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iy WV IntegraTium Cliente: j /\' UNIVERSIDAD DE QUINTANA ROO. Ugroo, Cancin Sitio: Cancin, Quintana Roo. Memoria Técnica R&S, Ugroo Cancun. Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron to Fh os .UL102017 DOCUMENTO CONFDENCIAL Pag 630 gf Control de Versiones. ‘Creacion de | Ramon Gonzalez | Creacion de a2 eee documento Castillo, documento indice. reper eere rene i i Antecedentes. 4 ii —| Reauefinionas da Gents a [Alco oe Proyecto a v—t Bagremas f vi —{ bette 4 Wii —| Coniguaion de Equipo Roary Swiches de Acceso —|—a VLi.T-| Table Lstado de equpos contguados 5 Wi12-{ Admiistactn ovary swiches 5 Viz WoaNe 5 V2 Tala VANE nombre y segment. § W122 Series pasando pred 6 visor § VIS ena Excuses DHCP ¢ Wi —{ eanigarsiones 7 oa i= Taser ad a igeginsanne eine ae rae 0 os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL Pana 2630 gf |. Soporte por acceso remoto. En caso de alguna falla o inconveniente con la red de Ugroo Cancun, se anexa la siguiente informacion: El ingeniero encargado de dar el soporte, podré contactarse con: (Ver tabla 1) = = Tabla 1 En caso de que el Cliente cuente con péliza de soporte vigente, podra reportar fallas 0 inconvenientes con la red, en el horario de 9:00 am a 2:00 pm y de 4:00 pm a 7:00 pm de lunes a viemes, en el orden de ter y 2do nivel. En caso de incidencias, que se requeriran ser atendidos en horario fuera de lo sefialado, el Cliente podra contactar al teléfono de guardia 3er nivel. (Ver tabla 2). En caso de que el Cliente no cuente con péliza de soporte vigente, podré ponerse en contacto ‘con la Mesa de Servicios de Integratium, en el horario de 9:00 am a 2:00 pm y de 4:00 pm a 7:00 pm (ter. Nivel, de acuerdo a tabla 2), para que la solictud del servicio requerido, sea canalizado con las dreas adecuadas Te TT TE ter. | MngdeMesade | +52 (299)196- | (999)-271- | Servicio +144.Ext.1166 | 1090 mx ‘ao, | Serente de Servicios | +52 (999)196- | (999)-172- | de Ingenieria | 1144.Ext.1156_| 4290 x “+52 (999)196- | (999)-322- ger. | Campo | SPC | Tabla 2. Rasponeabi Eva Teena anon Goer Csi genepnegtum com ma (rie 12 Veron Fh to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL gna 3630 &> Il Antecedentes. La Universidad de Quintana Roo pone en funcionamiento su nuevo campus en la ciudad de CCancdin (Municipio Benito Juarez), un edificio construido especialmente para cubrir ja demanda ‘académica de dicha cludad. Ill Requerimientos del cliente. Contar con equipo activo de red para poder proporcionar el servicio de red inalambrica y telefonia al personal administrativo, docentes y alumnos de la Uqroo. IV Alcance del proyecto. ‘Suministro, instalacién y configuracion de 1 router y 8 switches marca cisco para realizar el Tuteo entre VLANs y la distribucion de las 8 VLANs solicitadas, V Diagramas ¥ x ee ee L> Imagen IV.1 Esquema logico yfisico de conectividad LAN de la Ugroo. VI Desarrollo VI.1 Configuracién de Equipo Router y Switches de Acceso, Se realiza la instalacién y configuracién de un router CISCO1941/K9 y 8 ‘Switches de la familia SG500 de Cisco SMB. Esta infraestructura es el medio para proveer el servicio de las distintas plataformas tecnoldgicas requeridas en la universidad. Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL pens, gf A continuacién, se presenta la tabla con los equipos configurados iy orn om Nomb Cisco | ciscous4i/k9_| Fic211413MC | _QROO-CUN-MDFPI-R1-R1_| MDFP1| Cisco | WS-C2960X-24TS-L | FCW2107818q | QROO-CUN-MDFP1-R1-Swi |MDFP1| _192.168.180.1 Cisco |SG500-52P-K9 ‘DNI211100xS | QROO-CUN-MDFPI-R1-SW2 | IDFP1 | Cisco |SG500-28° DNI20340FAX | QROO-CUN-IDFPB-R1-Sw3 | iDFPB | Cisco |SG500-52P-K9 DNI211100xF | QROO-CUN-IDFP2-R1-Sw4 | IDFP2 | isco |SG500-52P-K9 DNI211100xR | QROO-CUN-IDFP3-R1-SWS | IDFP3 | Cisco |SG500-28P-K9 ‘DNI20340FST | QROO-CUN-IDFP4-R1-SW6 | IDFP4 | 192.168.1807 Cisco _|$G500-52P-K9 DNI211100xU | QROO-CUN-IDFPS-R1-SW7 | IDEPS | Cisco | sG5000-28-49 | DNi20302cWN| QROO-cUN-IDFPB-R1-sw8 | IDFPB | 192.168.1809 Tabla VI.1.1 Listado de equipos configurados. Mo n Cen ee ciscoisai/K9__| ugroo |UGROO2017| Telnet WS.C2960x-24TS-L | 192.168.1801 | ugroo |UQROO2017| Telnet '5G500-52P-K9 | ugroo |UQROO2017 | https. ssh.telnet '$6500-28P-K9 | ugroo |UQROO2017 | https, ssh,telnet '$G500-52P-K9 192.168.1805 | ugroo |UQROO2017 | https, ssh,telnet 'SG500-52P-K9 | ugroo |UQROO2017 | https, ssh,telnet 'SG500-28P-K9 | ugroo |UQROO2017 | https. ssh,telnet '$G500-52P-K9 | uaroo |UQROO2017 | https, ssh,telnet '5G5000-28-k9 | ugroo |UQROO2017 | https, ssh,telnet Tabla VI.1.2 Administracion router y switches. Nota: se cre la ruta cero apuntando a la IP, como la IP_del equipo Fortinet el ‘cual proporcionara la salida hacia internet. V1.2 VLANs. A continuacién, se presenta la tabla de las VLANs creadas con su respectivo direccionamiento y default Gateway. La VLAN 212 es administrada por el fortinet dicha red es para la red de invitados. Bid Pen Ee er MDF ‘Sin Especificar 1_ | | MDF UQROO-ADMIN 100 | 192. 168.180.0724 | MDF UaROO-Voz 101 | 192,168.181.0/24 | MDF |" varoo-usuarios1 | 102 | 492.168.183.254 MOF | vaRoo-usuarios2 | 103 | | MOF | UaRoo-ALUMNos_wiFi | 200 || MOF | uaroo-bocentes wiri| 204 || _192.168.204.1 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea bara csitio7 | pocwewrocowmevca Pian 58090 L> MDF WOF aRoo-DiGiTAL_wiri_| 208 || uaRoo-INVITADOS wiFi| 212 || 192.168.2121 Tabla VI2.1 VLANs nombre y segmentos. El ruteo entre las distintas VLANs es realizado por el equipo CISCO1941/K9, y en la tabla de abaja se especifica el servicio que proporciona cada VLAN creada. ce NoEspecificado | 1 Router Cisco Telefonia 401 Router Cisco Datos 102 Router Cisco Datos 403 Router Cisco Inalambrico | 200 Router Cisco Inatambrico | 204 Router Cisco Inatambrico | 208 Router Cisco Inalambrico | 212 Fortinet Tabla VI.2.2 Servicios pasando por la red V1.3 DHCP. El servicio de DHCP de las VLANs quedo configurado en el router CISCO1941/K9, a continuacién, se presenta la tabla de como quedaron configuradas. CR eee 100 | E 1o1_| | 192.168,181.1 192. 