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DFAA Project

Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Spring Semester, 2021

Project Report
Roll No: Name:
Title: Arduino based Coin Sorting and Counting Machine

Coin Sorting and Counting Machine counts and sorts the coins in different sections with the help
of an Infrared sensor. In the design of the machine, an arrangement is made where IR sensors are
placed to sense different coins falling into thier respective slots, and Arduino UNO is used for
processing the data and showing the number of each type of coin on 16x2 LCD. Below is a image of
a general arduino based coin sorting machine.
DFAA Project
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Spring Semester2020-21

 Groundwork/Background - Done
 CAD Drawing - 1week
 Circuit Drwaing and Code - 1 week
 Project Report and further changes and inprovements if any - 1week


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