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“The Aouse and the Mosquito | Warm Up What happens when someone you helped, proves to be the cause of your distraction? Shoafopa gothers stefan In the King's bed, Creep the louse Lived in her ancestral house. They had dwelt here as of right For three decades, and each night She and her enormous brood Drank the King's blood for their food. Once the signal came from Creep That the King was fast asleep, Quietly, discreetly, they Nipped and sipped and drank away. Sons and grandsons, sisters, brothers, Great-granddaughters, Great-grandmothers, Second cousins and their wives Thus pursued their'gentle lives Lives of undisturbed delight Growing plump and ee oth and white. One day a mosquito flew SW Through the window, As he drew" Closer to the velvet bed Canopied with gold, he said, "Lovely! Just the place for me. . Ab, what perfume — let me see Rose — no, jasmine. And the: x i : + ‘e , Leave at once. This bed's the King's." "House?" "This quilt. It’s mine," said Creep, Smooth as banks of Ganges silt! Let me test the bedsprings now." So he jumped up — and somehow, Ina parabolic leap, Landed not too far from Creep. "Sir Mosquito, flap your wings. "Who may you be, Lady Louse?” "Pm the guardian of this house." "There’s no place for you, Sir Leap." "Let me sleep here for one night And I'll catch the morning flight." Thus the sad mosquito pleaded, And at last his prayers were heeded For the tender-hearted Creep Could not bear to watch him weep. & "Well, come in," she said at last, "But tonight you'll have to fast, For on no account may you Bite him, as we're trained to do. We can drink and cause no pain, Loss of royal sleep, or stain. You, I fear, would cause all three. I can't risk my family." But the glib mosquito cried, "Now you've let me come inside, Lady Louse, how can yan be be Let me bite him — once —by stealth. He won't even shift or sigh. Cross my heart and hope to die." Finally the louse agreed. "Right !" She said, "but pay close heed. Wait till wine, fatigue, or deep Dream — enriched, unbroken sleep Has enveloped him. Then go, Lightly nip his little toe." "Yes, yes, yes. That’s all old hat," Said Sir Leap, "I know all that. Keep your stale advice." He smiled, "Seriously — I’m not a child." It was only afternoon Fairly early, fairly soon When the King came for a snooze, Doffed his crown and shirt and shoes, Lay down on bed, and sighed. The mosquito almost died From excitement, shock, and sweat. "No!" The louse cried, "No! Not yet !" But too late! The self-willed bumbler Oh, if only he'd been humbler Rushing to the rash attack, Leapt upon the royal back, And with fierce and fiery sting Deeply dirked the dozing king, "Help ! a scorpion! a snake !" Screamed the King, at once awake. Tve been bitten ! Search the bed ! Find and strike the creature dead !" When they made a close inspection The mosquito foiled detection, Hidden in the canopy, But the louse clan could not flee, All were killed without ado, Meanwhile, the mosquito flew, Looking out for further prey, Humming mildly on his way. x s ‘ j Vikram Seth 8 SS Fue Bora ie year 1952 Indian it Fost aire a eneiegeee Glossary Ancestral — belonging to the family Signal — pre-arranged sign conveying information j Parabolic — like a parabola (curve) Hospitality — friendly treatment of strangers or guests Remedies — something that cures Stale — not fresh Foiled —_ prevented Detection — tobe discovered Use these words in sentences of your own. yr F A. What Did! Learn? 1, Answer the following questior Comment on the names given to the mosquito and the louse. How do you know thatthe louse’s family wasa large one? ©) What is so special about royal blood? a d) Whois the “self-willed bumbler” under reference ? Jot down the character qualities that you would attribute to the mosquito and the louse. hss 3 oe L Whatis the hidden message in the poem ? g) How was the mosquito able to escape detection ? h) Do you think the louse had done the right thing by being kind to the mosquito? s i) Whodo you thinks more harmful — the louse, or the mosquito? j) Can youreally blame the mosquito for the death of the louse family 2 Choose the correct answer from the options given: a) The Creep was not detected sucking the royal blood because i) he only sucked and did not bite ii) he was living on the king's bed for decades iii) he attacked only when the king was in deep sleep 'b) The Creep allowed the mosquito to stay for one night. This shows that the Creep was i) generous ii) tender hearted iii) kind ¢) The mosquito could not wait for the king to fall asleep. This shows that he was i) hungry ii) disobedient iii) impulsive ot d) Why is the royal blood said to have remedies for all aches and pains ? i) because it has antibiotics in it ii) because it has a mixture of herbs and spices iii) because it is clean O00 O00 C0000 &e x Look at the table given below and complete the column: A Who said this? Why did he say it ? a) "Smooth as the banks of Ganges silt" b) "Iam the guardian of this house" c) "On no account may you bite him" d) "I'm broken in health" e) Seriously — I'm not a child. f) "I've been bitten! Search the bed!" \ i a

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