168.181.50 102 | | 192.168,183.1 103 | | 200 | _192.168.200.1 E 204 | _192.168,204.1 - 208 | _192.168.208.1 : 212 | _| Solo de prueba, se debe de borrar. ‘Tabla V13.1 Exclusiones DHCP. Nota: El servicio de DHCP de VLAN UQROO-INVITADOS_WIFI es proporcionado por el equipo fortinet. Por cada pool de DHCP que proporciona servicio a las distintas VLANs al personal administrativo via cableado se excluyeron rangos de IPs para poder estar disponibles para dispositivos que requieran tener un direccionamiento estatico. Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘Pagna be. to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL = VII Configuraciones. QROO.CUN-MDFPT-R1-R1 (CISCO1941/K9) Building configuration. Current configuration : 3899 bytes 1 Last configuration change at 09:44:40 CENTRAL Fri Jun 30 2017 by integratium | -NVRAM config last updated at 09:44:37 CENTRAL Fri Jun 30 2017 by integratium r version 15.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec service password-encryption hostname QROO-CUN-MDFP1-R1-R1 i boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! no aaa new-model clock timezone MEXICO -6 0 clock summertime CENTRAL recurring 1 ‘Sun Feb 3:00 last Sun Oct 2:00 ' Ip dhop _excluded-address 4192.168.181.50 Ip dhop _excluded-address 492, 168.183.10 ip _dhep excluded-address 492, 168.184.10 ip dhop excluded.address 492,168. 180.50 192.168.1811 192,168.183.1 192.168.1841 ip dhop pool U@ROO-VOZ network default-router dns-server lease 5 Ip dhop pool UAROO-USUARIOS1 network 192, 168.183.0 default-router Uusemame integratium priviege 15 secret 5 '$1SK9AaS1PrjLoDWIhDisgSDWYVpXt Username ugroo privilege 15 secret 5 ‘$1ScbAISpOkQ6sROQddA1Fo |MOCK, ' redundancy ' interface Embedded-Service-Engined/0 no ip address shutdown ' interface Gigabit€thernet0/0 no Ip address. duplex auto speed auto interface Gigabit€thernet0/0.1 encapsulation dot1Q 1 native Ipaddress 192. 168. 182.254 255.255.2550 interface Gigabit€thernet0/0.100 description UQROO-ADMIN encapsulation dot1@ 100 ip address 255.255.2550 interface Gigabit€thernet0/0.101 description UGROO-VOZ encapsulation doti@ 101 ip address 255.255.2560 ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0.102 description UGROO-USUARIOS1 encapsulation dot1@ 102 Ip address 192.168. 183.254 255.255.2550 interface Gigabit€thernet0/0.103 description UQROO-USUARIOS2 encapsulation dot1Q 103 ip address 255.255.2550 interface Gigabitéthernet0/0.200 description UQROO-ALUMNOS_WIFI encapsulation dott@ 200 ipaddress interface GigabitEthernet0/0.204 description UGROO-DOCENTES_WIFI encapsulation dot1@ 204 Ip address Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘Pagna de. to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL = &L> dne-sever 86884222 lease 5 ip dhop pool UGROO-USUARIOS2 network 192. 168.184.0 default-router dns-server lease 5 ip dhop pool UQROO-ALUMNOS_WIF! network 192. 168.200.0 255.255.2520 default-router 192. 168.200.1 dns-server lease 05 ip dhcp pool UQROO-DOCENTES_WIFI network 192, 168.204.0 default-router 192. 168.204.1 dns-server lease 5 ! ip dhep pool UQROO- DIGITAL _WIFI network 192, 168.208.0 255.258.2520 default-router 192. 168.208.1 dns-server lease 05 ! Ip dhep pool UQROO-INVITADOS_WIFI network 192, 168.212.0 default-router 192. 168.212.1 dns-server lease 03 Ip chop pool UQROO-ADMIN network 192, 168.180.0 default-router 192. 168, 180.254 dns-server ' ! ipcet No ipv6 cet ‘mutilink bundle-name authenticated ' cs logging verbose license udi Fuc2114L3Mc. pid CISCO1941/K9 sn interface Gigabit€tnernet0/0.208 description UGROO-DIGITAL _WIFI encapsulation dott@ 208 ip address 192. 168.208.1 ! interface Gigabit€themet0/0.212 description UGROO-INVITADOS_WIFI encapsulation dot1@ 212 ip address interface Gigabitéthernet0/1 ‘no ip address shutdown duplex auto speed auto ' ip forward-protocol nd no ip http server no ip http seoure-server ip route name Fortinet ' ccontrol-plane 1 line con 0 login local line aux 0 line 2 ro activation-character no exec transport preferred none transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop Ludptn v120 ssh stopbits 1 line vty 04 login local transport input all ‘scheduler allocate 20000 1000 ntp master ' end QROO-CUN-MDFP1-R1-SW1 (WS-C2960X.24TS-L) Building configuration. Current configuration : 4454 bytes ! Last configuration change at 21:47:55 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 switchport acoess vian 101 switchport mode access. spanning-tree portfast Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘Pagna be. 0 os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL ‘ar ‘CENTRAL Thu Jun 29 2017 by integratium IINVRAM config last updated at 21:47:54 CENTRAL Thu Jun 29 2017 by integratium ' version 15.2 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec service password-encryption ! hostname QROO-CUN-MDFP1-R1-SW1 ' boot-start-marker boot-end-marker Username integratium privilege 15 secret 5 S1§IDGp$JQA/WITXAA7OJ.waA DY. Username uqroo privilege 18 secret 5 $1$haSWSMIS6)XMbxVOmzZICBGPspa0 no aaa new-model clock timezone MEXICO -6 0 clock summer-time CENTRAL recurring 1 Sun Feb 3:00 last Sun Oct 2:00 switch 1 provision ws-c2960x-24ts-1 i crypto pki trustpoint TP-selt-signed- 2034208640 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=I0$-SelfSigned-Certificate- 2034208640 ‘evocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-2034208640 ' crypto pki certificate chain TP-sel-signed- 2034208640 certificate self-signed 01 30820228 30820194 A0030201 02020101 30000609 24864886 F70D0101 05050030 31312F30 20060355 04031326 494F532D 63656C86 20536967 6E65642D 43657274 69666963 61746520 32303334 32303836 3430301E 170D3137 30363134 31333436, 3235517 0323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649 4F532053 65606620 5369676E 65642043 65727469 66696361 74652032 30333432 30383634 3030819F 30000609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 81800030 81890281 81009541 099590 1A ESEFODSD D26E1205 8FD95EC4 DESCEE38 51768BC9 AC101B2B Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3 description Fortinet_LAN switchport acoess vian 100 sswitchport mode access. spanning-tree portfast interface Gigabitéthernet1/0/4 description Fortinet _Invitados switchport acoess vian 212 switchport mode access: spanning-tree portfast interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5, interface GigabitEthernet1/016 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 arr Pieter oa cae ae ee ae interface Gigabit€thernet1/0/17 ‘switchport mode trunk interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18 description QROO-CUN-IDFP5-R1-SW7_ sswitchport mode trunk interface Gigabitethernet1/0/19 description QROO-CUN-IDFP4-R1-SW6 sswitchport mode trunk Interface Gigabitethernet1/0/20 description QROO-CUN-IDFP3-R1-SW5, sswitchport mode trunk Interface Gigabit€thenet1/0/21 description QROO-CUN-IDFP2-R1-SW4 sswitchport mode trunk Interface Gigabitéthernet1/0/22 description QROO-CUN-MDFP1-R1-SW2 switchport mode trunk Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘apna de. to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL = &L> FGESFAD! 