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Analysis and Design Tools Syllabus : Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tree and Decision, Table, Data Fk Diagram(DFD), Data Dictionary, Elements of DD, Advantages of DD, Pseudo code, Inp: and output design, CASE STUDIES(Based on above topic). jabus Topic : Ei DOr eu ea ret it Q.5.1 | What is an entity ? (SPPU - April 15, 2 Marks) OR Define entity with example. (SPPU - April 12, Oct. 15, 2 Marks) Ans. : Entity - Entity is an real life object which we can describe using its properties. - Eg. student, staff, person, place etc. - Entity is represented by rectangle labelled with entity name. Eg. Student Student Q.5.2 Explain E-R Model. (SPPU - April 10, 4 Marks) OR Write a short note on E-R Diagram. (SPPU - April 12, April 13, 4 Marks) OR Explain various components of E-R diagram. (SPPU - Oct. 10, Oct. 11, 4 Marks) Ans. : E-R Model / E-R Diagram — E-R model is a visual representation of different entities describing how entities are related to each other in order to create database. It represents structure of database in the form of graphical diagram called EntitY’ Relationship (E-R) diagram. Jt considers entities as a poi: : ints hi connecting these aes ae lisse and relationships between them are edges Fig. 1-Q. 5.2 - ER Diagram has five main co) _ . . standard notations they are as follow: ————— @ eee : gaa is a real life object which we can describe using its propel . It is represented by a rectangle labelled with entity name. E.g. Student can be represented as Fig. 2-Q. 5.2 © Entity can also be a weak entity. Weak entity is an entity which do not have unique key to identify it. o It is represented by double outlined rectangle labelled with entity name. E.g. Fruit can be represented as Fig. 3-Q. 5.2 (ii) Actions : (Or Relationship) o Actions are also called as Relationships between different entitites. It shows how two or more entities interacts with each other. It is represented by diamond shape joining different entities with lines labelled with verbs. E.g. Consider relationship many persons are living in one city. This can be represented as. : Fig. 4-Q. 5.2 ° ° (iii) Attributes o Properties of entiti o Attributes are represen! es describing it are called as attributes of entity. ted by oval symbol labelled with attribute name. Eg. Roll no is an attribute of student which uniquely Catz identities student is denoted as. Fig. 5-Q. 5.2 o If attribute can have more than one value, it is called as multi-valued attribute. o It is denoted by double outlined oval shape labelled with attribute name. o Eg. one person can have more than one contact no. it is denoted as, Fig. 6-Q. 5.2 o If value of one attribute depends on some other attribute then that attribute is called as derived attribute and attribute on which derived attribute is depends is called as owner attribute. o It is represented by doted oval. o Eg. Age of person depends on birth date of person thus age is derived attribute and birth date is owner of age. It is denoted as, Cree} Fig. 7-Q. 5.2 (iv) Connecting lines o To represent relationship between entities all objects in ER diagram are connected to each other by connecting lines. o They are represented by solid line e.g. student (Roll no, name, class) is represented as Fig. 8-Q. 5.2 (v) Cardinality ° Cardinality expresses a relationship in context of numbers i.e. how many no. of instances of an entity related to how many numbers of instances other entity. E.g. consider relationship as one teacher can teach many subjects. o It can be represented as, Fig. 9-Q. 5.2 Q.5.3 Define Recursive Relationship with diagram. (SPPU - Oct. 12, 2 Marks) Ans. : If same entity involves in relationship for more than once then relationship is called as recursive relationship. E.g. Two persons married with each other. This is represented as, Fig. 1-Q.5.3 Q.5.4 Explain the concept of mapping cardinality. (4 Marks) Ans. - Mapping cardinality is a data constraint that describes how many instances of one entity set is / are related to instances of other entity set. - A relationship in which two entity sets are involved is called as binary relationship. Mapping cardinality of binary relationship is as follow : (i) One to one : One entity of entity set say ‘x’ related to atmost one entity in other entity set say ‘y’ and vice versa. Set x Sety Fig. 1-Q. 5.4 (ii) One to many : In this mapping cardinality, one entity of set 4’ is related to any number of entities in set ‘y’ but an entity in set ‘y’ can related to atmost one entity in set ‘x’, Fig. 2-0. 5.4 (iii)Many to one : Here one entity from set x is related to atmost one entity in set ‘y’ but an entity in set ‘y is related to any number of entity in set x. Setx Sety Fig. 3-Q. 5.4 (iv)Many to many : In this cardinality an entity from set ‘x’ is related to any number of entities in set ‘y’ and vice versa. Set x Sety Fig. 4-Q. 5.4 Q.5.5 Explain Generalization and Aggregation with suitable example. (4 Marks) OR Explain generalization and specialization with example. (4 Marks) Ans. : Generalization The generalization is related with special types of entities called super class and subclass. It is a process of extracting common attributes of two or more class and combined them into a single generalized superclass. It is also called as IS-A relationship following bottom-up approach. Eg. Teaching staff and non-teaching staff can be generalized into a single class employee. It is represent as Fig. 1-Q. 5.5 Specialization It is reverse process of generalization i.e. it produces two or more classes from one class. It is top-down process called as IS-A relationship. Eg. Class employee can be broken down into two classes teaching-staff and non- teaching staff. Non-Teching staff Fig. 2-Q.5.5 Aggregation - Aggregation is a process by which relation between two entities is treated as a single entity. - Eg. consider relationship student enrols for a course by online registration. Registration Fig. 3-Q. 5.5 Here enrollment of student for course is treated as entity registration. eye Syllabus Topi EL Be CORE Q.5.6 Define decision tree. Ans Decision tree (SPPI il 12, 2 Mark: Decision tree is graphical representation of specific situation where various decisions can be taken with certain outcome. It is used to select optimum decision. _ General form of decision tree is, _7Oonation 1 — action Condition 1 4 1 / ' “condition n — action Root 0: mr Omnetion 1 action Condition n: ' ‘Condition n — action Fig. 1-Q. 5.6 Q.5.7 Define decision table. (SPPU - April 11, Oct. 12, 2 Marks} Ans. : Decision Table - A table which shows a course of actions (decisions) to be taken depending on combination of one or more conditions is called decision table. - General form of decision table is, Decision Rule Condition Rule Decision 1 | Decision 2.