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Informatics Major Study Proposal

Informatics Engineering is a department that explores the world of technology

which has become a necessity for all people today. First of all, my name is Aprylly
Winingsih Horon. I’m a graduate of Agustinus Senior High School, Sorong City, West
I intend to enter Telkom University majoring in Informatics Engineering. I’m
interested in this department because there are many job prospects such as
becoming a programmer, IT Consultant, web engineer, and many more. Through this
department, I will also get used to being trained to think logically and systematically
so that I can easily adjust to any job. I chose this course at Telkom University
because it is very supported in terms of skill development needed in workplaces
ranging from hard skills to soft skills. The support of capability development can be
obtained by participating in community or informatics laboratories facilitated by the
faculty. Faculty of informatics at Telkom University is also one of the best in
I hope through this Telkomsel official scholarship, after graduating from
college I can play a role in developing the quality of information in Indonesia by
creating and developing software together with Telkomsel for better network quality.

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