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McLarens Young International


PT McLarens Indonesia J
Our Ref: JKT501232 «ABIID» T
Your Ref: Not advised ja
Date: 15 April 2008


To: PT. Asuransi Allianz Indonesia

Attention: Mr. Wiyono Sutioso
Fax Number: +62(0)21 522 0682
Sender: Andi Iljas
Insured: PT. Jakarta Steel Mega Utama
Situation of Claim: Jl. Raya Bekasi Kav. 21-22 Bekasi West Java
Topic: Flood Claims, d.o.l : 2 February 2007
No of Pages: 1 only

We refer to our Second Report date 7 August 2007 and our recent correspondences
regarding this claim.
We noted that the Insured had reinstated the damage to their steel-making plant,
however, despite our written and numerous telephone call reminders to the Insured, up
to date there is no claim document has been sent by the Insured to enable us proceed
with this claim further. As the time had elapsed more than one year since the date of
loss, please kindly advise as how you wish us to proceed with this claim further.
We also experienced the same problem on other cases where the Insured had not
responded to our document requisition;
1. JKT 501058; Damage to overhead travelling crane - electric motor shorted, date of
loss 13 December 2006
2. JKT 501072; Damage to furnace EBT swing, date of loss 10 December 2006
3. JKT 501073; Damage to laddle pot Interstop valve, date of loss 11 December 2006
None of required claim supporting document has been sent by the Insured to us. We
have written separate facsimile reminders to the Insured, and have not been replied up
to present.
Please kindly advise your further instruction regarding above cases.
Thank you for your kind attention.
PT McLarens Indonesia
Andi B. Iljas

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