| ...... Decision n Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition n Q.5.8 State different types of decision tables and explain any one. PI ct. Ans.: Types of decision table are as follow = (1) Extended entry table ~The decision table in which all possible conditions and conditions to be must considered together to determine which condition is applicable to given rule is called extended entry table. ~ Entries in this table are in descriptive form. (2) Limited entry table ‘As the name indicate limited entry table it is a table in which entries are limited and symbols are used to indicate entry. (e.g. Y, N, blank, number etc.) EE oO (3) Mixed Entry table A decision table which contains description as well as symbols in entry section ig called mixed entry table as it is a combination of extended entries as well as limited entries. OME anew va Tet tein Q.5.9 Explain data flow diagram in detail. {SPPU - April 12, 4 Marks) Ans. : Data flow diagram - Data flow diagram shows flow of information (data) between various business Processes. - It describes how data is converted from input to output. It focuses on from where information comes, where it goes and how information gets stored into system. ~ DFD consists of four main components they are as follow : (i) External entities - Entities which are outside of system boundary and communicates with system such that they provided information to system or receive information from system are called as external entities. - They are often referred as source and sink to system information. Gi) Processes - All necessary activities which makes use of system information and are carried out within system boundary are called processes. ~ Process transforms the system input into output in some way. ~ It may concerns with capturing data, recording changes, performing validations or computations ete. Gii)Data flow - Data flow is used to show flow of information between two objects or external entities. — Label of data flow should reflect transformed status of data. (iv) Data store - A place where data is stored and retrieved within the system is called data store. - It can be either file, log book, database system etc. various convention determines nature of data store like ‘M’ : manual data store ‘D’ : computer based data store ‘T’ : temporary data store. @.5.10 Explain various symbols used by DFD. (SPPU - April 13, 2 Marks) Ans. = DFD Notations (or symbols) - There are two types of notations used in DFD as Yourdon and Coad notation, Gane and Sarson notation. - Yourdon and coad notation is typically used for system analysis and design where as Gane and sarson used for describing information system. - These notations are as follow : Sr. Component Yourdon and coad | Gane and sarson notation No. notation 1 Eternal entity 3 Ea 2. | Process © eS 3. | Data store Cc 4 Data flow —+ —> SPR eR ar ire ar is Aes aS GC UT Q.5.11 Define the term data dictionary. (SPPU - April 15, 2 Marks) OR —- Whatis data dictionary ? (SPPU - Oct. 10, 12, April 11, 2 Mar OR Write a short note on note data dictionary. PPU - Oct. 15, April 16, 4 Marks) Ans. : Data dictionary - Data dictionary describes structure of database itself. - It contains information about what data is stored in database, name of data clement, description and properties of each data element types of relationship between different data element etc. - It is used to control and maintain large databases. ~ Data dictionary contains following data items in hierarchical form. (@) Data element — The smallest unit of data in data dictionary which cannot be further divided into data items is called data element. - Eg. day of data cannot be further divided thus it is data element. Gi) Data structure - Data structure is collection of data elements which are related to one another and they collectively describes component in system. - Eg. data structure student can contain roll number, name, class, percentage which describes student. Q.5.12 Discuss the content of data dictionary. (SPPU - April 11, Oct. 15, 4 Marks) OR Explain elements of data dictionary. (SPPU - Oct. 09, April 16, 4 Marks) Ans. : Data dictionary contains information about each data item in prescribed format. This format contains following elements : G@) Data type : It tells about what type of data stored in data item. e.g. Data type of data item Roll-no is integer since it contains numeric values. (ii) Data name : It describes name of data item. e.g. Roll-no is data name. (iii)Data Aliases : These are alternative names used for convenience of multiple system users. e.g. Roll-no can have data Aliase as student ID. (iv) Data Description : It Contains short description about data item. e.g. Data description of Roll-no can be a unique identifier that distinguishes each student from another. (v) Data Characteristics : It contains information about data length, range of data values etc. (vi)Data composition : It contains information about various data elements contained in a data store or data flow. (vii) Data control information : It describes source of data, users of data which data flow is coming and which is going etc. (viii) Physical location of data : It is a place where actual data is stored and retrieved in system e.g. file, database, log book etc. @.5.13 What are the advantages of data dictionary ? (4 Marks) Ans. : Advantages of data dictionary are as follow : (1) Data dictionary contains all information about data items in database which is helpful for administrator or any new DBA