6E16C604 11188373 7810E984 1A341D0D B4EESASC 3653F806 634E8D0C 61F 16747 71858EE5 FB425EB1 0C2E8571 BC5OAD38 FB692377 14D4797C DC213081 D1F28D56 75F9BB84 92048942 57ESECFB, S7BFOOEB A2A01CBO BE7099B8 DA1ESDOA 678F0203 010001A3 53305130 OF 060355, 10130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603 '551D2304 18301680 141AB6E8 EGDDBFO3 8087C831 750B890C 08F A533 DS301D06 (03551D0E 04160414 1ABGEBES DDBFO380 87083175 08890C08 FOAS33D5 30000609 2864886 F70D0101 05050003 81810073 147358DC 9FC62B99 27B9BD6C C615D460 OE7ECFC4 F8843595 8020BA86 512204D0 ED936C30 676ADBBB 6FC29E2D 51A0974D DADF84D5 9CE88484 00DA578D 470FC3FE 23ATB5CC 35240331 OBS30DAD 250AD175 ‘5FDFB035 FFA2701B EF75ECB8 4CE96C36 8D1F3C74 00070259 BBSZFF 18 B2EBE462 ‘104035206 1D1ABB3A 36801080 7F33AA ‘quit spanning-tree mode pyst spanning-tree extend system-id ' Vian internal allocation policy ascending interface FastEthernet0 no ip address interface Gigabit€thernet1/0/1 description Conmutador switchport access vian 101 switchport mode access. spanning-tree portfast interface Gigabitethemnet1/0/23, description QROO-CUN-IDFPB-R1-SW3 switchport mode trunk Interface GigabitEthernett/0/24 description Conexion_QROO-CUN-MDF-R1- RI switchport mode trunk interface Gigabitéthernet1/0/25 interface Gigabitéthernet1/0/26 interface Gigabit€thernett/0/27 interface Gigabitéthernet1/0/28 Interface Viant no ip address Interface Vian100 ‘address ip http server ip http seoure-server line con 0 login focal line vty 0.4 login focal line vty 8 15 login local lp server end QROO.CUN-MDFP1-R1-SW2 (SG500-52P-K9) config-fle-header QROO-CUN-MDFP1-R1-SW2 v1.4.2.47R800_NIK 1_4 194 194 interface gigabitetherett/1/27 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 cuvi.0 ino macro auto smartport Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘Paina ide 90 to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL = LD ‘Sel gystem mode awitch queues-mode 4 file SSD indicator enerypted @ ssd-control-start sed contig sd flle passphrase control unrestricted ro ssd file integrity control sssd-controlend cbOa3fdbtf3a1afse44300337 199680 Vian database vlan 100-103,200,204,208,212 exit voice vian oui-table add 000163, Siemens_AG_phone. voice vian oul-table add 00036 Cisco_phone voice vian ou-table add 000860 Avaya voice vian ourtable add 000fe2 H3C_Aoiynk. voice vian oul-table add 006059 Philips_and_NEC_AG_phone voice vian oui-table add 00d01e Pingtel_phone. voice vian oui-fable add 006075 Polycom/Veritel_phone__ voice vian oui-table add 002055 ‘3Com_phone. hostname QROO-GUN-MDFP1-R1-SW2 no passwords complexity enable passwords aging 0 Username ugroo password encrypted cedeaat56d753c91 70be7 2fbSa290fe46dd84015 privilege 15 Username integratium password encrypted 3¢70c50faa6224f1910e4c93a518084428d 15b04 privilege 15 ip ssh server ip telnet server Interface vian 100 name UQROO-ADMIN ip address 192.168. 180.2 no ip address dhop Interface vian 101 name UQROO-VOZ i interface vian 102 name UQROO-USUARIOSt Interface vian 103, name UQROO-USUARIOS2 ' interface vian 200 name UQROO-ALUMNOS_WIFI interface gigabitethernet 1/1/22 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/23, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/24 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/25 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/26 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/27 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/28 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet’/1/29 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/30 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet/1/31 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha = to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL = interface vian 204 name UQROO-DOCENTES_WIFI Interface vian 208 name UQROO-DIGITAL_WIFI ! Interface vian 212 name UQROO-INVITADOS_WIFI interface gigabitethernet1/1/1 description USUARIOS no spanning-tree portfast switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/2 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/3. description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/4 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/5, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/6 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/7 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport i interface gigabitethernet1/1/8 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/9 ‘no macro auto smariport interface gigabitethernet1/1/32 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/33, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/34 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/35, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/36 description USUARIOS1 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet’/1/37 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/38 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/39 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/40 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernett/1/41 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 Rosponaabie Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha Pee oes 0 os .UL102017 DOCUMENTO CONFDENCIAL aa ‘description USUARIOS? switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/10 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet/1/11 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/12, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/13, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/14 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/15 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/16 