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Today information and communication technology (TIC); come playing a central role in our societies,

there is little that has been studied about the transformations and consequences that its adoption has

induced on the mode of exploitation and use of natural resources. We live on a digitized planet, the

evolution of the digital world has accelerated to the point that today we all use technological terms. For

this reason, it is appropriate to know that technology is that set of instruments used by man in a certain

field of human activity. It is no secret to anyone that technology has stabilized and is given more value to

adolescents since they are the ones who take 100% advantage of it, not only in the field of

communication or traditional video games but also in the of high school or university education.

If we talk about video games we can see that nowadays the term “NFT Gaming” is heard a lot, which is

nothing more than a way to find a little more money, in this case the majority of users of these games

are teenagers.

Finally, the first step is to understand the current situation in the use and exploitation of TIC and the

actions to promote the use of said technologies.

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