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1. The fastest land dwelling creature is the Cheetah.

It is fact. This is because saintis has been doing the experiment.

2. Micheal Jordan has a career average of 30.4 points per game.

It is a fact. This is because his name were named on that game.

3. George Washington was the first President of the United States under the Consitution.
It is a facts. This is because in 1789, George Washington become the first person to hold the
office President of United States.

4. The ugliest sea creature is the manatee.

It is an opinion. This is because the sea is sweet looking, and cute creatures.

5. Micheal Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.

It is a fact. This is because in 1988, he is the greatest scorer the league has ever seen

6. There seems to be too much testing in public school.

It is an opinion. This is because in public school more having curriculum.

7. Prison is one of the worst places on the planet.

It is an opinion. This is because someone’s feeling that we can not be proof.

8. It is wrong for people under age of 21 to drink alcohol.

It is an opinion. This is because people can no said that it is no, because of their parents and
their lifestyle.

9. Sister Carrie was written by Theodore Dreiser.

It is a fact. This is because in 1900 having their own novel.

10. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King won elevem Oscars( academy awards)
It is a fact. This is because their own actors that Peter Jackson won all 11 Oscars.

11. Orange contain both calcium and vitamin C.

It is an opinion. This is because oranges are not only a great source of vitamin c, but they are
also contain other nutrients, including calcium, folic acid, magnesium vitamins B1 anda
having vitamin B6.

12. Richard Pryor is the funniest comedian of all time.

It is an opinion. This is because people who love his comedian, so they would said he is a
funniest person while people who do not love and not interested with his comedian, so they
would said that, he is just annoying person.

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