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/17 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport i interface gigabitethernet1/1/18 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/19 ‘switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/42 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/43, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/44 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/45 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/46 description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204, 208,212 ‘switchport trunk native vlan 100 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/47, description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204,208 212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 100 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/48 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 rho macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/49 ‘switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 103,200,204 208,212 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/50 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 403,200,204 208,212 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/51 ho macro auto smartport Rosponaabie Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha Pare aes 0 os .UL102017 DOCUMENTO CONFDENCIAL aa L> ‘description USUARIOS? switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/20, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport QROO-CUN-IDFPB-R1-SW3 (SG500-28P-K9) interface gigabitethernet1/1/52 rho macro auto smartport ! exit banner login °C. ‘QROO-CUN-MDFP1-R1-SWw2 "C banner exec *C. ‘QROO-CUN-MDFP1-R1-SW2 *C ip default-gateway config-fle-header (QROO-CUN-IDFPB-R1-SW3 v1.4.2.4/R800_NIK_1_4_194_194 cuivt.0 sel system mode switch queues-mode 4 file SSD indicator enerypted @ ssd-control-start sed contig sd file passphrase control unrestricted no sad file integrity contral sssd-controlend cbOadtdbtf3a1atse44300337 199680 Mian database Mian 100-103,200,204,208,212 exit voice vlan oui-table add 000123 Siemens_AG_phone voice vlan ourtable add 00036 Cisco_phone, voice vlan ourtable add 00096 Avaya voice vian ourtable add 000re2 H3C_Aolynk, voice vian out-table add 006089 Philips_and_NEC_AG_phone voice vlan oul-table add 00d01e Pingtel_phone. voice vian oui-table add 006075 Polycom/Veritel_phone__ voice vian oui-table add 0020 ‘3Com_phone. hostname QROO-GUN-IDFPE-R1-SW3 no passwords complexity enable passwords aging 0 sername uqroo password encrypted ce0eaatS6d753c91 70be7 2fb5a290fe46dd84015 privilege 15 Username integratium password encrypted 3¢7 0c50faa6224f19{004c93a518084428d 15b04 ‘switchport trunk allowed vian add 107 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/9 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/10 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernett/1/11 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet/1/12 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/13, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/14 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/15 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 privilege 15 no macro auto smartport Ip ssh server ! Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha Pare wean to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL = L> ip teinet server Interface vian 100 name UQROO-ADMIN ip address 192.168, 180.4 no ip address chop interface vian 101 name UQROO-VOZ ! Interface vian 102 name UQROO-USUARIOSt Interface vian 103, name UQROO-USUARIOS2 ' Interface vian 200 name UQROO-ALUMNOS_WIFI Interface vian 204 name UQROO-DOCENTES_WIFI ' interface vian 208 name UQROO-DIGITAL_WIFI Interface vian 212 name UQROO-INVITADOS._WIFI interface gigabitethernet1/1/1 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/2 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/3 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/4 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport i interface gigabitethernet1/1/5. description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitetherneti/1/16 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/17 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/18 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/19 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/20, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/21 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet’/1/22 description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204,208 212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 100 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/23, description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204, 208,212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 100 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/24 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/25 switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- ! 403,200,204,208,212 Rosponaabie Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha Pace ea 0 os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL aa L> interface gigabitetherneti/1/6 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/7 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/8 description USUARIOS1 ‘no macro auto smariport interface gigabitethernet1/1/26 switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 103,200,204,208,212 no macro auto smartport exit banner login °C. ‘QROO-CUN-IDFPB-R1-SW3 *C banner exec *C QROO-CUN-IDFPB-R1-SW3 nC Ip default-gateway QROO.CUN-IDFP2-R1-SW4 (SG500-52P-K9) cconfig-fle-header QROO-CUN-IDFP2-R1-SW4 v1.4.2.47R800_NIK 1_4_194_194 cuvi.0 set system mode switch queues-mode 4 file SSD indicator enerypted @ ssd-controlstart sd contig sd file passphrase control unrestricted no sad file integrity contral sssd-controlend cbOadtdbtf3a1atse44300337 199680 Vian database Mian 100-103,200,204,208,212 exit voice vlan oui-table add 000123 Siemens_AG_phone. voice vian ourtable add 00036 Cisco_phone, voice vlan oul Avaya voice vian ourtable add 000re2 H3C_Aolynk, voice vlan oul Table add 00096 “able add 006069 Philips_and_NEC_AG_phone voice vlan oui-table add 00d0te Pingte!