesty as the following:

DEFINITION: ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Any one of the following acts

constitutes academic dishonesty:
• Cheating: The term “cheating” refers to using or attempting to use unauthorized
technology, materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise
(whether intentional or not).
• Fabrication or other misconduct in research: The term “fabrication” refers to
unauthorized falsification or invention of any information (including research
data) or any citation in any academic exercise; “misconduct in research” refers to
any violation of ethical guidelines for attributing credit and authorship in research
endeavors, non-compliance with established research policies, or other violations
of ethical research practice.
• Plagiarism: The term “plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the use, by
paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work or sections
of a work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement (whether
intentional or not). This includes any material copied directly or paraphrased
from the Internet. The unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another
person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic
materials, including material taken from or ordered through the Internet, also
constitutes plagiarism.
• Facilitating academic dishonesty: Assisting or attempting to assist another to
violate any provision of this Academic Integrity Policy, whether or not that action is
associated with any particular course, is considered academic dishonesty. 
TCM 710 Policy: Any student found participating in any form of academic dishonesty in
TCM 710 will be assigned an F or XF for the course at the discretion of the instructor.
This includes copying work from another source (including the internet) and presenting it
as your own in any assignment including homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and term
papers. Any student accused of academic dishonesty may request an academic integrity
proceeding as defined in the university’s Student Academic Integrity Policies and
Procedures noted above.

I have read and understand the above policy. _____ (enter your Initials here)

Part 2: Provide some insight concerning your project leadership experience and

This should take about ½ page. When finished submit the entire template file using the
instructions listed at the end of this assignment. (be sure to enter your name at the top of
the first page)

1) What experience do you have in the area of project or team leadership?

2) What issues concerning project leadership and human resource skills would you
like to learn more about in this course?

Be sure to complete the assignment in this template file and return it by attaching your
file using the assignment # 0 link located in the Assignments tab. DO NOT RETURN IT
DROPBOX. Please return all assignment files in Microsoft Word unless otherwise
Begin work here………

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