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from this lecture we ae totally moving towards : removal of xml file.


two ways : xml based configuration , and java based configuration

for java based configuration : we can have @component annotation used on the class
for which we need the bean.

and in javaconfig document note : it should have .java extension :

@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.springcore.javaconfig")
public class JavaConfig{}

in main class

ApplicationContext context = new

rest same.

changes we made on java.config file.

ie.we are annonating beea m

on method name
public class JavaConfig{

@Bean(name = {"student","temp","con"})
public Student getStudent(){
Student student new Student(getSamosa());
return student;

we can get the bean using above these three bean name : ie. "student","temp","con".


Three ways bean configuration

1. XML file
2.@component configuration use krke @Bean, spring container ko batlane k liye ki bhaiya
is class ka object manage krna hai.

baad me hmlog spring bean se object get kr skte hai.

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