_phone. voice vian oul-table add 006075 Polycom/Vertel_phone__ voice vlan oui-table add 00e0bb ‘3Com_phone. hostname QROO-GUNJDFPZR1-SW4 ‘no passwords complexity enable passwords aging 0 sername uqroo password encrypted ce0eaatS6d753c91 70be7 2fb5a290fed6dd84015 privilege 15 sername integratium password ener 3¢70c50faa6224f19{064c93.a518084428d 15b04 ‘switchport trunk native vian 102 ‘no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/21 description USUARIOS 1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/22 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/23, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/24 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/25, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/26 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/27 description USUARIOS1 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha = 0 os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL aa L> privilege 15 Ip ssh server ip telnet server i Interface vian 100 name UQROO-ADMIN ip address 192.168, 180.5 no ip address chop interface vian 101 name UQROO-VOZ ! Interface vian 102 name UQROO-USUARIOSt Interface vian 103 name UQROO-USUARIOS2 interface vian 200 name UGROO-ALUMNOS, WIFI Interface vian 204 name UQROO-DOCENTES_WIFI ' Interface vian 208 name UQROO-DIGITAL_WIFI interface vlan 212 name UQROO-INVITADOS._WIFI ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/1 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/2 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/3 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport i interface gigabitethernet1/1/4 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport i interface gigabitethernet1/1/5. description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 ho macro auto smartport ‘no macro auto smariport interface gigabitethernet1/1/28 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/29 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/30, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernett/1/31 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/32 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/33, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/34 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/35 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/36 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet’/1/37 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha Pare rea 0 os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL aa interface gigabitethernet1/1/6 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/7 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/8. description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/9 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/10 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/11 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/12, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/13 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/14 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 description WIFI switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/15 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 200,204, 208,212 description WIFI ‘no macro auto smariport interface gigabitethernet1/1/38 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/39 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/40 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/41 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/42 description USUARIOS1 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 rho macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/43 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet/1/44 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/45 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/46 switchport trunk allowed vian add ‘switchport trunk native vlan 100 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/47 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha = 0 os .UL102017 DOCUMENTO CONFDENCIAL aa ho macro auto smariport interface gigabitethernet1/1/16 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/17 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/18 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/19 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/20, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘Switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204, 208,212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 100 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/48 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/49 ‘switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 403,200,204 208,212 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/50 switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 103,200,204,208,212 no macro auto smartport ! exit banner login *C ‘QROO-CUN-IDFP2-R1-SW4 nC. banner exec *C ‘QROO-CUN-IDFP2-R1-SW4 * ip default-gateway QROO.CUN-IDFP3-R1-SW5 (SG500-52P-K9) config-fle-header QROO-CUN-IDFP3-R1-SW5 v1.4.2.47R800_NIK 14 194 194 cuvi.0 set system mode switch queues-mode 4 file SSD indicator enerypted @ ssd-controlstart sssd contig ssd file passphrase control unrestricted ro ssd file integrity control ssd-controbend cbOa3fdbtf3a1afse44300337 199680 Vian database vlan 100-103,200,204,208,212 exit voice vian oui-table add 000123 Siemens_AG_phone. voice vian ou-table add 00036 Cisco_phone voice vlan oul Avaya voice vian ourtable add 000Te2 H3C_Aolynk. voice vian oul-table add 006059 Table add 000960 interface gigabitethereti/1/21 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/22 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/23, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/24 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/25, description USUARIOS2 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 Rosponaabie Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fecha Pare wea 0 os .UL102017 DOCUMENTO CONFDENCIAL aa L> Philips_and_NEC_AG_phone voice vian oul-table add 00d01e Pingtel_phone. voice vian oul-table add 006075 Polycom/Vertel_phone__ voice vlan oui-table add 00e0bb ‘3Com_phone. hostname QROO-GUNADFPS-R1-SW5 no passwords complexity enable passwords aging 0 sername uqroo password