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Dennis Guardado

February 26, 2021



Why I Would Want To Start A Business?

I would want to start a business because of the passion and dream that I have to own and manage my
own business. Starting my own business has always been my passion as I have seen many great
entrepreneurs loving what they do best. Looking at successful entrepreneurs today, you rarely find a
case where hard work and passion don't go hand in hand. Take Elon musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates for
example, they have always been my role models as I have seen how their businesses started from
scratch with little to nothing and now with hard work, dedication, and confidence, they all have some of
the biggest and most successful businesses in the world. Yet, having a successful business may not be
very easy, as I know at times I may encounter problems along the way. Especially in the beginning, your
confidence is essential to maintaining high morale and keeping the company on track, but if I do not
take risks then I will not know the results. Achieving self- fulfilment and self- actualization is very
important as I want to have the sense of satisfaction that I have started a business and continued to
make a success of it. I have noticed many new small businesses in my area which is very good for the
economy as small businesses may provide what the community wants and needs and that is exactly
what I want for my business. Starting a business that is new and different to provide what the
community needs is crucial for society. Competition may be good at times but starting a business
that is different can be even better and more importantly, more profitable. Overall, I plan to face all
obstacles that will come my way so I can keep going and not give up to have my very own business in
the future.

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