to understand system database. (2) Data dictionary describes well structured and clear information about database which is useful to analyze system requirements. (3) Data dictionary acts as an essential reference in organization by providing documentation about system. (4) With the help of data dictionary data redundancy in data definition can be easily removed. ee (5) Data dictionary gives consis procedures etc. which hel and user. (6) Using the information about data all phases of SDLC. (7) Data dictionary is helpful in validation of data flow diagrams. (8) Data dictionary helps to reduce chances of ambiguity. Syllabus Topic : Pseudo Cod tent definitions of various data items, terms, Ps to improve communication between system analyst element stored in data dictionary one can link Q.5.14 What is pseudo code ? (SPPU - Oct. 10, 14, 2 Marks) OR Define pseudo code. (SPPU - April 12, 16, 2 Marks) OR Give any two advantages of pseudo code. (SPPU - Oct. 15, 2 Marks OR Write a short note on pseudo code. (SPPU - Oct. 12, 4 Marks) Ans. : Pseudo code - Pseudo code is an informal way of describing the activities which will be executed by the application. - Pseudo code makes use of programming code and ordinary English language. - Pseudo code helps the developers to concentrate on developing logic without worrying about syntax. - Guide lines for writing pseudo code are as follow : (i) Start writing pseudo code with description about how the algorithm works in an English language. (ii) While using combination of programming language follow basic C and/or C++ syntax. (iii) Simplify pseudo code by writing name of structure as an ordinary variable. (iv) Write meaningful comments whenever possible. (¥) Pseudo code should be easy to read i. it should be written / typed neatly. e.g. pseudo code for addition of two numbers. START 2 DISPLAY “Enter value of number 1 = GET number 1 , DISPLAY “Enter value of number 2 = GET number 2 Addition = number 1 + number 2 DISPLAY addition END Advantages of pseudo code (i) As pseudo code makes uses of ordinary English and basic syntax of C / C++ it is easily understood by any programmer. (ii) It allows to concentrate on developing logic rather than worrying about programming syntax. Syllabus Topic : Input and Output Design Q.5.15 What is interface ? Explain with example. (SPPU - Oct. 12, 4 Marks) OR Define interface. (2 Marks) Ans. : - An interface can be defined as a point at which independent system component communicates with each other. - System elements and system environment can also communicate with each other using interface. - Interface can be either internal interface, external interface, functional interface or physical interface. - Eg. at front end in login form after filling correct credentials user clicks on Login/Submit button which provides user a functional interface. Q.5.16 What are the objectives of input design. (4 Marks) Ans. : Objectives of input design are as follow : (i) Input design is mainly a process of transforming user-friendly description of input into computerized system input. Thus it is necessary to avoid errors in input design process and show correct direction to user. It can be archived though designing user-friendly input screens. (ii) The main objective of input designing is to make data entry process easier for user and data to be error free. To achieve this data entry screens should be designed in such way that all data manipulations can be done and records can also be viewed. Validations on input data helps to make data error free. (iii) The processing time of system depends on transactions of system. To save processing time input design should be done in such way that large number of transactions can be performed in single step. (iv) To minimize quantity of data in input forms and to avoid data redundancy i.e. number two or more different forms containing same data. This helps to reduce labour cost of system. (v) Input forms should be designed in such a way that it becomes easy and simple to enter inputs for system i.e. various guidelines should be provided to user about what value to be entered in input field. Q.5.17 Write a short note on design guidelines. (for input/output forms). (SPPU - April 10, 4 Mar! ans. : Form are the products of input/output design process guidelines for form design are as follows : (i) While designing forms (input / output) designer should know who will the user of system or forms and what is the purpose of form. (i) The form caption must clearly defines its purpose form should be labeled with firm name or code no to easy recording of details. ii) The forms should be easy to use and fill details. Each field of form must be labeled to avoid confusion. (iv) The forms should be attractive to users in terms of colour, layout and field names. (v) The form must give instructions / guideline to user about how to fill the form General format for input / output form is as follow : Company logo and name Form caption Form Body Command buttons/UI Comment and instructions/guidelines Q.5.18 State objectives of output design. (2 Marks) Ans. : Objectives of output design are (i) To develop output for its intended purpose and avoid producing unwanted output. (ii) To deliver output on time which helps in decision making. (iii) To develop output which will satisfy all end user requirements. (iv) Delivered output in right format by using appropriate output method (e.g. sound, dialog box, error message etc.) Ee Q.5.19 Design an Input form for Employee Salary Slip with following details. Employee number, name and designation, Earning (Basic, DA, HRA, TA) and deduction (PF, PT and others). Gross pay and net salary. {SPPU - Oct. 12, 8 Marks) Ans. : Salary slip form Phoenix Infotech Date : 5/1/2016 Emp_no : 1001 Emp_name : Poonam shitole Designation : Lecturer Salary Details Deductions Basicpay [| PF Ea DA Se PT. Ea Ea HRA TA E33 Gross pay : Net salary: Print) (sxe) Modify) Q.5.20 Design output screen for performance report of sales! (SPPU - Oct. 14, 8 Marks) Ans. : Output screen for report Sales - report Summary report of sales Review -Time Start - date End ~ date 0V01/2016 01/02/2016 Employee wise