encrypted ce0eaatS6d753c91 70be7 2fb5a290fe46dd84015 privilege 15 Username integratium password encrypted 3¢70c50faa6224ff91004c93a518084428d 15b04 privilege 15 Ip ssh server ip telnet server interface vian 100 name UQROO-ADMIN ip address 192.168, 180.6 no ip address dhop Interface vian 101 name UQROO-VOZ ! Interface vian 102 name UQROO-USUARIOSt Interface vian 103, name UQROO-USUARIOS2 i interface vian 200 name UQROO-ALUMNOS_WIFI Interface vian 204 name UQROO-DOCENTES_WIFI ' interface vian 208 name UQROO-DIGITAL_WIFI Interface vian 212 name UQROO-INVITADOS_WIFI interface gigabitethernet1/1/1 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/2 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/3 description USUARIOS2 ‘no macro auto smariport interface gigabitethernet1/1/26 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/27, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/28 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/29 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/30 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/31 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/32 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/33, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/34 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/35, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘Paina de 30 0 os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL aa ‘switchport trunk allowed vian add 107 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/4 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/5, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/6 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/7 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/8 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/9 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/10, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/11 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport i interface gigabitethernet1/1/12 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/13, ‘no macro auto smariport interface gigabitethernet1/1/36 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/37 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/38 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport 1 interface gigabitethernet1/1/39 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/40 description USUARIOS2 ‘switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernett/1/41 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet’/1/42 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/43, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/44 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/45 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 espera Tere anon near Casi Aenean con me (0 tt 152 aa rae Pia 90 io es 04103017 DOCUMENTO CONFIDENCIAL a L> ‘description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/14 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/15 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/16 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/17 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/18 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/19 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/20, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/46 description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204,208,212 ‘switchport trunk native vlan 100 rho macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/47 description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204, 208,212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 100 no macro auto smartport 1 interface gigabitethernet1/1/48 description USUARIOS2 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/49 switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 103,200,204,208,212 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/50 ‘switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 403,200,204 208,212 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernett/1/51 ‘no macro auto smartport 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/1/52 ‘no macro auto smartport exit banner login °C. ‘QROO-CUN-IDFP3-R1-SW5 "C banner exec *C ‘QROO-CUN-IDFP3-R1-SW5 nC. Ip default-gateway QROO.CUN-IDFP4-R1-SW6 (SG500-28P-K9) config-fle-header QROO-CUN-IDFP4-R1-SWS v1.4.2.47 R800_NIK 1_4_194_ 194 cuvi.o sel system mode switch queues-mode 4 file SSD indicator enerypted ‘description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ! Interface gigabitethernett/1/9 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 @ no macro auto smartport ssd-control-start ! sssd config interface gigabitethernet1/1/10 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea rE lire gna 2 de 30 to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL L> ‘sed file passphrase control unrestricted ro ssd file integrity control ssd-controbend cbOa3{dbtf3a1afde44300337 199680 Vian database vlan 100-103,200,204,208,212 exit voice vian oui-table add 000123 Siemens_AG_phone. voice vian ou-table add 00036 Cisco_phone voice vlan oul Avaya voice vian ourtable add 000Te2 H3C_Aolynk. voice vian oul-table add 006059 Philips_and_NEC_AG_phone Table add 000960 voice vian oui-table add 00d01e Pingtel_phone. voice vian oui-fable add 006075 Polycomn/erltel_phone__ voice vian oui-table add 00205) ‘3Com_phone. hostname QROO-CUN-IDFP4-R1-SW6 no passwords complexity enable passwords aging 0 sername ugroo password encrypted cedeaats6d753c9170be7 2fb5a290fe46dd84015 privilege 15 sername integratium password encrypted 3¢70c50faa6224*f910e4c93a518084428d 15b04 privilege 15 ip ssh server Ip telnet server Interface vian 100 name UQROO-ADMIN ip address 192.168, 180.7 no ip address dhep ' interface vian 101 name UQROO-VOZ interface vlan 102 name UQROO-USUARIOS1 interface vian 103 name UQROO-USUARIOS2 Interface vian 200 name UQROO-ALUMNOS_WIFI i interface vian 204 name UQROO-DOCENTES_WIFI Interface vian 208 name UQROO-DIGITAL_WIFI ‘description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/11 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/12 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport 1 interface gigabitethernet1/1/13, description USUARIOS2 