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Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci sequence was first found by
an Italian named Leonardo Pisano Bogollo
(Fibonacci). Fibonacci numbers are a
sequence of whole numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
13, 21, 34, ... This infinite sequence is called
the Fibonacci sequence. Here each term is
the sum of the two preceding ones, starting
from 0 and 1. This has been termed "nature's
secret code".

We can spot the Fibonacci sequence in the

spiral patterns of sunflowers, daisies,
broccoli, cauliflowers, and seashells. Let us
learn more about it and its interesting

What is Fibonacci
The Fibonacci sequence
sequence, in simple terms,
says that every number in the Fibonacci
sequence is the sum of two numbers
preceding it in the sequence. The first 20
Fibonacci numbers are given as follows:

F0 = 0 F10 = 55

F1 = 1 F11 = 89

F2 = 1 F12 = 144

F3 = 2 F13 = 233

F4 = 3 F14 = 377

F5 = 5 F15 = 610

F6 = 8 F16 = 987

F7 = 13 F17 = 1597

F8 = 21 F18 = 2584

F9 = 34 F19 = 4181

Fibonacci Spiral
The Fibonacci sequence is represented as
the spiral shown below. The spiral
represents the pattern of the Fibonacci
numbers. This spiral starts with a rectangle
whose length and width form the golden
ratio(≈1.618). This rectangle is partitioned
into two squares. Then the squares are
further partitioned. Connecting the corners
of the boxes, the spiral is drawn inside these
squares. The larger the numbers in the
Fibonacci sequence, the ratio becomes
closer to the golden ratio.

The puzzle of rabbits explains the wonder

behind this Fibonacci sequence.

Two newborn rabbits are left in the field.

They are still one pair at the end of the
first month.
They mate and produce a new pair, so
there are 2 pairs in the field, at the end of
the second month.
The first pair produces the second pair,
but the second pair is left without
breeding, so 3 pairs in all at the end of
the third month.
The original pair produces another pair,
the second pair produces their first pair
and the third pair remains without
breeding, making 5 pairs.
The sequence continues in this pattern

and at the end of the nth month, the

number of rabbits in the field is equal to
the sum of the number of mature pairs

(n-2)th month and the number of pairs

alive last month(n-1)th month. This

happens to be the nth Fibonacci number.

Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci sequence formula for “Fn” is
defined using the recursive formula by
setting F0 = 0, F1= 1, and using the formula
below to find Fn. The Fibonacci formula is
given as follows.

Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2, where n > 1

Note that F0 is termed as the first term here

(but NOT F1).

Fibonacci Sequence
The interesting properties of the Fibonacci
sequence are as follows:

1) Fibonacci numbers are related to the

golden ratio. Any Fibonacci number can be

calculated using the golden ratio, Fn =(Φn -

(1-Φ)n)/√5, Here φ is the golden ratio and Φ ≈


To find the 7th term, we apply F7 =

[(1.618034)7 - (1-1.618034)7] / √5 = 13

2) The ratio of successive Fibonacci

numbers is called the "golden ratio". Let A
and B be the two consecutive numbers in the
Fibonacci sequence. Then B/A converges to
the Golden ratio. to find any term in the
Fibonacci sequence, we could apply the
above-said formula.


2 3 1.5

3 5 1.6

5 8 1.6

8 13 1.625

144 233

233 377

Just by multiplying the previous Fibonacci

Number by the golden ratio (1.618034), we
get the approximated Fibonacci number. For
example, 13 is a number in the sequence,
and 13 × 1.618034... = 21.034442. This gives
the next Fibonacci number 21 after 13 in the

2) Every nth number is a multiple of n.

Observe the sequence to find another
interesting pattern. Every 3rd number in the
sequence is a multiple of 2. Every 4th
number in the sequence is a multiple of 3
and every 5th number is a multiple of 5.

3) The Fibonacci sequence works below

zero too. We write F-n = (-1)n+1 Fn. For

example, F-4 = (-1)5 . F4 = (-1) 3 = -3.

4) The sum of n terms of Fibonacci

Sequence is given by Σi=0n Fi = Fn+2 - F2

(or) Fn+2 - 1, where Fn is the nth Fibonacci

number. (Note: the first term starts from F0)

For example, the sum of first 10 terms of

sequence = 12th term - 1 = 89 - 1 = 88. It can

be mathematically written as Σi=09 Fi = F11 -

1 = 89 - 1 = 88.

Applications of Fibonacci
The Fibonacci sequence can be found in a
varied number of fields from nature, to
music, and to the human body.

used in the grouping of numbers and the

brilliant proportion in music generally.
used in Coding (computer algorithms,
interconnecting parallel, and distributed
in numerous fields of science including
high energy physical science, quantum
mechanics, Cryptography, etc.

You can use the Fibonacci calculator that

helps to calculate the Fibonacci Sequence.
Look at a few solved examples to
understand the Fibonacci formula better.

☛ Also Check:

Sequence and Series

Arithmetic Sequence Formula
Geometric Sequence Formulas
math program

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Examples of Fibonacci

Example 1: Find the 12th term of the

Fibonacci sequence if the 10th and

11th terms are 34 and 55



Using the Fibonacci Sequence

recursive formula, we can say that

the 12th term is the sum of 10th term

and 11th term.

12th term = 10th term + 11th term

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Practice Questions on
Fibonacci Sequence

Q 1.

If φ is the golden ratio = 1.618, and  

F15 is 610, what is F16  in the
Fibonacci sequence?

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FAQs on Fibonacci

What is the Definition of Fibonacci


What is Fibonacci Sequence Formula

in Math?

What is The Fibonacci Sequence in


What Are the Applications of

Fibonacci Sequence Formula?

What is the Recursive Formula for the

Fibonacci Sequence?

What is the Formula for the nth Term

of The Fibonacci Sequence?

How Do You Find the Sum of The

Fibonacci Sequence of n Terms?

Why is Fibonacci Sequence

Important? 1

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