sales order summary Emp_id Name _| Order_no | % of sales L MS. Joshi 35 38.9 | 2. A.S.Katre | 25 24.2 3. J.M.Gandhi| 10 30.5 4, 8.B. Khaire 15 06.80 Total 145 Q.5.21 A co-operative bank grants loan under following conditions. (i) If customer has account but some amount is outstanding from previous loans, loan will be granted under special management approval. (ii) If customer has account with bank and has number loan outstanding loan will be granted. (ill) Reject loan application in other cases. Draw decision tree and table for above case. (8 Marks) Ans. : Decision tree cams seman amount is outstanding app from previous loan Co-operative bank = —————__ has account and no NN Joan outstanding eae any other case Reject loan Application Fig. 1-Q. 5.21 Decision table Decision rules Conditions Has account Has account | Else No Yes Loan outstanding Loan granted Loan granted under special 7 management approval Loan application rejected 7 Q.5.22 Consider on “Airline Reservation System” indentify all entities and draw. (@) Context level DFO (b) 1"levelDFDforit (SPU - Oct. 14, 16 Marks) Ans. : Entities are (1) Flight (flight_no, fare, (2) Customer (cust_id, name, address, phno) 7 (3) Ticket (ticket_no, fare, status) status can be waiting reserved or confirm. dept-time, arr-time, source, destination) Context level DFD Fig. 1-Q. 5.22 1* level DFD for processes (1) Customer can check flight availability (2) Customer can book ticket Fight Fig. 2-Q. 5.22 Fig. 3-Q. 5.25 (3) Customer can cancel ticket Ticket ‘cancellation ‘Customer Ticket Fig. 4-Q. 5.22 Q.5.23 Name any two data capture methods. (SPPU - Oct. 14, 2 Marks) Ans. : Data in system can be captured by using following methods : (1) Record the sources data (2) Legacy data import (3) Optical character recognition (OCR) (4) Magnetic stripped reader (MSR) Q. 5.24 Explain four data capture methods in detail. (SPPU - April 13, 4 Marks) Ans. : Four data capture methods are as follow : (a) Punch cards - Inthis method data is recorded as a punches on cards. - It is widely used popular method for data capture. - Cards can be 80 to 96 columns wide. - They contains data in either sequential or logical order. E.g. student attendance. (b) MICR (Magnetic ink character reader) ~ As the name indicate this method stored data using magnetic ink. - MICR translates these characters into input to computer system. (c) OCR (Optical Character Recognition) - This method stores data in the form of optical characters. - Optical characters can be converted into system input using OCR. (d) Mark-sensing reader - This method stores data in the form of pencil marks. - Mark sensing reader converts pencil marks to punches on cards which can be further translated into system input using punch cards. Q.5.25 Design a screen layout for quotation entry. (SPPU - April 16, 8 Marks) Ans. : ‘Quotation Entry : ‘Quotation_ID : 101 Reference Date Issued Expiry date Status Notes Profit % (Somr] Cea) =~ (arte) @.5.26 Design an input screen for entering electric bill details of customer. PPU - April 13, Oct. 15, 8 Marks’ Ans. : Previous units. Current units Units consumed Electricity charges Sur charge Bill payable Remarks if any Q. 5.27 Draw a decision tree and table for the following case : If total income < 22,000 then no tax deducted If income is between 22,000 to 30,000 deduction is 20% of amount exceeds 22,000 If total income exceeds 1,00,000 then tax is € 27,600 + 50% of the amount that exceeds & 1,00,000. (SPPU - April 16, 8 Marks’ Ans. : Decision Tree Income Tax -< 22,000 ——— No tax Deduction Root ©. > 22,000 & < = 30,000 Tax = (income - 22000) x 0.20 > 1,00,000 —_—— Tax = 27,600 + (income-1,00,000) x 0.50 Fig. 1-Q. 5.27 Decision Table Conditions on Decision Rules income No. | Tax = (income - 22,000) | Tax = 27600 + (income Tax *0.200 = 100000) * 0.50 Income less than v 22,000 a ee Income between v 22000 to 30,000 a p Conditions on Decision Rules umecome No. | Tax = (income - 22,000) | Tax = 27600 + (income Tax * 0.20 - 100000) * 0.50 Income is greater v than 1,00,000 Q.5.28 “xyz” company offers discount on : (1) If payment made within 10 days and amount is more than 10,000 then 3% discount (2) If amount is between 5000 + 10000 then 2% discount (3) If amount < 5000 then no discount. (4) If payment not within 10 days and customer is regular 1% discount. (5) If payment no within 10 days and customer is not regular no discount. Draw decisions tree and table for above case. (SPPU - Oct. 15, 8 Marks) Ans.: Decision Tree oe et < 5000 No discount Root, ——— Between 5000 & 10000 ————._ 2% discount Payment within \ / ‘coun 3% discount > 10, \ Regul J Regular — 1% discount \ amt not within 10 om Non-Regular — No discount Fig, 1-Q. 5.28 oes Decision table _. oe Pe Conditions o on payment = Decision Rule for | discount No | 1% | 2% | 3% Amount le less | than 500 50000 Amount between 5000 to 10000 Conditions on payment made Decision Rule for discount No | 1% | 2% | 3% Amount > 10000 and payment made within 10 days v Payment not within 10 days and customer is not| “ regular Payment within 10 days and customer is regular vi Q. 5.29 Sales tax is to paid by customers based on following conditions. (i) If customer is from Maharashtra and has sales tax exemption certificate then no tax to be paid by customer. (ii) If customer is from Maharashtra but does not have sale tax exemption Certificate then 8% sales tax is to be paid. (iii) If customer is out of Maharashtra 4% central sales tax is to be paid. Draw decision tree and decision table for above case. (SPPU - Oct. 15, 8 Marks) Ans, : Decision Tree Tax to paid Customer out of Maharashtra — Root O Have tax exemption No tax certificate Customer is from Maharashtra No tax ‘exemption 8% certificate Fig. 1-Q. 5.29 Decision table Condition | Decision for tax to paid No tax 4% tax | 8% tax Customer is out of Maharashtra state v Customer is from Maharashtra state and have v sales exemption certificate. : 7 Customer is from Maharashtra state and doesnot v have tax exemption certificate Q. 5.30 Consider a ‘Life Insurance Corporation’ system. Draw (1) Context level DFD (2) 1" level DFD (SPPU - April 16, 16 Marks) Ans. : (i) Context Level