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Dennis Guardado

September 26, 2021



What do you believe are some necessities an individual would need if travelling abroad?
Explain the importance of each necessity listed.

Travelling abroad can be very exciting but it can also be very stressful. Some necessities that an
individual would need if travelling abroad are:

1.) Passport/Visa= Depending on where you are travelling, a passport or visa will be required. These
documents are crucial for travelling because without any of these documents, you will not be allowed to
enter/leave a country. A passport is needed for countries that are more local and Visas are needed for
countries that are international.

2.) Vaccination documents= In these times of crisis, I believe that all countries require that every visitor
is vaccinated. Without these vaccination documents, you may not be allowed to enter/leave the
country. There are several diseases/viruses other than Covid-19 that also require documents to be
presented at the port of entry. All of these documents are required to be presented at the port of entry
because you can't be transmitting any contagious diseases/viruses in another country because the
blame will be on you.

3.) Credit cards= In the case that you need local currency from the country you are travelling to, a credit
card can be utilized to acquire local currency from an ATM.

There are some instances when you are able to use a certain currency from another country in the
country that you are travelling to. For example, there are many countries internationally that accept the
US dollar as currency.

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