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/14 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/15 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/16 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/17 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/18 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/19 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport espera Eva Tere anon near Casi Aenean con me (0 tt 152 aa rae Pia 7 90 io es 04103017 DOCUMENTO CONFIDENCIAL a LD Interface vian 212 name UQROO-INVITADOS_WIFI ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/1 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/2 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/3 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/4 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/5. description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/6 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/7 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport sswitchpor trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/20, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/21 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/22 description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204, 208,212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 100 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/23 description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vian add 200,204,208 212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 100 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/24 description USUARIOS2 ‘switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/25 switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 103,200,204 208,212 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/26 switchport trunk allowed vian add 100- 103,200,204,208,212 no macro auto smartport exit banner login °C QROO-CUN-IDFP4-R1-SW6 * banner exec %C ‘QROO-CUN-IDFP4-R1-SW6 nC Ip default-gateway QROO.CUN-IDFPS-R1-SW7 (SG500-52P-K9) ‘config-fle-header QROO-CUN-IDFPS-R1-SW7 v1.4.2.4/R800_NIK 14 194 194 cuvi.0 set system mode switch queues-mode 4 T interface gigabitethernet1/1/21 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 ‘no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/22 espera Eva Tere anon near Casi Aenean con me (0 tt 152 aa rae Pia 2 90 io es 04103017 DOCUMENTO CONFIDENCIAL a L> Tie SSD indicator encrypted @ ssd-controlstart sed contig sssdflle passphrase control unrestricted ro ssd file integrity control sssd-controlend cbOa3fdbtf3a1afse44300337 199680 Vian database vlan 100-103,200,204,208,212 exit voice vlan oultable add (000163 Siemens_AG_phone. voice vlan outable add 00036 Cisco_phone voice vienourlable add 000966 Avaya voice vlan ourtable add 000f2 H3C_Aolynk. voice vien _ourlable add -0060b9 Philips_and_NEC_AG_phone voice vlan ouitable add O0d01e Pingtel_phone. voice vlan curable add 008075 Polycom/Veritel_phone__ voice vlan ouitable add 0e0bb ‘3Com_phone, hostname QROO-CUN-IDFPS-R1-SW7 no passwords complexity enable passwords aging 0 sername —ugroo password encrypted cedeaat56d753c9170be72fb5a290fe46dd84015 privilege 15 Username integratium password encrypted 3¢70c50faa6224ff9/0e4c93a518084428d 15b04 privilege 15 ip ssh server ip telnet server Interface vian 100 name UQROO-ADMIN ip address 192.168, 180.8 no ip address dhop interface vian 101 name UQROO-VOZ i interface vian 102 name UQROO-USUARIOSt interface vian 103 name UQROO-USUARIOS2 Interface vian 200 name UQROO-ALUMNOS_WIFI ' interface vian 204 ‘description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/23, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/24 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport 1 interface gigabitethernet1/1/25 description USUARIOS2 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/26 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/27 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/1/28 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/29, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 rho macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/30 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernett/1/31 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport espera Eva Tere anon near Casi Aenean con me (0 tt 152 aa rae Pia 2 90 io es 04103017 DOCUMENTO CONFIDENCIAL a Lp? ame UQROO-DOCENTES_WIFI interface vlan 208 name UGROO-DIGITAL, WIFI Interface vian 212 name UQROO-INVITADOS._WIFI ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/1 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/2 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/3 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/4 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/5. description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/6 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/7 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport i interface gigabitethernet1/1/8 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/9 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 Interface gigabitetherneti/1/32 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/33, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/34 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/35, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vlan 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/36 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/37 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport 1 interface gigabitethernet1/1/38 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/39 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/40 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/41 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 103 rho macro auto smartport Rosponaabie Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘Paina do 30 0 os .UL102017 DOCUMENTO CONFDENCIAL aa ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/10 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/11 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/12, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/13, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/14 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/15 