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(ARCS SUNG READIN AND SUMMER TRAC TESTSPOE 1/ Getting more thoroughly acquainted with the English-speaking press * Reading newspaper articles regularly is key to improving your vocabulary and your syntax so as to be able to produce near-native sentences. You should read at least one article from the following newspapers every week. ~The guardian ~The Economist Politico ~The New York Times ~The New Yorker magazine 2/ To hone your CE and CO skills you should pick up articles covering the follo ing topics, check the vocabulary and summarize their content in 200 words. This reading will give you access to a deeper Understanding of those topics. Superficial views are your worst enemy. You need to be able to give examples to prove your point. - US immigration policies ~ Abortion laws in the US ~The war in Ukraine ~ Boris Johnson's policies on refugees ~ Boris Johnson's weak position as a Prime minister in Britain - Gun control ~ Climate change and sustainable development (green new deal, green washing) 3/ Working on your CO skills will aso be necessary. Watching in-depth videos on the same topics as point 2 Is compulsory (4 to 10 mn long videos). Make a 200 words summary of their content. Watch reports from: -NPR radio ~BBC news -CBS news -CNN ten ‘4/ Se procurer et lire The Vocabulary Guide de Daniel Bonnet-Piron chez Nathan 5/ Lire en anglais The Nickel BOYS de Colson Whitehead et/ou The Water Dancer de Ta-Nehisi Coates, deux roman qui se font le reflet de la soutfrance des noirs-américains et expliquent les tensions de notre monde comtemporain autour de la notion de race 6/ Bring the best summary you have written over the summer and the related article to our first class ( around mid-September) 7/ Do some research about both Colson White head and Ta-Nehesi Coates. Write a 300 word-long sssay about how, either The Nickel Boys ot the Water Dancer, gives us an interesting insight into why ‘America appears to be such a polarized and divided country.Bring it to our second class together (around mid-September) .

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