DFD Customer Details Registration fe insurance corporation Staff Details (ii) 1* Level DFD Customer Fills form registration Installment payment Gives money Installment Fig. 3-Q. 5.30 Fig. 4-Q. 5.30 @Q.5.31 Consider nationalized banking system which provides following facilities Opening new account, withdrawal, deposit along with this it should calculate interest for balanced amount on account, Account at should provide different reports to bank manager. (a) Identify all entities (b) Draw E-R diagram (c) Draw context level DFD. (SPPU - Oct. 15, 16 Marks) (a) Draw first level DFD. {(SPPU - April 13, 16 Marks) Ans. : (a) Entities in above case study are : Customer, Account, Bank, Bank_manager, staff Relationships, among entities are - One bank has many customer — One customer has many accounts. - One bank has one bank manager from many staff member. (b) E-R Diagram 4 o 2s a> f @la« GdD)-{ Sait }- Gare S Routt ‘Bank ‘Other account_type> managor| |_statt Cheon) Fig. 1-Q. 5.31 (c) Context Level DFD (d) 1 Level DFD Fills form, Customer Fig. 3-Q. 5.31 Transactions withdraw or deposits money ‘accept or give money Customer Fig. 4-Q. 5.31 Q.5.32 Consider Employee payroll system (@) Identify all entities — (b) Draw context level DFD. (4) Draw first level DFD. SPPI 16 Marks) Ans. : (a) Main entity in payroll system is employee. (b) Context Level DFD Fig. 1-Q. 5.32 (c) 1% Level DFD L000, Salary calculation ‘Compute and issue salary Employee Fig. 2-Q. 5.32 Q.5.33 Explain analysis and design tools in short. (4 Marks) Ans. : Analysis and design tools System analysis and design consists of various activities that helps to transform human readable requirements into actual code. System analysis is a responsibility of system analyst. System analyst makes use of various tools like DFD, DD, ERD ete. called as analysis tools. System design is done by designer by using layout and specification tools. These tools helps in saving time, increasing productivity and enhances documentation. Tools used In SDLC + Analysis tools Design tools Charting tools Dictionary Layout tools ‘Specification tools e.g. interview tools e.g. scriber e.g. cucumber questionnaire @.g. DFD, DD, ERD Fig. 1-Q. 5.33 Q.5.34 What is an attribute ? Explain types of attributes. (4 Marks) Ans. : Attribute - Typically an attribute is a specification or property using which we can describe an object or entity. Eg. An employee can be described by using his/her name, address, emp_id, contact no, class etc. so all of these are attributes of student. — An attribute is represented graphically using ellipse notation labelled with attribute name. Fig. 1-Q. 3.34 - There are various types of attributes are as follows : i) Required or optional attributes An attribute which can never be blank or must contain same value is called required attribute. — An attribute which can be left blank is called optional attribute. eg. consider entity employee with following attributes. Fig. 2-Q. 5.34 Here employee ID and Name are required attribute as they uniquely identifies employee. Address and contact_no can be blank so they are optional attributes. To define required attribute NOT NULL constraint is used. ii) Keys and Non-keys attributes An entity of a system must be uniquely identified for this purpose it must have key attribute. Key attribute can be primary key or composite key. Key attributes can be defined using integrity constraints in a database. Key attributes are denoted by ellipse labelled with key attribute name underlines. All other attributes which do not contribute to uniquely identify entity are called non-key attributes. Non-key attributes can contain redundant data. They are represented same as simple attribute. eg. consider an entity driver as follow : Fig. 3-0. 5.34 Here D_no and License_no are attributes which uniquely identifies attributes i.e. name address and contact_no are non key attributes. iii) Simple and composite attributes An attribute which contains unbreakable single values or whose values can be divided into multiple parts is called as simple attribute. An attribute whose value can be further divided into various parts with their own meanings is called as composite attribute. e.g. consider entity employee as follow : Here employee ID cannot be further divided so it is a simple attribute. Whereas employee name can be divided as first_name, last_name, middle_name and birth_date can be decomposed as date, month and year. Thus E_name and Birth date are composite attributes. iv) Single-valued and Multi-valued attributes v) An attribute which can have only one value is called as single valued attribute. An attribute which can have more than one values is called as multi-valued attribute. Multivalues attributes is denoted by double outlined ellipse labelled with attribute oe Gs) e.g. consider an entity actor as Fig. 5-Q. 5.34 Here A-id can have only one value which uniquely identifies an actor thus it is single values attribute. ‘An actor can have more than one contact_no i.e. contact_no can contain more than one values hence it is multivalued attribute. Derived attribute If values of an attribute is depends on some other attribute then it is called as derived attribute and an attribute using which derived attribute can be computed is called as an owner attribute of corresponding derived attribute. - Derived attribute is denoted by dashed outlined ellipse labelled with attribute name. E.g. consider entity person as, Fig. 6-0. 