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/16 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/17 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/18 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/19 description USUARIOS2 interface gigabitethernet/1/42 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/43 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/44 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 rho macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/45, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101,200,204,208,212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/46 description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vlan add 200,204, 208,212 ‘switchport trunk native vlan 100 rho macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet’/1/47 description WIFI switchport trunk allowed vlan add 200,204,208, 212 ‘switchport trunk native vian 100 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/48 description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/49 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100- 103,200,204,208,212 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/50 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100- 403,200,204 208,212 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet/1/51 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/52 espera Tere anon near Casi Aenean con me (0 tt 152 aa rae Pia 30 io es 04103017 DOCUMENTO CONFIDENCIAL a ‘switchport trunk allowed vian add 107 sswitchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ' Interface gigabitethernet1/1/20, description USUARIOS2 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 103 no macro auto smartport ‘no macro auto smariport exit banner login *C ‘QROO-CUN-IDFPS-R1-SW7 "C banner exec *C ‘QROO-CUN-IDFPS-R1-SW7 *C ip default-gateway QROO.CUN-IDFP-R1-SW8 (SG5000-28-K9) ‘config-fle-header QROO-CUN-IDFPB-R1-SW8 v1.3.0.62/ R750_NIK_1_3_647_260 cuivi.o set system mode switch queues-mode 4 file SSD indicator enerypted @ ssd-controlstart sssd config sed fle passphrase control unrestricted 1 ssd file integrity control sssd-controlend cbOa3fdbtf3a1afse44300337 199680, Vian database vlan 100-103,200,204,208,212 exit voice vlan oultable add (000163 Siemens_AG_phone. voice vlan ouable add -—-00036b Cisco_phone voice vlan ourlable add «000966 Avaya voice vlan ourtable add 000fe2 H3C_Aolynk. voice vin ourlable add 00609 Philips_and_NEC_AG_phone voice vlan oultable add O0d0 te Pingtel_phone, voice vlan curable add 008075 Polycom/Veritel_phone__ voice vlan ouktable add 00e0bb ‘3Com_phone. hostname QROO-CUN-IDFPE-R1-SW8 no passwords complexity enable passwords aging 0 Username integratium password encrypted 3¢70c50faa6224f19{0e4c93a518084428d 15b04 privilege 15 Username _ugroo password encrypted ce0eaat56d753c9170be72fb5a290fe46dd84015 privilege 15 ‘description USUARIOS? sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/9 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 ‘no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/10 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernett/1/11 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/12 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/13, description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! Interface gigabitethernet1/1/14 description USUARIOS 1 sswitchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet1/1/15 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘Paina do 30 0 os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL aa L> ip ssh server ip telnet server Interface vian 100 name UQROO-ADMIN ip address 192.168, 180.9 no ip address dhop ! Interface vian 101 name UQROO-VOZ interface vian 102 name UQROO-USUARIOSt ! Interface vian 103 name UQROO-USUARIOS2 Interface vian 200 name UQROO-ALUMNOS_ WIFI ' interface vian 204 name UQROO-DOCENTES._WIFI Interface vian 208 name UQROO-DIGITAL_WIFI ! Interface vian 212 name UQROO-INVITADOS_WIFI interface gigabitethernet1/1/1 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/2 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ' interface gigabitethernet1/1/3. description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/4 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/5. description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ‘switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/16 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 rho macro auto smartport 1 Interface gigabitethernet 1/1/17 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/18 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/19 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/20 description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet/1/21 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport ! interface gigabitethernet 1/1/22 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vian 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet 1/1/23, description USUARIOS switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 no macro auto smartport Interface gigabitethernet1/1/24 description USUARIOS1 switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 switchport trunk native vlan 102 no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/25 Switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100- Rosponaabie Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh ‘Paina ode 39 0 os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL aa &> T 703,200,204 208,272 Interface gigabitethernet1/1/6 no macro auto smartport description USUARIOS1 ! switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 interface gigabitethernet1/1/26 sswitchport trunk native vian 102 switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100- no macro auto smartport 103,200,204,208,212 i no macro auto smartport interface gigabitethernet1/1/7 ! description USUARIOS exit switchport trunk allowed vian add 101 banner login *C sswitchport trunk native vian 102 ‘QROO-CUN-IDFP-R1-SW8 no macro auto smartport nC ! Ip default-gateway interface gigabitethernet1/1/8 Rosponaabie Ea Teo! Rann Garza Castl. gleneintgum con me (co tea Veron Fh to os .UL102017 ‘DOCUMENT CONFIDENCIAL Pine 30

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