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Branding is Why
Why do we exist ?
Why should people care?
Why are we different?

Marketing is How
How do we make progress ?
How do we measure things ?
How do we get results ?

Branding is Long Term
What is the company vision ?
What can we disrupt in our industry ?
What long term impact will we make ?

Marketing is Short Term

What will bring immediate results ?
What will get our message heard ?
What tools will we use to do it ?

Branding is Macro
What are our beliefs ?
What is our culture ?
What is our voice ?

Marketing is Micro
What strategy will we use ?
How will that help us acquire customers?
Who will do what in this project?

Branding defines trajectory
Where are we going ?
Why are we trying to go there ?
What is the intention of our goal?

Marketing defines tactics

What is a measurable goal ?
What are our deadlines ?
What is the size of our budget ?

Branding builds loyalty
Why will people connect with our brand ?
What can we do to delight customers ?
What will make them feel inspired ?

Marketing builds response

How can we get more clicks ?
How can we get a greater open rate ?
How can we generate leads ?

Branding creates value
Who are we speaking to?
What value can we give ?
What impact will it make ?

Marketing extracts value

How many people responded?
How do we increase engagement?
How will this data help us?

Branding is the being
What is our personality ?
What is our purpose ?
Who are we here to serve ?

Marketing is the doing

What are the actionable steps ?
How long will this project take ?
Who is going to drive the project ?

This is where
Magic happens

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