5.34 - Here age is derived attribute since value of age depends on attribute Birth_date or value of age can be computed using value of birth_date. - Thus birth date is owner of an attribute age. Q. 5.35 What is meant by relationship ? Explain relationship set. (2 Marks) Ans. : Relationship - When two or more entities are connected with each other by some means then there exist a relationship between these entities. - Relationship is graphically represented by a solid line. Relationship set The set of all relationships of same type is called as relationship set. Depending on degree of relationship relationships are categorized as follow : i) Unary relationship - The relationship in which instances of only one type of entities are involved is called as unary relationship. e.g. human being gives birth to another human being. Fig. 1-Q. 5.35 - Here only one type of entity (i.e. human being) is involved, in relationship thus it is unary relationship. li) Binary relationship - The relationship in which instances of two types of entities are involved is called binary relationship e.g. consider relationship as one driver drives many buses. Fig. 2-Q. 5.35 — Here two types of entities (ie. driver and bus) are involved in relationship. Thus it is a binary relationship. lil) Ternary relationship - The relationship in which instances of three types of entities are involved is called as ternary relationship e.g. consider relationships as One bank has many accounts and many customers. One customer has many accounts in many banks. - Here three types of entities are involved in relationship (i.e. bank, customer, account). Thus it is ternary relationship. Fig. 3-Q. 5.35 Q.5.36 What is key ? (2 Marks) Ans.: Key: Key is a unique characteristic of any entity i.e. an attribute or one or more attributes which uniquely identifies an entity is called key attribute. ‘Types of keys are as follow : i) Primary key - Primary is a column in database table which uniquely identifies tuple (row) in table. - These are mandatory values and no duplicates are allowed. eg. Roll_no is primary key of entity student. ii) Super key Super key is collection of one or more attributes which is used to identify instance of entity uniquely. - Duplicate values are allowed in super key. iii) Candidate key Candidate key is a super key without duplicate values. - Its also known as minimal super key. iv) Foreign key When key column of one table refers to the primary key column of another table then it is called as foreign key. Q. 5.37 What are advantages and disadvantages of E-R diagram ? Ans. : Advantages of ER-Diagram i) _E-R diagrams are very easy to learn and draw. ii) It gives graphical representation of process in a system which helps to understand the system process. (4 Marks) iii) Attributes used in E-R diagram helps to avoid or minimize redundancy in a data. iv) E-R diagrams can be easily converted into database tables as they are closely related to relational model. Disadvantages of E-R diagram i) They are not useful for low level design of a system. ii) It has limitations about constraints and Specifications of system. iii) ER diagrams cannot represent all types of relationships in a system. iv) Since it has limitations it results in loss of data in system design. Q.5.38 Draw E-R diagram for hospital management system. Ans. : Entities in hospital management system are : i) Doctor ii) Patient iii) iv) Rooms v) Test (4 Marks) Department vi) Lab Relationships between these entities are : i) Many doctors checks many patients ii) One department has many doctors iii) One department has many rooms iv) One room has many patients admitted in it. v) Patient can be in-patient or out-patient and it goes under many tests. vi) Many tests are carried out in one lab. E-R diagram for this system is, ae Inpatient | [Outpationt 1 => D&O EG Fig. 1-Q. 5.38 Q.5.39 Draw an E-R diagram for National Hockey League. (4 Marks) Pes in NHL (National Hockey League) are : @ Team (ii) Player (iii) Coach — Relationships are : i) Each team has one captain and many player- ii) Many players plays a many Hockey matches. iii) One coach trains to many players. - E-R diagram for above scenario is as follow : Fig. 1-Q. 5.39 Q.5.40 Draw an E-R diagram for university registrar office. (4 Marks) Ans. : - Entities in university registrar office are : (i) course (ii) student (ii) instructor — Relationships among these entities are : i) Many students enrolled for one course. ii) One instructor teaches to many students in many courses. iii) One course has many instructors associated with in - E-Rdiagram for university registrar is as follow : Fig. 1-Q. 5.40 Q.5.41 Construct an E-R diagram for a car i oe 9 insurance company. (4 Marks) Entities in car insurance company are : @) Car (ii) Agent (iii) Customer (iv) Policy Relationships in these entities are : i) One car has one policy or insurance. ii) One agent can handle many customers iii) One customer can have many cars. - E-R diagram for this is Date_of accident, Fig. 1-Q. 5.41 Q.5.42 Draw an E-R diagram for examination system. (4 Marks) Ans. : - Entities in examination system are : Gi) Course (ii) Subject (iii) Student (iv) Staff (v) Result - Relationships among these entities are : i) One course has many subjects ii) Many students enrolled for one course iii) Many staff members conducts exam of many students iv) One student gets one result - E-R diagram for this scenario is as follow : Fig. 1-Q. 5.42 @.5.43 Draw an E-R diagram for on-line book store. (4 Marks) Ans. : ~ Entities of online book store are : (i) Books (i) Authors (ii) Receipt (iv) Card payment system (v) Customer (vi) Transaction Relationships among them are : (i) One customer can buy many books (i) Many authors write many books (iii) One customer has many transactions (iv) One transaction has one receipt (v) Many receipts are handled by one card payment system. - E-R diagram for this scenario is as follow : Fig. 1-Q. 5.43 Q.5.44 Draw an E-R diagram for company. (4 Marks) Ans. : - Entities in company are : Gi) Department Gi) Project (iii) Employee (iv) Manager — Relationships in E-R diagram are as follow : (i) One department can handle many projects (ii) Many employees are associated with one project (iii) Many employees are monitored by one manager (iv) One department has many employees - _ E-R diagram for company is as follow (Monitored Fig. 1-Q. 5.44 Q.5.45 Draw an E-R diagram for college system. (4 Marks) Ans. : - Entities in a college system are : (i) Department (i) Student (iii) Staff (iv) Course - Relationships among these entities are : (i) One department offers many courses (i) One department has many staff members (ii) Many students enrolled for one course (iv) One department has many students (v) Many staff members belongs to many students. E-R diagram for college system is, Fig. 1-Q. 5.45 Q.5.46 What is decision making ? (2 Marks) Ans. : Decision making The process of making a correct choice by gathering data and assessing all available choices is called as decision making. Decision making is a step by step procedure which helps an organisation to make appropriate decision. Steps of decision making process are as follow : (i) Identify the decision (ii) Collect relevant information (iii) Determine all available choices (iv) Evaluate all choices to meet requirements (v) Select an appropriate option among all choices (vi) Take an action (vii)Review taken decision and its consequences. a5. Ans. AT petlabardie a write of romance novel. A movie company and Television (TV) signs with fim reee exclusive rights to one of his more popular novel. If he signs with prac pie he will receive a single lump sum of 9,00,000 ® but if he response to ene le company the amount he will receive depends on market 2,00,000/- Movie as small box office - 1,50,000 Medium Box Office - ,00,000/- and large box office ~ 3,50,000/- what he should do ? Draw a decision tree for this situation. (4 Marks) : Earning Signs with TV 9,00,000 Rs ‘network Root Small box 150000 Rs office Signs with movie Medium box 200000 Rs company NX office Large box 350000 Ris office Fig. 1-Q. 5.47 Q.5.48 On the occasion of Diwali an organization gives monetary awards to some of its staff members. To be eligible for this monetary award staff member must have worked for the company for as least eight months. Managers will get 5,000/- = and other staff member will get 3,500/- & for their 1™ Diwali with the company and 5,000/- < thereafter all the ‘staff members. Draw Decision tree for Ans. : this situation. (4 Marks) The decision tree for given situation is as follow : Timespan of ‘Type of Monetary staff member with ‘staff member award value ‘organization Greater than 1 year 5000 Manager —————— 5000 Root Greater than 8 node months and less than 1 ven Other 3500 Less than 8 months No award Fig. 1-0. 5.48 Q.5.49 Draw decision table for email login process. (4 Marks) Ans. : ee Expected output eoaaune Login successful | Error Invalid login Correct email and wrong password v Wrong email and wrong password v Wrong email and correct password v Correct email and correct password v Q.5.50 Draw decision table for process of borrow book from library. (4 Marks) Ans. : Se Actions Pontos Borrow book Do not borrow book User is registered no outstanding and v under borrow limit User is not registered v User is registered but has outstanding v fees User is registered, no outstandings but v not under the borrow limit Q.5.51 Draw DFD for online shopping process. (8 Marks) Ans. : Context level DED Data input Fig. 1-Q. 5.51 - Purchase item’s process — Make a payment process - Level 2: If user selects to pay by card. Fig. 5-Q. 5.51 Fig. 6-Q. 5.51 Q. 5.52 Draw DFD for food ordering system. (8 Marks) Ans. : Context level DFD Customer Supplier Fig. 1-Q. 5.52 - Level 1: Customer orders food. Order details Order delivery Customer Order Fig. 2-Q. 5.52 - Level 2: Customer makes payment. Pays bill amount Customer —_ Sil Fig. 3-Q. 5.52 - Level 1: Supplier supplies material. Gives required ‘material list ‘Ask for requirement Gives bill and material Fig. 4-Q. 5.52 Q.5.53 Draw DFD for college library system. (4 Marks) Fig. 1-Q. 5.53 - Level 1 : Registration process for library. Fig. 2-Q. 5.53 - Level 1: Book issue process. Fig. 3-Q. 5.53 - Level 1: Book returning process. Fig. 5-Q. 5.53 Q.5.54 Draw a DFD for Gym Management process. (6 Marks) Ans. : Context level DFD Details, feos Fig. 1-Q. 5.54 - Level 1: Customer registration process LEE Registration process Enrollment and fees receipt - Staff registration process Fig. 3-Q. 5.54 - Level 1: Staff salary generation. Works for Payment and salary slip Staff Salary slip Fig. 4-Q. 5.54 - Level 1: Customer updation. Updation process. Staff Fig. 6-Q. 5.54 ~ Level 1: Customer deletion process. Cancel admission sstom Fig. 7-Q. 5.54 Cu er - Staff deletion process. Staff Fig. 8-Q. 5.54 - Level 1: Customer fee payment. Customer Fees Fig. 9-0. 5.54 Q.5.55 Design input output screens for Gym management system. (8 Marks) Ans. : Registration form (UP design) Fig. 1-Q. 5.55 Customer reports Gold’s Gym Customer report Cust_id | Name | Gender | Address | Package | Fees Balance Total customers = Total outstandings = Q.5.56 DFD shows functions of system as well as flow of data takes place among these functions state true or false and justify. (2 Marks) Ans. : The given statement is True. Justification A Data Flow Diagram is a diagrammatic representation of all processing activities (functions) performed by system. DFD shows how components of system communicates with each other along with data exchanged between them to carry out specific functionality. Q.5.57 External entities may appear at all levels of DFD state true or false and justify. (2 Marks) Ans. : Given statement is false. Justification All the external entities which interact with the system should be represented only in context level DFD. Thus external entities should not appear at other levels of DFD. Ve aero ne GS) CET) Q.1 State different types of decision tables and explain any one. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.8) (2 Marks) Q.2 Explain elements of data dictionary. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.12) (4 Marks) Q3 Explain E-R Model. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.2) (4 Marks) Q.4 Write a short note on design guidelines. (for input/output forms). (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.17) (4 Marks) Q.5 Explain various components of E-R diagram. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.2) (4 Marks) Q.6 Whats data dictionary ? (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.11) (2 Marks) Q.7 Whatis pseudo code ? (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.14) (2 Marks) Q.8 Define decision table. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.7) (2 Marks) Q.9 — Whatis data dictionary ? (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.11) : (2 Marks) Q.10 Discuss the content of data dictionary. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.12) (4 Marks) Q.11 Explain various components of E-R diagram. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.2) (4 Marks) Q.12 Define entity with example. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.1) (2 Marks) Q.13 Write a short note on E-R Diagram. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.2) (4 Marks) Q.14 Define decision tree. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.6) (2 Marks) Explain data flow diagram in detail. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.9) (4 Marks) Define pseudo code. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.14) (2 Marks) Q.17 Define Recursive Relationship with diagram. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.3) (2 Marks) Q.18 Define decision table. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.7) (2 Marks) Q.19 What is data dictionary ? (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.11) (2 Marks) Q.20 Write a short note on pseudo code. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.14) (4 Marks) Q.21 What is interface ? Explain with example. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.15) (4 Marks) Q.22 Design an Input form for Employee Salary Slip with following details. Employee number, name and designation, Earning Basic, DA, HRA, TA) and deduction (PF, PT and others). Gross pay and net salary. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.19) (8 Marks) Q.23 Write a short note on E-R Diagram. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.2) (4 Marks) Q.24 Explain various symbols used by DFD. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.10) (2 Marks) Q.25 Explain four data capture methods in detail. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.24) (4 Marks) Q.26 Design an input screen for entering electric bill details of customer. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.26) (8 Marks) Q27 Consider nationalized banking system which provides following facilities Opening new account, withdrawal, deposit along with this it should calculate interest for balanced amount ‘on account, Account at should provide different reports to bank manager. (a) [Identify all entities (&) Draw ER diagram (©) Drawcontext level FD. (4)_—_—Draw first evel DFD. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.31) (16 Marks) Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q31 ‘What is pseudo code ? (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.14) Design output screen for performance report of salesman. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.20) Consider on “Airline Reservation System” Indentify all entities and draw. (2) Context level DFD (6) _—I“ level DFD for it (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.22) Name any two data capture methods. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.23) Q.32 0.34 What is an entity ? (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.1) Define the term data dictionary. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.11) Q.35 Q.36 Q.37 Q.38 Q39 Q.40 Define entity with example. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.1) ‘Write a short note on note data dictionary. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.11) Discuss the content of data dictionary. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.12) Give any two advantages of pseudo code. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.14) Design an input screen for entering electric bill details of customer. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.26) “xyz” company offers discount on : (1) If payment made within 10 days and amount is more than 10,000 then 3% discount (2) If amount is between 5000 + 10000 then 2% discount 3) [famount < 5000 then no discount. (4) Ifpayment not within 10 days and customer is regular 1% discount. (5) If payment no within 10 days and customer is not regular no discount. Draw decisions tree and table for above case. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.28) Sales tax is to paid by customers based on following conditions. (2 Marks) (8 Marks) (16 Marks) (2 Marks) (2 Marks) (2 Marks) (2 Marks) (4 Marks) (4 Marks) (2 Marks) (8 Marks) (8 Marks) (If customer is from Maharashtra and has sales tax exemption certificate then no tax to be paid by ‘customer. Gi) If customer is from Maharashtra but does not have sale tax exemption certificate then 8% sales tax is to be paid. (iii) If customer is out of Maharashtra 4% central sales tax is to be paid. Draw decision tree and decision table for above case. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.29) Consider nationalized banking system which provides following facilities (8 Marks) Opening new account, withdrawal, deposit along with this it should calculate interest for balanced amount on account, Account at should provide different reports to bank manager. (a) Identify all entities (b) Draw E-R diagram (©) Draw context level DFD. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.31) (16 Marks) Q.43 Consider Employee payroll system (a) Identify all entities (b) Draw context level DFD. (@) Draw first level DFD. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.32) (16 Marks) Q.44 Write a short note on note data dictionary. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.11) (4 Marks) Q.45 Explain elements of data dictionary. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.12) (4 Marks) Q.46 Define pseudo code. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.14) (2 Marks) Q.47 Design a screen layout for quotation entry. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.25) (8 Marks) Q.48 Draw a decision tree and table for the following case : If total income < 22,000 then no tax deducted If income is between 22,000 to 30,000 deduction is 20% of amount exceeds € 22,000 If total income exceeds 1,00,000 then tax is ¥ 27,600 + 50% of the amount that exceeds F 1,00,000. (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.27) (8 Marks) Q.49 Consider a ‘Life Insurance Corporation’ system. Draw (1) Context level DFD (2) 1" level DFD (Ans. : Refer Q. 5.30) (16 Marks) QaQ

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